Are Your Employees Involved? In HIS Name HR

Are Your Employees Involved? Employee Commitment Series

This blog series focuses on nine areas that keep employees committed to your organization. In our opinion, employees stay committed when they are Involved, Paid Well, Asked for Input, Challenged, Empowered, Trusted, Valued, Appreciated, and Mentored.

Are Your Employees Involved?

In an article in Fortune magazine, Dan Schawbel stated that the primary priority for business leaders would be “retaining employees in a competitive talent marketplace.” He added, “In a new study by Future Workplace and Kronos, we found that 87% of employers said that improving retention is a critical priority for their organization.” Mr. Schawbel’s suggestion to focus on retention is spot on.

Let’s start with the first area, Involved. Oftentimes, when we first engage with an organization, leadership asks us to implement programs to immediately improve employee relations. We hear, “Employees are leaving in droves,” that turnover is high. Or “Our pay is too low. We repeatedly lose people to organizations that pay slightly more.” Excuses and explanations abound. But when we ask the key question How do you know the true reasons people are unhappy or why they are leaving?, the explanations are generally theoretical or hypothetical, not fact-based.

Our first suggestion to any organization: Don’t make changes or implement programs without first determining what the core issues are. Doing so is a waste of money and time, and can also hurt your organization’s culture and morale. That is where being involved comes into play. Use a skilled facilitator to run employee focus groups. Include representatives from each department. Have those same representatives talk to their departmental colleagues about what might be important to address.

One area many organizations bypass is the exit interview. An exit interview is a valuable tool to collate critical data and ascertain employees’ true reasons for leaving. Ask simply whether they felt involved in their departments, and with the rest of the organizational team. Ask them to suggest how your organization could do better in this area.

Finally, one of the best ways to uncover potentially problematic issues in your organization is to conduct confidential 360-degree feedback assessments of your leadership staff. Used the right way, it reveals key trends in certain areas of employee relations. As a plus, your findings can also serve as a tool for organizational-wide leadership development.

Most important: When employees are given access to their leadership, they walk away not only feeling heard but also involved in the organization.


Mark A. Griffin is founder and Chief Consultant at In His Name HR LLC. He has over 20 years of HR experience.  In His Name HR helps organizations build high-performance Human Resource programs. Visit them at In HIS Name HR or  Send Email

Employee Commitment Series

The #MeToo Movement Biblical Approach to HR Practices

An Interview with The Institute for Faith, Work & Economics

The #MeToo Movement and a Biblical Approach to HR Practices

There’s never been a more urgent time than now to have HR professionals who are grounded in sound biblical principles. With the rise of the #MeToo movement, human resources consultants are in high demand as companies, churches, and organizations ensure best practices and deal with existing charges. How should biblical principles and economic thinking impact the way we approach human resources?

Read the Full Article Here


Podcast “Human Resources and Higher Education”

Enjoy listening to Guest Mark A. Griffin discuss “Human Resources and Higher Education” with host Drumm McNaughton, PhD.

Have iTunes? Podcast available through iTunes.

The Change Leader Inc. creates sustainable organizations that meet the needs of the 21st century students andemployers while implementing change in way that enables them to remain true to the history and values that made them successful.

About Mark: With over 20 years of Human Resources experience at both fortune (Kodak, Quaker Oats, and Merck) as well as small and mid-sized companies, Mark has seen it all.

Mark A Griffin PodCast

Topic: Always give more than you receive

With operations in Melbourne Australia, The Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network hosts weekly podcasts, broadcasting inspiring and informative interviews to an expansive growing audience worldwide.

Enjoy listening to Guest Mark A. Griffin discuss “Don’t ask what God can do for you; ask God what he wants you to do for him!” with host Annemarie Cross.

Have iTunes? Podcast available through iTunes.

The Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network is the voice for Entrepreneurs and Small Business, featuring business experts, Thought Leaders, Disruptors, Innovators and Change Makers who are making a real impact in the world with their message.

