Posts Tagged ‘Recruitment’

Integrate - Creating Meaningful Communication Processes

Integrate — Creating Meaningful Communication Processes

Integrate — Creating Meaningful Communication Processes

The first question most management teams have after creating a new Mission, Vision and Values statement (MVV) for an organization is: What do we do with it? Integrating into all aspects of your HR processes is paramount to the success of your MVV. The heart of these processes typically lies within the communication processes and employee relations materials of the organization. Since HR typically controls this function, it becomes that much easier for them to communicate the MVV statement effectively.

There are countless avenues to share and ingrain your MVVs within your organization, as well as clients and customers. These can include but are not limited to:

  • Your organization’s newsletter
  • Your organization’s website
  • Brochures in the front lobby as a takeaway for visitors
  • Postings in employee break and meeting rooms
  • Hand copies to applicants during employment interviews
  • Your organization’s marketing materials
  • The reverse side of your organization’s business cards
  • Inclusion in the packaging of all shipments

If it is important enough for the company to include in the employee handbook, the recruitment process, the performance review process and the employee job descriptions, then it is certainly important enough to include in the above areas as well.

Several years ago, I worked with a company where more than a few of the employees were nervous about sharing the company MVVs with people outside of the organization. Their fear was that the Christian overtones in the MVV statement might offend customers in the Middle East. Others were nervous that prospective employees might be offended or misinterpret our intent.

When the smoke cleared and time went by, employees started to realize that the advantages far outweighed the disadvantages; it did much more good than bad. 

Ultimately, the majority of employees supported it, and, as a result, customers displayed a newfound confidence in us, and our integrity. The customers from the Middle East never complained, and we received more compliments than complaints from applicants. I believe that is how God works. When we stand for Him, unashamed, anything is possible. When we don’t, we are subject to a not so nice outcome.

What will you do? I say, be a difference maker, and be bold in your faith. At the end of your life, what will you tell God? I will say, “Father, I hope You can see I was not afraid and tried to be Your good and faithful servant.

How have you chosen to share your MVV with your employees? How about the community and your customers/clients? Let us know by sharing your comments below. Thank you.

Join Us in Orlando In HIS Name HR LLC

2021 ABHE Annual Meeting ~ Rosen Plaza Hotel, Orlando, Florida

The Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) Annual Meeting

February 17–19, 2021 | Rosen Plaza Hotel, Orlando, Florida

Oversight of Institutional Payroll and Employee Benefits 

Overview: Regardless of the exigencies of the pandemic or other crises, all employees expect payroll and other vital employee benefits to happen on schedule and without mistakes. This makes oversight of payroll and employee benefits a top priority of smart CFO’s. How do distinguished CFO’s effectively manage both payroll and employee benefits? What are systems and best practices to consider? What are reasonable benefits to provide? Walk through the labyrinth of related issues with an expert in HR policies and practices, including:

  • Knowing best practices for cost effective and efficient payroll services
  • Reviewing the pros and cons of various employee benefit packages
  • Managing an effective employee benefits system

Basic Principles of Conflict Resolution & HR Effectiveness 

Overview: Perhaps it’s inevitable. Where there are people, there will be differences of opinion that can lead to conflict. Blessed are the peacemakers! The CAO carries a unique weight for HR effectiveness as typically the leader of the largest group of institutional staff. Explore key principles for effective HR leadership and conflict resolution that are vital when conflicts arise, including:

  • Unpacking the nature of personnel conflicts and administrative response
  • Understanding the principles of conflict resolution
  • Initiating exemplary practices for HR effectiveness and conflict prevention

Prudent Response to a Title IX Investigation 

Overview: A growing list of institutions are reporting their hazardous journey through a US federal Title IX investigation. What are we learning about this audit and investigation process? How do smart institutions prepare for this most unfortunate circumstance? Consider the wise counsel from an ABHE partner and HR expert to give you as president much better insight into both the nature of this investigation and practical steps to prepare, including:

  • News from the emerging stories of Title IX investigation – the good, bad and ugly
  • Understanding the focus and the likely outcomes of an investigation
  • Prudent counsel for practical preparations that can make a big difference

In HIS Name HR, in conjunction with ABHE, is excited to announce the 2021 Annual Meeting presentation topics.

