Lead Employees to Excellence In HIS Name HR LLC

Lead Employees to Excellence

Yes, it’s possible for you to lead employees to excellence at work, home and in their communities.

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. ~Ephesians 2:10

A valuable part of leading sustainable for-profit organizations is introducing your employees to community relations. Part of leading people is developing them to be the best they can be, not only in the workplace but within their families and communities as well.

Look at your people from a whole person perspective—they’re far more than just “workers.” Provide your people the opportunity to do good works, to achieve greatness in their lives, and they will do great things for you. Developing your people’s skills, both in and outside the company, can positively impact the communities in which they live and you do business.

Encourage your people to be their best in every aspect of their lives.

Many organizations now put programs in place that help match employees’ interests to community volunteer opportunities. Some organizations shut down for an entire week to help build homes with Habitat for Humanity, for example. What do you do? What more can you do?

Imagine an organization that inspired their people by running a contest where each employee participated by demonstrating how their volunteer organization is the most impactful. The prize? The winner would receive a considerable reward to help fund their efforts.  This article provides a great deal of information on what Elexio has done to encourage employees to look far outside their own communities.

If you are promoting good works performed by your employees, not only in the workplace but also in the world we live in, you are doing great things for God. You are building a “Kingdom-Minded” Organization.

Help our community of readers

Do you have HR practices that support these ideals? Do you help your employees help others? How do you find your employees’ strengths and match them to community involvement? Share your ideas and inspire fellow readers. We would love to know how you encourage your people to shine.


Mark Griffin is founder and Chief Consultant at In His Name HR LLC. He has over 20 years of HR experience.  You can learn more about his recently published book for College Students, College to Career: The Student Guide to Career and Life Navigation HERE.  Follow Mark on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn.


Book Rereleased in Spanish Provides Christian Inspiration for Business Leaders and Professionals

Book Rereleased in Spanish Provides Christian Inspiration for Business Leaders and Professionals

Contact: Mark A. Griffin, In HIS Name HR LLC, 717-572-2183

MGriffin@InHISNameHR.com Book Rereleased in Spanish Provides Christian Inspiration for Business Leaders and Professionals

LANCASTER, Penn.,  April 25, 2018—

In May 2012 How to Build “Kingdom-Minded” Organizations by Mark A. Griffin was published, and its success was significant that organizations across the US and UK now use it as a guide not just within leadership teams but also boards of directors.

Six years after its first publication, in response to popular demand, How to Build “Kingdom-Minded” Organizations has now been translated into Spanish.

Since the 2008 global financial crisis, the world has endured some of the toughest economic times since the Great Depression, with business leaders and employees alike enduring increasing pressure simply to survive. Too often, the workplace has become devoid of hope and genuine purpose, despite it being where many of us spend the majority of our time.

In that time, author Mark A. Griffin, an HR consultant and career coach, has traveled the world researching, partnering and exploring how poverty can be alleviated by job growth within suffering countries like the Ukraine, India, Honduras, Nicaragua, Haiti and the Dominican Republic, in contrast to the charity model that more often fails. That has created increased demand for the book’s release in other languages.

After more than 25 years in a corporate world where pursuit of profit has become paramount, Mark Griffin is adamant there is a better way to do business. In How to Build “Kingdom-Minded” Organizations, Mark inspires Christian business leaders who want to create a values-led organization to bring Christ into the workplace.

With more than two dozen years as an HR executive in companies ranging from small to high-profile Fortune 500, Mark Griffin has emerged as the leading thought expert in human resources from a Christian perspective and speaks at conferences nationwide. Mark also inspires thousands of listeners through a network of Christian radio stations and a 12-part podcast series based on his book.

Mark’s remarkable book continues to empower business leaders to be bold about bringing their faith into their workplace. Aware that it takes great courage to step away from the business practices that dominate America’s corporate world, his book provides simple and effective tools designed to constructively integrate the teachings of Christ into any organization. It provides the starting point for those who want to create, build and develop their own profitable values-led business as a stable, positive environment in which employee wellbeing is enhanced, improving quality and productivity.

Through his organization, In HIS Name HR LLC, Mark is on a mission to provide world-class business consulting that allows clients to be prosperous while still “Kingdom-minded,” by instilling a Christian ethos and establishing goals that reflect that ethos.

Radical, inspirational and affirmative, Mark Griffin’s template for Kingdom-minded businesses is an idea whose time has come.

How to Build “Kingdom-Minded” Organizations is available in both English and now Spanish at Amazon.com. To learn more about the Spanish edition please visit: www.organizacionesorientadasalreino.com.