About Mark: With over 20 years of Human Resources experience at both fortune (Kodak, Quaker Oats, and Merck) as well as small and mid-sized companies, Mark has seen it all.

HR and Employment Law News

No matter where you work, Higher Education, Business, Ministry, Nonprofit work or a church, today’s workplace is changing almost daily. Now more than ever staying abreast to changes in Human Resources related issues is very important to you and your organization.

Thank you for visiting HR and Employment Law News provided by In HIS Name HR. We’re helping professionals navigate the HR legal landscape of the world of work. From the Affordable Care Act to changes in payroll compliance state by state, we bring you the most relevant stories affecting today’s workplaces.
So check out our weekly highlights on new workplace legislation, recent employment lawsuits and other important news for today’s human resources.

Here are our recent stories:

HR and Employment Law News

  • Hochul signs worker-related bills as Labor Day Parade steps off in Manhattan September 7, 2024 11:06 pm Spectrum News NY1 - New York Thousands of workers representing more than 200 unions marched along Fifth Avenue in Manhattan Saturday in the country's oldest Labor Day parade. The theme for this year's parade was "All Workers, Many Voices, One Fight," which organizers …
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  • Grenada cybersecurity team warns of rising employment scams September 7, 2024 10:55 pm Loop News Caribbean The Grenada National Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT-Gnd) has issued a public advisory warning citizens about the increasing threat of employment scams targeting Grenadians.  It said that these sophisticated scams involve cybercriminals posing …
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  • Commissioners praise Pioche emergency responders for a safe Labor Day, fire chief recovering from ATV accident September 7, 2024 10:47 pm Lincoln County Record - Nevada Commissioners praised Pioche Labor Day festivities organizers during the Sept. 3 commissioners meeting. Commissioner Mike Reese thanked the Pioche Chamber of Commerce after declaring this year’s celebration “one of the tops.” Commissioners Janine Woodworth …
How We Became Number One On Google In HIS Name HR

How We Became Number One on Google

Social Media and Search Engine Optimization

This blog post is out of the ordinary. We are human resource experts not marketing or social media experts by any means. We have been asked way too many times and have had to explain in painstaking detail the same question:

How did In HIS Name HR climb to the top slot in Google’s search response to the query for “Christian Human Resources”

Having been peppered with this question from a wide array of sources, we decided to answer it here, and share our methodology.

Social media can be confusing to many people, but in reality it is very simple. Social media programs are nothing more than tools that allow like-minded people to communicate. What is critical to remember is that not all people use all programs. Therefore, to reach a large and diverse group of people, you need to reach them where they are, instead of hoping they’ll somehow stumble across you.

Many people make the mistake of only using Facebook, or Twitter, when they attempt to market their voice to the world. But what about all those people who use other social media programs instead, those who are not on Facebook or Twitter? If you rely only on those two platforms, you are essentially missing out on millions of potential people who won’t hear your message.

What you want to do is essentially send your same message out through all the various social media programs. However, you will need to tailor the way in which your message is sent out to accommodate the differing requirements or constraints of each social media platform.

To start, make sure what you present fits your voice—that is, how you want people to perceive you and your services. It is a combination of your mission, vision and values. Your voice can also be defined as a “niche” that you are working to create for your organization.

In just 6 short years we have been able to develop a strong social media audience.

We now have:

Over 15,000 followers on Twitter

Facebook Business Page now exceeds 3,100

Over 7,700 connections on LinkedIn

And our latest social media platform Instagram, now exceeds 4,100 plus followers


Kingdom-Minded Employee Engagement Programs

Kingdom-Minded Employee Engagement Programs

Sometimes the best way for employees to develop an appreciation of what they have is to take a closer look at what other people have. I would like to introduce to one program that does just that.

Employee engagement is not only concerned with aligning employees to the goals and objectives of their organizations. Engagement can be just as much about aligning their hearts to the organization’s vision, a vision we hope has a Kingdom impact. Employees who perceive a greater good in what is being done in addition to their daily roles have a greater sense of purpose and satisfaction. All of us, at one time or another, have experienced that longing for a true sense of purpose. Having an engagement program that helps employees fill that void will benefit not only the organization, but also the world we live in.