Learn More Here 

Visit us- Booth 322 – ABHE Annual Meeting!

About The Speaker

Mark is an accomplished HR expert with a fresh perspective. He believes in challenging people to think differently when presented with obstacles in any situation. His passions are inspiring, motivating, and helping others. Peers describe Mark as creative, proactive, determined, and eager to learn. Just a few of Mark’s professional skills include organizing, presenting, and problem solving.

Mark received his Bachelor of Science degree in Human Resources Administration from Saint Leo University. He earned his MBA from Bloomsburg University while interning for Congressmen Kanjorski as a military liaison during the first Gulf War. Mark has completed several executive education programs at the University of Michigan.

Prior to leading In HIS Name HR, Mark worked for Quaker Oats Company, Kodak Inc., and Merck Inc., and private companies Woolrich, Conestoga Wood Specialties, and Valco Companies Inc.

In addition to helping people professionally, Mark also believes in helping people personally through volunteer work. Mark has coached leaders on “Business as a Mission,” traveling to Eastern Europe, India, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic.


Great Organizations Are Built on Solid Job Descriptions

Great Organizations Are Built on Solid Job Descriptions

Job descriptions (JDs) are just so 1980s,” a young HR graduate recently commented to me, He could not be more wrong. Having worked in HR for over 25 years, I can tell you that some things just don’t change—and shouldn’t change.  New technology consistently bombards us; faster, better, and sleeker processes seem to overwhelm us.

One thing that will never change is the fact that, in order to be a High Performance Organization, you still need to get some  “old school” work done. Don’t let technology and “the new workplace” fool you. Now, more than ever, you need JDs.

Here are eight good reasons why:

Recruitment – As you grow and expand, it is almost impossible to hire legally or correctly when lacking a solid, well-written job description.

Teambuilding – It is difficult for Teams to form and support each other when job duties are gray and tasks constantly conflict or interrupt each other. It is enlightening to know what each Team Member is responsible to accomplish.

Performance management – This enables you  to set measurable performance goals based on duties listed in the corresponding job description. Having them listed, in writing, signifies their importance.

Training and employee development – You can use job descriptions, along with descriptions of possible job promotions, as a tool to determine what to pursue in regards to classes, seminars, and other career development activities in order to close gaps.

Compensation- JDs can be helpful in developing a standardized compensation program with minimums, maximums, and target pay for each position. They help highlight internal equity issues to decision makers and contribute to fairness.

Recognition and rewards – You can use job descriptions as a baseline for performance, and as a tool to encourage performance “above and beyond” the job description, in order to distribute recognition and rewards or just plain old praise!

Discipline – Sometimes employees just don’t do what needs to be done. Hopefully, this does not happen at your place of work, but sometimes Team Members fail each other. If you need to, you can use job descriptions to illustrate when employees are not performing up to agreed-upon standards.

Essential job function analysis – The physical and environmental setting is important in order to provide employees, including new hires, who need accommodation. Not only is this the right thing to do, but it is also the law.  As of July 1992, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates that an organization assist an employee when a request is made for a reasonable accommodation under the ADA.

Some Key Points to Ensure a Great Job Description Process

  • Have the employee own their description
  • Remember that no one knows the job better than the employee doing it
  • Make the employee accountable to complete it and have HR review it
  • The manager should have final JD authority and reserve the right to make changes to the final document, incorporating dialogue with the employee

Don’t make JDs more work then they have to be. Instead, make it a process to enjoy and learn from—it does not have to be awful.

Be joyful and helpful with the process, and your staff will love you for it!


In His Name HR helps organizations build high performance Human Resources programs. Visit them at In HIS Name HR or e-mail them here.

