Posts Tagged ‘kingdom’

Workplace Requirements Have Changed — Have You

Workplace Requirements Have Changed — Have You?

Proverbs 14:23

 23All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

Hard work. When most people think of hard work, they think of manual work, production and agricultural jobs that require physical strength. Many of the hardest jobs that we began this century doing no longer exist! They have been replaced with robotics and automation. But that does not mean that hard work no longer exists. Hard work is now better defined as work that requires multiple skills and multitasking. 

Appreciate and be empathetic with your Team

As we advance our businesses, we must never forget that what might seem easier now might not necessarily be easier; it is done instead with less physical strength but greater amounts of decision-making and dexterity.  Do you lead with heart?  If you are appreciative and empathetic of your employees’ work, if you know what it is like to walk in their shoes for a day, you are building a “Kingdom Minded” Organization.

Help our community of readers

What changes have you witnessed and how did you ensure a positive outcome in your workplaces? Share your experiences and make an impact helping others in our reading community.

CLA Dallas TX 2014 Building A Kingdom Minded Organization

Leading an organization with clarity in mission, vision and, most importantly, values that reflect Christ -makes good business sense. We call organizations that do that successfully, “kingdom minded organizations.”

They experience: lower absenteeism, higher quality products, less employee morale issues, safer work environments, and positive relationships with customers and vendors. After attending this workshop you will be able to:

1) Build a focus on Christ into your organization,

2) Effectively create or reignite your mission, vision and values, and

3) Integrate that mission, vision and values into your HR practices.

Field of Study: Personnel/HR, Intermediate, Professionals leading organizations in positions of influence. Please be prepared to share your current Mission-Vision and Values (If in place).


Meet us in Dallas!  

Mark A. Griffin, President and Founder In His Name HR

Workshop Session 5 Wednesday, April 16 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Kingdom Building Mission 2012 - Zaporozhye, Ukraine

Kingdom Building Mission 2012 – Zaporozhye Ukraine

Our Mission is simple, develop businesses so that they can prosper and support their churches.   The churches will grow and prosper than develop schools for the orphans that are currently lost spiritually and educationally. We are specifically focused on helping to develop businesses in the support of the trade school programs through the New Hope Center.

We can make a long term difference is this area of the world.  It will take time for change to occur, but we have witnessed the change in other parts of the world.

I am writing to share news about a fantastic opportunity coming in the fall of 2012. I will be joining David Balinski, Christian Business Men’s Committee (CBMC) Area Director, on a journey to the Ukraine. With the honor of being selected to help enrich the lives of those less fortunate and help develop local businesses, Dave and I will work with local business leaders in Zaporozhye, Ukraine to help them enrich their local community.

Despite the recent turmoil in our economy, business men and women in foreign countries look to America for insight and direction when developing their businesses. They are eager and willing to learn from business owners about their strategies, methods and practices that have brought them success.

Stewardship of TreasureWe will present seminars and training to teach the foundational Judeo-Christian ethics and values that have made America great, including honesty, integrity, pride in one’s work, and freedom. If you have ever traveled to a second or third world country, you know these concepts are not at all evident in their business world. That is the case in Zaporozhye.

Through our outreach, we hope to inspire others to do business more ethically, and we look forward to making friends from around the world.

Remember, America is great because it gives.

As we prepare for this journey, We need your help.  If you are interested in helping, please contact me directly and I will let you know how. Thank you for helping us help others.

Contact Us 


People Treat Them Right Tandem Radio

“People: Treat Them Right” Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM

Enjoy listening to this recent recording, “People: Treat Them Right” –  How did God intend for us to run our businesses? What can we do to influence the culture of a organization? Mark Griffin of In His Name HR brings his expertise to Tandem Radio.


Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, May 5th with Featured Guest: Mark Griffin, In HIS Name HR


PodCast In HIS Name HR LLC 1

Join Glenn Mertz and Mark A. Griffin on Living the Word WHKW-AM

Join us this Monday July 25th at 10:30 AM EST on WHKW-AM Cleveland Ohio

Mark will discuss how Christian business owners can prosper their businesses using sound HR Practices while being outward in their faith. For those listeners unable to make this time, a podcast will be available through iTunes.

A  Little bit about Glenn:

Glenn Mertz hosts Living the Word, a program with a purpose.  Glenn talks with people both nationally and locally who are Living the Word. Be encouraged and challenged as you discover how others are living out their  Christian faith.

Glenn Mertz guides you through an incredible line-up of Bible teachers each weekday morning on WHKW. Glenn started in radio at Baldwin Wallace College and has worked at stations including WMJI, WWWE and WEOL. He’s now at Salem Communications at AM 1220 ‘The Word’ (WHKW), and hosts the daily Christian talk show ‘Living the Word’ (weekdays 10:30am). Glenn lives in Elyria with his wife, Jackie and his children Rachel and Evan.

A Little bit about Mark:

Mark has a Bachelors degree in Human Resources from Saint Leo College and an MBA from BloomsburgUniversity.  Mark Lives in Manheim Township Pennsylvania with his wife, Gail, and daughter, Emily. Mark attends LCBC Church and also leads a Career Ministry in which he helped start 6 years ago.

Mark is really passionate about the workplace, and  especially Christian business owners’ opportunity to reach their  employees.   He believes employees and  companies should work closely together to prosper the company for mutual purposes.

Mark is Chief Consultant, In HIS Name HR LLC,  a Christian Business Consulting firm that he created to help Christian business owners prosper their business and engage their employees.