Imagine a company that generates an impact not simply on one child’s life but an entire village.

Meet Elexio. Elexio makes a difference, not just in their Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania community, but also in Honduras. Today, we’ll talk to Jeff Hostetter, the CEO of Elexio, to learn more about their commitment to community,

MarkGreetings, Jeff. It’s an honor to spend time with you this morning. We know already that you have a wonderful story to tell us about how you impact the world through employee engagement. But, first, please tell me a little bit about you, how you came to occupy your role as CEO of Elexio, and a little bit about the history of Elexio.

Jeff:  Thanks, Mark. It’s a privilege to talk with you. I’m a simple guy who wants Christ to use him for His glory. Diane and I have been married for 24 years and have an 18-year-old son and an 11-year-old daughter. In high school, I took two years of computer programming and got a job as a software developer at the age of 18. Software has been the track I’ve been on ever since. Along the way, support, sales, and leadership crossed my software path, and then, in 2008, I was asked to become CEO of Elexio. Elexio began in 2002 and, in 2009, we merged People Driven Software into Elexio.

Elexio provides church software for people to come to know Jesus. Exclusively for churches, we have a database, check-in, website CMS, mobile, and giving—all integrated. We help churches in all fifty states and in thirty-two countries. God continues to amaze us with what He has in store for us.

Mark: That’s a great story. I’m always intrigued by how organizations develop, grow, and change over time—how it all comes together. Let’s talk about the organization you support. What organization is it and when did you start supporting them?

Jeff: We have a strategic partnership with Compassion International that began in the fall of 2010.

Mark: Out of curiosity, why did you choose Compassion? Tell us a little bit about your selection process.

Jeff: I created a profile of the type of Kingdom-minded organization we were looking for, and then worked with our other leaders to finalize the profile. I shared it with our entire staff to ensure they had a picture of the ideal organization. Our criteria included items like: make a big impact in one location rather than a small impact in many places, involve our staff in more than just giving money, and to avoid being self-serving in any way, to name a few. I asked our staff to submit recommendations for organizations, and Compassion was the most highly recommended.

When I contacted Compassion and learned they had an established initiative for strategic partnerships with businesses, and that they matched our profile and beyond, I knew God was at work and this was meant to be.

Mark: How many children did your company ultimately sponsor?

Jeff:  Praise God, we currently sponsor thirty-five children, all in the same church and community! We also work with the pastor of that local church, which partners with Compassion and cares for 225 children altogether. In 2012, through Compassion, we sponsored a Leadership Development Program (LDP) student.

Her name is Arely, and someone had sponsored her through Compassion in her younger years. Now we are sponsoring Arely through college at the University of Honduras, where she majors in computer science. Arely loves the church, computers, and software, so we have a lot in common.

Mark: Besides sponsoring children, in what other ways have you worked to tie employee engagement into this process?

Jeff: We have a big vision for this, so a few years ago we began inviting our staff to go to Honduras to meet their sponsored child. As giving money is available, we send a team to Honduras to visit our kids, their families, the church partner, and the pastor. We are hoping that, when it is time for Arely to do an internship, she can do her internship at Elexio, so that our staff can invest even more into Arely and growing her in her field.

Mark: Tell me how you engage employees to support Compassion.

Jeff: First, we setup a co-sponsorship where the staff person pays half of the monthly sponsorship and Elexio pays the other half. Sponsoring a child only costs $38 per month, so the staff member pays half, $19 per month. Since we pay our staff twice a month, it’s only $9.50 from each paycheck.

It’s an outstanding return for the investment. Also, a security wall was needed to protect the children, so Elexio decided to match dollar for dollar, the total of what our staff donated. Our staff raised $2000 so Elexio added another $2000 on top of that. Now, the security wall has been built and is protecting our sponsored children in the community. We have also helped our Honduran community get clean water and upgrade their electric service.