Mark A. Griffin is the founder and chief consultant of In His Name HR LLC. Connect with him on LinkedIn or Twitter.



Integrate - Developing World Class Recruitment Strategies

Integrate-Developing World Class Recruitment Strategies

Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of managing organizations is the act of recruitment. It is not necessarily difficult only on the candidates; it’s also difficult on organizations as well. Even though we are living in tumultuous business times, with real unemployment exceeding 10 percent in almost every city in our nation, recruitment is still a challenge for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Lack of skilled candidates
  • Wounded and hurt applicants lacking trust of any organization
  • Having too many candidates to choose from makes it difficult to know where to      begin
  • Salary  expectation alignment; many candidates are accustomed to more

These are all hurdles to climb over but organizations that have a well thought out process and strategy will prevail in hiring the best candidates to accelerate the performance of the organization. The entire process of building a “Kingdom Minded” company revolves around including your Mission Vision and Values into every HR practice as practicable. The recruitment process is not excluded.

In developing your strategy, you should weave into the process several concepts that will help recruit the best candidates to help you manage within your Mission, reach your Vision, and operate within your Values. Your process should include:

  1. Networking your vacancies to trusted sources
  2. Using employee referral systems to increase your candidate pool
  3. Use consistent hiring methodology when recruiting candidates
  4. Always include your MVV in the recruitment process

Networking. Most companies, because of turnover within their HR department, or a lack of HR professionals within the company, do not have a formalized network to which they can announce vacancies. This is a concerning drawback to the process. Organizations should consistently mine for talent and the community should be aware of the organization and have a general idea of what they do and what their hiring patterns are. Organizations should spend time marketing themselves as a great place to work; this is also and effective form of marketing to potential customers. People want to buy products and services from organizations that treat their employees well. Start networking with churches, Christian colleges, LinkedIn groups, alumni associations, nonprofit executives, mission organizations, seminaries — the list could go on forever! The problem is that many organizations do not create such a network list. Network today; it will pay dividends in years to come.

Employee Referral Systems  Nine out of ten companies I meet with do not have either a formal or informal employee referral systems for candidates. If they do have one, it is stale and not yielding any results. This is unfortunate, because people want to work with people who match the company culture, and know how and want to get the job done. Reinvent this program or develop it if you don’t have one. The easiest way to do so is to bring together a cross section of employees for half an hour and ask them straight out: would you refer your friends to work here? If not, why not? And what do we need to do to make this an environment that you would want to refer them to? Delve into what the referral reward should be in the program. Some miserly HR folks suggest one to two hundred-dollar bonuses. Considering a Monster board ad is three hundred dollars, not to mention the hassle of screening 10 to 20 candidates to get to one good candidate, don’t you think this is a bit stingy? Reward your people!

Consistent Hiring Methodology  Lack of a consistent hiring methodology will get you burned. Getting an EEOC or Human Relations commission charge becomes not an “if” proposition but a “when.” But, stepping outside of the legal concerns, why not take the high road right off, and ensure your practice is beyond reproach? When recruiting, always have a job description, always have interview evaluation sheets, and always have decent but not copious notes of the candidate selection meeting when all interviewers give input. I have experienced some embarrassing situations at all levels of the organization where a document to support hiring or not hiring candidates didn’t even exist. If you don’t have this in place, make sure you keep your checkbook handy. You will need it.

And, finally, include your MVV in your process. You see, when candidates see this, they are intrigued, especially when the presenter presents it in a way that is exciting.

Candidates love to see people with passion and energy around their Mission.

Organizations have lost their mojo. Show candidates your passion! Most people want to work for a company that has direction. They are tired of the lack of leadership in government, in corporate America, and their local schools. The last thing they want to do is join a company that is weak and non-directional. Show them your passion through your MVV!

Explain to each candidate your Values, where they came from and why you have them. Let them know that you are a company founded on Christian principles. Most often the reaction I get from candidates when they hear this is, “Wow! Finally a place that might treat me with dignity and respect.”

Don’t worry about offending anyone. You are not pushing your values onto them; you are simply demonstrating what they are. I have had candidates say that they are not Christians, but that working for a company like ours would help them understand Christianity better. Exposing people to Christ — that is what we all desire.. That is the work God really wants us to focus on.

What have been your experiences in recruitment? Are there any best practices you would like to share? Be a difference maker today. Please contribute to the community and help others learn from your experiences. Thank you.


Director of Human Resources in Upland, IN for Taylor University

(Position Closed) 

Human Resources Director Opportunity

The mission of Taylor University, a private, interdenominational, evangelical Christian college, is to develop servant leaders to minister Christ’s redemptive love and truth to a world in need. Does this sound like your ideal work environment?

For the 12th time in 13 years, Taylor has been ranked No. 1 in the Midwest by US News & World Report’s survey of America’s Best Colleges, and ranked in the top three for the last 23 years.

Leading a team of three full-time employees and three student workers, Taylor’s HR director actively participates in the strategic thinking process regarding its human resources. The director is responsible to assess, review, recommend, develop, and implement policies, procedures, services, and systems in the appropriate legal, higher education industry, and organizational culture contexts, all of which are imperative to ensure success.

The HR director structures employee and workforce processes and policies that promote and embrace Kingdom diversity. This includes working closely with the Vice President for Intercultural Leadership and Church Relations to establish networks with potential candidates from under-represented groups, and by creating programs to increase the recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce.

Core Responsibilities:

  • Collaborates with senior leadership to understand the organization’s goals and strategy related to staffing, recruiting, and retention. Supports management by providing human resource advice, counsel, and decisions.
  • Plans, leads, develops, coordinates, and implements policies, processes, training, initiatives, and surveys to support the university’s human resource compliance and strategy needs.
  • Administration and compliance of human resource programs, including:
    • Compensation and benefits
    • Leaves of absence
    • Disciplinary matters
    • Disputes and investigations
    • Performance and talent management
    • Recognition and morale
    • Occupational health and safety and workers’ compensation
    • Job descriptions; exempt and non-exempt guidelines
    • University staff handbook
    • Serving in a key Title IX role on campus

Responsible for significantly influencing the university workforce in these key areas:

Employee Relations/Individual Employee Assistance – Serves as the primary contact for university policies and works with individual employees to encourage development of their professional life. Involves guiding individuals through challenging situations and being the primary contact for university policies (such as anti-harassment).

Employee Training and Development – Develops with other university leaders the university’s training and development program. Serves as the primary person responsible to develop and maintain the programs and structures for employee development, including new-employee orientation, reviews, legal training including faculty (FMLA, ADA, etc.), and other university initiatives.

HR Systems and Practices – Leads the department in developing and implementing effective and efficient HR systems to promote quality employee support from hiring through any transitioning from the university.

HR Policy Development, Implementation, and Review – Systematically reviews HR policies and procedures to ensure a work environment that facilitates human flourishing while managing strategic resources.

HR Assessment and Strategy – Uses tested HR strategies to ensure the success of employees in their work. Reviews the mission and direction of the university, along with other university-wide strategies, and applies them to the areas managed by the human resource function in such areas as compensation and benefits, employee onboarding, retirement planning, and more.

Compliance – Ensures compliance in all areas of the HR function, e.g., the Affordable Care Act (ACA), FMLA, EEO, and ADA.

Required Skills & Abilities Include:

  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Excellent interpersonal and negotiation skills
  • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail
  • Excellent time management skills with a proven ability to meet deadlines
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills

Position Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources, Business Administration, or a related field
  • 10-plus years of human resource management experience (in addition, 3-plus years of human resources management experience in higher education is preferred)
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office products, video conference systems, and G Suite products
  • Proficiency with or the ability to quickly learn the organization’s HRIS and talent management systems such as Banner and Silkroad
  • Complete support of and willing adherence to Taylor University’s mission, vision, foundational documents, and core values. Applicant must hold these standards as their own

Location: Upland, Indiana.

Cover letter should include why you should be considered for the position, what makes you the best candidate, and how you will support and further the mission of Taylor University.

Send your confidential inquiry to Email HR Team no later than July 15, 2020.

E.O.E. m/f/h/v


Now Recruiting: Accounts Manager, Ephrata PA

(Position Closed) 

We are excited to be retained by this wonderful organization, Stump’s Decks & Porches, LLC.  to assist in recruiting an Accounts Manager.

Enhancing outdoor living through design & craftsmanship with integrity. Stump’s Quality Decks and Porches is a deck contractor that specializes in building long-lasting decks and porches in Lancaster, Lebanon, Berks, and Chester counties. We design and install decks made from pressure treated wood, vinyl/composite, and exotic hardwoods, as well as gazebos, pergolas, sunrooms, and screened-in porches.

Purpose of Position: 

The Accounts Manager is responsible for all accounting functions of the organization.  The Accounts Manager is also responsible for managing all Office Administrative functions including customer communications.

Some Essential Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for Accounts Payable
  • Responsible for Accounts Receivable
  • Responsible for Banking
  • Responsible for in-house Payroll
  • Responsible for Scheduling sales calls
  • Responsible for Office Administration
  • Responsible for HR Administration

Position Requirements:

  • High school diploma or GED; 1 to 3 years related experience and/or training.
  • Working experience of QuickBooks
  • Typing, minimum 50 WPM
  • Courteous phone etiquette
  • Complete support of and willing adherence to Stump’s Decks & Porches’ mission, vision, and core values. Applicant must hold these standards as his/her own.

Review Stump’s Mission, Vision & Values Statement Here 

All qualified individuals may submit a resume and letter of interest to:

Email HR Team

E.O.E. m/f/h/v


In HIS Name HR LLC now recruiting

Now Recruiting For

Mark Griffin is founder and Chief Consultant at In His Name HR LLC. He has over 20 years of HR experience.   Follow Mark on Facebook, Twitterand LinkedIn.    Want to make High Performance HR Systems including Employee Relations a reality in your organization?  Contact Mark and make it happen.

subscribe IN HIS NAME HR LLC



In HIS Name HR, in conjunction with ABHE

2020 ABHE Annual Meeting ~ Rosen Plaza Hotel, Orlando, Florida

The Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) Annual Meeting

February 12–14, 2020 | Rosen Plaza Hotel, Orlando, Florida

Read The Press Release Here 

In HIS Name HR, in conjunction with ABHE, is excited to announce the 2020 Annual Meeting presentation topics.

Presentation One

How to Develop a More Effective Employee Search Process

It’s no secret that your higher education institution wants to succeed. It should come as no surprise that your employees also want to succeed! Naturally, there’s often a strong, positive relationship between the two—when employees succeed, so do the institutions they serve.

A key question: How can organizations most effectively find, train, motivate, and encourage employees’ success?

Primary Topics Covered

  • Marketing your institution in today’s difficult labor market
  • What makes employers attractive?
  • Where do institutions find the best employees?
  • What are the three most important steps of an effective hiring process?

This presentation helps prepare not only those in HR but also anyone who might have an effect on hiring in your organization. The presentation is highly interactive (including table exercises) and gives participants the opportunity to collaborate with other organizations and professionals.

Presentation Two

The Art of Employee Evaluation and Transition/Separation

Here, we examine the concept of a high-performance review process, and how your institution can optimize performance levels through an effective and enjoyable employee review process—a process that your employees will enthusiastically embrace and enjoy instead of dread.

We also discuss performance improvement plans that transition underperforming employees either to more suitable roles or out of the organization, and how to separate employees with grace.

Primary Topics Covered

  • Taking steps – simple, impactful, and timely – to make the process gracefully effective
  • Executing a comprehensive communication plan to all employees
  • Avoiding the common pitfalls in other organizations
  • Setting expectations
  • Employee policy manuals
  • Codes of conduct
  • Counseling and disciplinary procedures
  • Terminations
  • Labor law overview

The training is highly interactive (including table exercises) and gives participants the opportunity to collaborate with other organizations and professionals.