Learn more about Mark A. Griffin and his quest to help the Christian-owned company live their faith by visiting him at www.InHISNameHR.com, or connect with him on www.Twitter.com/InHISNameHR.


Podcast Book Rereleased in Spanish ~ WVCH Philadelphia PA

Podcast Book Rereleased in Spanish ~ WVCH Philadelphia PA

Recorded Live 3PM April 25, 2018

740 AM WVCH Philadelphia PA

Enjoy listening to Guest Mark A. Griffin discuss the rerelease of his book, How to Build “Kingdom-Minded” Organizations in Spanish with host Charlotte Cosden live at studio headquarters.


Have iTunes? Podcast is available through iTunes.


WVCH is a Blessing – Serving Greater Philadelphia and The Delaware Valley Christian Listeners for over 50 years!

Tune in and listen to WVCH’s weekly radio show “Be The Guest,” hosted by Charlotte Cosden.  In May 2012 How to Build “Kingdom-Minded” Organizations by Mark A. Griffin was published, and its success was significant that organizations across the US and UK now use it as a guide not just within leadership teams but also boards of directors.

Six years after its first publication, in response to popular demand, How to Build “Kingdom-Minded” Organizations has now been translated into Spanish.  Guest Mark A. Griffin, Chief Consultant at In HIS Name HR shared his experiences in helping shape organizations to be Christ centered and profitable.

With over 20 years of Human Resources experience at both fortune (Kodak, Quaker Oats, and Merck) as well as small and mid-sized companies, Mark has seen it all.

How We Became Number One On Google In HIS Name HR

How We Became Number One on Google

Social Media and Search Engine Optimization

This blog post is out of the ordinary. We are human resource experts not marketing or social media experts by any means. We have been asked way too many times and have had to explain in painstaking detail the same question:

How did In HIS Name HR climb to the top slot in Google’s search response to the query for “Christian Human Resources”

Having been peppered with this question from a wide array of sources, we decided to answer it here, and share our methodology.

Social media can be confusing to many people, but in reality it is very simple. Social media programs are nothing more than tools that allow like-minded people to communicate. What is critical to remember is that not all people use all programs. Therefore, to reach a large and diverse group of people, you need to reach them where they are, instead of hoping they’ll somehow stumble across you.

Many people make the mistake of only using Facebook, or Twitter, when they attempt to market their voice to the world. But what about all those people who use other social media programs instead, those who are not on Facebook or Twitter? If you rely only on those two platforms, you are essentially missing out on millions of potential people who won’t hear your message.

What you want to do is essentially send your same message out through all the various social media programs. However, you will need to tailor the way in which your message is sent out to accommodate the differing requirements or constraints of each social media platform.

To start, make sure what you present fits your voice—that is, how you want people to perceive you and your services. It is a combination of your mission, vision and values. Your voice can also be defined as a “niche” that you are working to create for your organization.

In just 6 short years we have been able to develop a strong social media audience.

We now have:

Over 15,000 followers on Twitter

Facebook Business Page now exceeds 3,100

Over 7,700 connections on LinkedIn

And our latest social media platform Instagram, now exceeds 4,100 plus followers


Why Faith In The Marketplace Is So Important

Unfortunately today’s churches are empty. More than any other time in history your employees are spending an increased amount of time commuting to and from work, working in their workplaces, working in the evenings and on the weekends, disengaged from their families and communities.  These increased hours have resulted in employees spending more waking hours at work than they are spending time at home with their families, with friends or volunteering in their communities. Because of this, we have an opportunity and a mission; a mission to reach those who need saved. This is America’s untapped harvest, a field of opportunity. And as God proclaims, we need more workers into his fields.

Matthew 9: 35-38 says, “ Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.  When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.  Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

According to Pew’s 2014 Religious Landscape Survey, those who say they go to church or another house of worship at least once a week fell from 39 percent in 2007 to 35 percent in 2014. This number is probably misleading because many people may have embellished their attendance a bit out of a sense of guilt or obligation! However, assuming it is accurate that would leave a whopping 65% of U.S. residents not attending any religious services each week. This is a concern, because it clearly proves that, statistically speaking, your employees are probably not spiritually grounded.

That is where Christian business owners and executives should step in to help God fill the void.

