Outplacement Services IHN HR Human Resources

Our Compassionate Process

A compassionate approach to outplacement means you, your employees, and your reputation are in good hands. We partner every employee with a dedicated career expert who develops a relationship with them and provides the necessary tools to help them land that next opportunity, quickly and successfully.

Our approach to outplacement illustrates our understanding of today’s employees, human resources, and the job search process, as they exist today. We help employers develop and execute a smooth transition event, and our team offers guidance, expert advice, and best practices.

Several In HIS Name HR representatives have, themselves, felt the pain employees experience during downsizing, divestures, and organizational closings. We handle all dealings with empathy and maintain a rigorous approach to help separated employees quickly find their next positions.

We offer several programs, which have been used successfully across the U.S., and can also design a process and tailor it to your organization. Each program provides one-on-one coaching, virtually or in person, along with career consultation and support to help ease the separating employee’s negative feelings and focus them on the options and opportunities ahead.

Your Dedicated Client Services Manager

At In HIS Name HR we look to build long-term partnerships while providing the insights and information you need, with an outplacement program customized just for you.

We offer packages that include onsite notification of separation, as well as outplacement packages for separating employees that span 4 to 16 sessions. Again, all packages can be customized to fit both your needs and budget.

On Notification Day

We work with you to support affected employees. An outplacement team member remains in contact with you during and after notification, providing support, counsel on how to best approach affected employees, and also, if requested, interaction with impacted employees and support for managers and human resource professionals.

Post-Notification Day

After the notification event, our team connects with your employees about Career Transitions Outplacement Services. We provide career coaching and workshops to help employees market themselves, network effectively, interview successfully, and manage the impact of their situation.

Creating Successful Searches

Each employee is partnered with—and supported by—a career coach to ensure success. Emphasizing the use of LinkedIn and social media, coupled with coaching and counseling, delivers the perfect blend of people and technology. In HIS Name HR provides employees the tools necessary to develop and enhance personalized job search capabilities and résumé building.

Our Outplacement Process:

  • Treats all separating employees with dignity and respect
  • Minimizes the chance of litigation and other negative actions
  • Provides a structured and personal approach to the separation event, reducing job search duration
  • Helps employees successfully get back to work
  • Reduces the workload of your Human Resources staff by managing the planning, actual separation, and post-separation follow-up
  • Reduces the stress of those managers involved in the separation event
  • Preserves your company’s reputation by fulfilling social responsibilities and moral obligations
  • Improves productivity by building and maintaining good will among both remaining staff and separated employees (who will invariably speak about you to fellow community members, and who may return as consultants, contractors, or customers)
  • Strengthens your organization’s brand and positive perception of clients, customers, and investors, which impacts employee retention and future hiring
  • Maintains the morale and productivity of remaining employees, including top performers


What People Are Saying

I recently was affected by a reduction in force. In HIS Name HR (IHN HR) was the vendor that was selected to provide outplacement services to me.

I can truly say had I not been offered this service I would still be discouraged and lost in the job search process. My Career Coach quickly developed rapport with me through his empathy of similar experiences in job loss. He helped me get my heart in the right place and prepped properly me for interviews. With God’s grace, I have accepted a new position with a great organization and am excited to enter into a new phase in my life! Thank you IHN HR!

Cindy Hendricks


Contact us today. You—and your employees—will be glad you did