Learn More Here 


Visit us- Booth 119 – ABHE Annual Meeting!

About The Speaker

Mark is an accomplished HR expert with a fresh perspective. He believes in challenging people to think differently when presented with obstacles in any situation. His passions are inspiring, motivating, and helping others. Peers describe Mark as creative, proactive, determined, and eager to learn. Just a few of Mark’s professional skills include organizing, presenting, and problem solving.

Mr. Griffin received his Bachelor of Science degree in Human Resources Administration from Saint Leo University. He earned his MBA from Bloomsburg University while interning for Congressmen Kanjorski as a military liaison during the first Gulf War. Mark has completed several executive education programs at the University of Michigan.

Prior to leading In HIS Name HR, Mark worked for Quaker Oats Company, Kodak Inc., and Merck Inc., and private companies Woolrich, Conestoga Wood Specialties, and Valco Companies Inc.

In addition to helping people professionally, Mark also believes in helping people personally through volunteer work. Mark has coached leaders on “Business as a Mission,” traveling to Eastern Europe, India, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic.


Director of Ops Manheim, PA

Now Recruiting For: Director Of Operations Manheim PA

Position Closed 

Looking to make a difference in our world? It’s time to use all of your education and experiences to be an instrument of change.

In HIS Name HR is honored to have been retained by Men of Iron to seek their next Director of Operations.

The leadership of Men of Iron believes men are distinctly called to be Godly leaders in their families, their churches and their communities. Men of Iron equips men and grows Godly leaders through creating and sustaining 1-to-1 and micro group mentorships. They partner with leaders, influencers, churches and communities to implement and execute a culture-changing men’s ministry.

Step up to the plate and be part of changing a culture, one man, one family, one church and one community at a time.

Director Of Operations

The Director of Operations is a core function of Men of Iron, responsible for leading, growing, scaling and organizing the ministry by overseeing its programs and services (Strong27™). He creates and provides strategic guidance to grow a regional model and is expected to develop and execute creative strategies, operations and systems to grow and scale men’s mentorships around the world.

He is the leader of ministry staff and representatives through his leadership, management and accountability characteristics. He is the 2nd most senior manager of Men of Iron’s operational hierarchy and holds the position of Integrator.

Some Essential Responsibilities

  • Lead, grow, scale and organize all programs and services (Strong27™)
  • Create and provide strategic guidance to grow a regional model
  • Develop and execute creative strategies, operations and systems to grow and scale Men of Iron’s programs and services around the world
  • Develop and manage quantitative and qualitative metrics based around sharpening men and strengthening families, churches, and communities, as well as growth of the ministry
  • Provide leadership, management and accountability to all operations staff
  • Work with Executive Director to create vision for all Men of Iron programs and services and to create and execute a strategic plan
  • Develop and manage annual budget for all programs and services
  • Develop systems and operations to efficiently increase the number of active mentors and protégés each year
  • Develop systems and operations to efficiently increase the number of church and community partners each year
  • Develop a professional training and development program for all ministry ambassadors and directors

Some Position Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Ministry and/or other related education AND 7-10 years related experience and/or training in the following area:
    • Business and management experience
    • Business or ministry operations in medium to large setting with qualitative and quantitative metrics

Or equivalent combination of education and experience.

  • Successfully leading, growing and scaling a business or business operations.
  • Must be computer literate. Working knowledge of Apple operating  systems and Microsoft 365. Able to navigate and become familiar with CRM software.
  • Must be able to produce a statement of Faith.
  • Complete support of and willing adherence to Men of Iron’s mission, vision and core values, applicant must hold these standards as his own.

Cover letters should include why you should be considered for the position and what would make you the best candidate.

Serious and confidential inquiries:  Apply Through Indeed

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