As a human resources professional with 20 years of experience in both public and private companies, I can tell you from firsthand experience that the lack of faith in our workplace affects every aspect of the workplace.  Employees’ lack of time to focus on their own spiritual needs will undoubtedly affect productivity, quality and safety. Harder to measure but just as important, it affects their and their coworker’s morale.  Employees lacking in faith will bring far more problems to the workplace than those who are Christ followers. What most companies need are solid christian ethics in the workplace. Having biblical ethics and principles built into all you do from an HR perspective will make you stand out, in a very positive way. Most consumers want to do buiness with companies that they know have christian ethics in the workplace.

Therefore, those of us that are hesitant to embrace Christianity in the workplace must really look at it not only from a spiritual perspective, but from a business perspective as well.  Far from being self-serving, this shows the attitude of a responsible business owner, attempting to prosper their business for the financial security and future of their employees and employees’ families. Ans as an owner, sometimes you might feel like your the only christian in the workplace. Often times these feelings are not necessarily accurate. They are real feelings, but we find many organizations have faithful Christians working along each other, they just are not aware of it because of the fear of talking about faith at work. We are not in the business of creating “religious companies”, on the contrary we are in the business of helping to create “Kingdom Minded Companies”. There is a big difference.


In His Name HR helps organizations build high performance Human Resources programs. Visit them at In HIS Name HR or e-mail them here.

Mark A. Griffin is the founder and chief consultant of In His Name HR LLC. Connect with him on LinkedIn or Twitter.



Outcomes Magazine Spring 2017 Managing Employees to Success

Honored To Be Featured in Outcomes Magazine Spring 2017 Edition

Making your mission, vision and values a reality

Read or Print the Full Article Here


MARK A. GRIFFIN is the founder and chief consultant of In His Name HR LLC. Follow him on Facebook at InHISNameHR or Twitter @InHISNameHR. In His Name HR helps organizations build HR programs based on MVV. Contact them for more information at (InHISNameHR.com) or e-mail them at HR@InHISNameHR.com.

CLA Dallas 2017: Clarify your organization’s leadership strength by attending Mark Griffin’s CLA Conference workshop “Managing Employees to Success.” April 4–6, 2017.


In His Name HR helps organizations build high performance Human Resources programs. Visit them at In HIS Name HR or e-mail them here.

Mark A. Griffin is the founder and chief consultant of In His Name HR LLC. Connect with him on LinkedIn or Twitter.



Special Anniversary Pricing How To Build “ Kingdom-Minded” Organizations

Special for the month of May 2016

Kindle pricing $2.99 and half off Softcover $5.49

This month we are celebrating our 4 year publication anniversary.   In How To Build “ Kingdom-Minded” Organizations, author, speaker and accomplished HR consultant Mark A. Griffin gives Christian leaders encouragement in building values-led organizations during these difficult economic times.

Most importunately Mark shows you how to make it happen. Using a model he developed through years of organizational development experiences, Mark demonstrates how to integrate your Mission, Vision and Values into all of your HR practices. This ensures your Christ centered culture is integrated into your organization and maintained into the future.

With over 20 years of Human Resources experience at both fortune (Kodak, Quaker Oats Company, and Merck Pharmaceutical) as well as small and mid-sized companies, Mark has seen it all. Enjoy reading Mark’s thoughts on how you might best build “Kingdom Minded” Organizations in today’s “politically correct” business world.

Let Mark inspire you to be bold and brave in your faith, by ensuring Christ is in your workplace.


Buy it Now HR Mastery Toolkit


About The Author 

Mark A. Griffin is the founder and chief consultant of In HIS Name HR LLC, a human resources outsourcing and career coaching firm created to help companies pilot the complex issues of managing HR.

As a human resources professional with 20-plus years of experience in both public (Quaker Oats Company, Kodak Inc., Merck Inc.) and private companies (Woolrich, Conestoga Wood Specialties, Valco Companies Inc.), Mark is passionate about building high performance workplaces through utilizing best practices while leading companies with strong values.

While serving in the United States Air Force, Mark received his Bachelor of Science degree in Human Resources Administration from Saint Leo University. He earned his MBA from Bloomsburg University while interning for Congressmen Kanjorski as a Military Liaison during the first Gulf War. Mark has completed several executive education programs at the University of Michigan and is a certified practitioner of the Myers Briggs Type Instrument MBTI®.

Mark and his wife, Gail, have two adult children, and will celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary June 2016. They attend LCBC Church. Mark has traveled the world coaching leaders on “Business as Mission” in Eastern Europe, India,  Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Mark is an author of How to Build “Kingdom-Minded” Organizations and College to Career: The Student Guide to Career and Life Navigation.

Speaker and accomplished HR consultant, Mark A. Griffin gives Christian leaders encouragement in building values-led organizations during these difficult economic times.

Contact: Mark A. Griffin, In HIS Name HR LLC, 717-572-2183, MGriffin@InHISNameHR.com



Outcomes Magazine Spring 2014 IHN HR

Outcomes Magazine Spring 2014

Honored To Be Featured in Outcomes Magazine Spring 2014 Edition

Read the Full Article Here


MARK A. GRIFFIN is the founder and chief consultant of In His Name HR LLC. Follow him on Facebook at InHISNameHR or Twitter @InHIS-NameHR. In His Name HR helps organizations build HR programs based on MVV. Contact them for more information at (InHISNameHR.com) or e-mail them at MGriffin@InHISNameHR.com.

CLA Dallas 2014: Clarify your organization’s Mission, Vision, and Values by attending Mark Griffin’s CLA Conference workshop Building a Kingdom-Minded Organization.” April 14–16.


Interview WVCH Philadelphia PA

Enjoy listening to Guest Mark A. Griffin and host Charlotte Cosden dialogue about the launch of Mark’s newly released book.

WVCH is a Blessing – Serving Greater Philadelphia and The Delaware Valley Christian Listeners for over 50 years!

Enjoy listening to this recorded version of WVCH’s weekly radio show “Be The Guest,” hosted by Charlotte Cosden. The topic is “How To Build A Kingdom-Minded Organization”. Guest Mark A. Griffin, Chief Consultant at In HIS Name HR shared his experiences in helping shape organizations to be Christ centered and profitable!

With over 20 years of Human Resources experience at both fortune (Kodak, Quaker Oats, and Merck Pharma) as well as small and mid-sized companies, Mark has seen it all.

Tune into this Podcast and enjoy Mark’s discussion with Charlotte on how you might best build “Kingdom Minded” organizations in today’s “politically correct” business world. Let Mark inspire you to be bold and brave in your faith, by ensuring Christ is in your workplace.

Listen on Line Here:

Also available to download on iTunes here.  Click

Good News for Tumultuous Business Times- Radio Series Launched to Inspire Christian Business Owners

Good News for Tumultuous Business Times- Radio Series Launched to Inspire Christian Business Owners

Good News for Tumultuous Business Times- Radio Series Launched to Inspire Christian Business Owners  

Contact: Keith Wilson, Praise His Name, 740.264.4604; Mark A.Griffin, In HIS Name HR LLC, 717.572.2183.

Wintersville, OH – FEB 14,2012 /Christian Newswire/ “Praise HIS Name” in partnership with “In HIS Name HR LLC” announce the launch of a twelve week radio series highlighting faith in the Christian owned workplace. Tune in and enjoy listening to Mark A. Griffin, Chief Consultant, inspire you as he dialogues with host Dee Kovach, exploring twelve inspiring weeks of Christian Business topics.

Week 1-Why do you need to build a “Kingdom Minded” company?

Week 2-What is a “Kingdom Minded” company?

Week 3- What is an Organizational Mission?

Week 4- What is an Organizational Vision?

Week 5- What are Organizational Core Values?

Week 6- HR Practices, what are they?

Week 7-How to integrate Your Mission, Vision and Core Values into your HR Practices

Week 8-How to hire the best candidates for your company

Week 9- How to manage employees to their potential within your company

Week 10- How to get your non-performers off the bus

Week 11- Ways to effectively introduce Christ into your workplace

Week 12- How best to develop and manage your Company Culture

In HIS Name HR LLC specializes in Christian business consulting for Christian owned companies who want to integrate Christ into their workplaces through the implementation of High Performance Organization HR practices.

In HIS Name HR LLC’s mission is to provide world class business consulting by assisting our clients in their quest to be prosperous and “Kingdom Minded.” We provide progressive Human Resources programs that will increase profitability, eliminate non-value added practices, increase productivity, improve quality and, most importantly, enhance employee well being.

“Praise His Name” is the place where listeners can tune in and hear interviews, music from today’s best Christian artists, inspirational messages, sermons from area pastors, talk shows with a Christian-based theme and yes, even comedy. Praise his Name is an Internet based radio station that allows on demand listening to what you want to hear, when you want to hear it. Best of all, the station is available 24-hours a day.

Praise His Name’sMission is to be the Voice calling out on the Internet!  An oasis of Peace, Truth, Grace and Love in a world looking for real answers.

Learn more about Mark A. Griffin and his quest to help the Christian owned company live their faith by visiting him at www.InHISNameHR.com, or call him 717.572.2183 or contact him on www.Twitter.com/InHISNameHR.