Mark: Many leaders miss the effect that positive employee engagement activities can have on an organization. Tell us in what ways your organization has been impacted by having adopted these types of employee engagement activities.

Jeff: It gives us another thing in common that we can rally around, share, and talk with each other about. Our team knows that, beyond the work they do at Elexio, they are making a difference in another country and, more important, in someone else’s life. Our team members write their children letters and also receive letters. It’s life changing for each child.

When a trip is coming and our staff has the opportunity to go or send gifts to their children, there is a buzz in the office because of the encouragement it will be to our long distance family in Honduras. As far as the gifts we send along, it is tough to manage our people’s generosity. It’s a good problem to have.

Mark: What suggestions do you have for other organizations that are interested in adopting policies of employee engagement in order to make a difference in the world?

Jeff: Create a profile of what an ideal employee engagement might look like for your team and make sure there’s nothing about it that’s self-serving or a marketing tactic. Involve your team in the process and strategic planning. Focus on fewer initiatives and make a big impact in those initiatives. This also builds momentum. Remember, it’s not an expense, it’s an investment, so put time and capital into it. God may surprise you with the ROI.

Mark: Jeff, thanks so much for spending the time and sharing your insights with us today, despite your busy schedule. We do appreciate it. By sharing this, we hope to encourage other great organizations to follow your example, and to build Kingdom-minded organizations through their human resources practices, encouraging activities with meaningful aspects, like solid employee engagement programs such as yours.


Mark Griffin is founder and Chief Consultant at In His Name HR LLC. He has over 20 years of HR experience.   Follow Mark on FacebookTwitterand LinkedIn.    

Want to make High Performance HR Systems including Employee Relations a reality in your organization?  Check out the HR Mastery Toolkit and learn how.


Obama Care IHN HR

Obama Care: Tips for Employers

Nothing creates panic in business like massive changes and spikes in expenses, especially when handed down by bureaucrats. Healthcare and benefits are on everyone’s mind. Employers are scrambling to make sense of it all and many tell me they are anxious. And with good reason. The many complicated new regulations, terminology, and alterations in healthcare laws are confusing.

These new changes are forcing companies to manage their finances, and the increased costs and government penalties will limit the quality and kind of care and benefits options available, as the financial facts drive important company decisions.

Here’s a quick summary chart of what’s entailed in the new Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) that unfolds over the next ten years and requires companies or individuals to buy healthcare to avoid stiff fines. Plus, the IRS now has new powers to garnish money from those who do not purchase insurance. Everything is different now!

What can you do?

Get advice. Find a reputable advisor who knows the ins and outs of company benefits. This is a critical necessity now, just like having an accountant is essential during tax season.

Maintain your patience. It will take time for things to settle. Don’t wear yourself out by being an alarmist.

Be transparent. Let your employees know about the increasing costs and that the changes in government intervention and mandates are not within your control.

Express empathy. Let your employees know that the changes in benefits and care are understandably disconcerting and that, in light of the new laws, neither you nor they can change the situation.

Encourage preventative care. Encourage and incentivize healthier living habits and make it easier for your workers to take personal responsibility for their own good health. Reward nonsmokers, healthy eaters, those who get routine health checkups, and those who exercise and maintain a healthy weight. Some government rulings and incentives make this more attractive. More on that here.

Here are some ways to create a company culture that supports a healthier way of living:

  • Be an example for your employees, be fit!
  • Include a workout room at your company
  • Start a lunchtime walking club or company team (softball, soccer, bowling, etc.)
  • Pay for employees to complete smoking cessation programs
  • Put healthy choices in the snack machines; encourage a salad potluck day
  • Support a charity with a walk-a-thon or 5K run, and start a training group to increase fitness levels
  • Ask your employees what they feel would help them stay healthy and come up with creative wellness solutions together

While the changes in healthcare may be substantial and expensive, getting the right kind of help will make all the difference for your company.


Mark Griffin is founder and Chief Consultant at In His Name HR LLC. He has over 20 years of HR experience. Check out his Christian Career Coaching Page here.  Follow Mark on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn.