Posts Tagged ‘kingdom-minded’

IHN HR High Performance Human Resources Systems

Lead Employees to Excellence

Yes, it’s possible for you to lead employees to excellence at work, home and in their communities.

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. ~Ephesians 2:10

A valuable part of leading sustainable for-profit organizations is introducing your employees to community relations. Part of leading people is developing them to be the best they can be, not only in the workplace but within their families and communities as well.

Look at your people from a whole person perspective—they’re far more than just “workers.” Provide your people the opportunity to do good works, to achieve greatness in their lives, and they will do great things for you. Developing your people’s skills, both in and outside the company, can positively impact the communities in which they live and you do business.

Encourage your people to be their best in every aspect of their lives.

Many organizations now put programs in place that help match employees’ interests to community volunteer opportunities. Some organizations shut down for an entire week to help build homes with Habitat for Humanity, for example. What do you do? What more can you do?

Imagine an organization that inspired their people by running a contest where each employee participated by demonstrating how their volunteer organization is the most impactful. The prize? The winner would receive a considerable reward to help fund their efforts.  This article provides a great deal of information on what Elexio has done to encourage employees to look far outside their own communities.

If you are promoting good works performed by your employees, not only in the workplace but also in the world we live in, you are doing great things for God. You are building a “Kingdom-Minded” Organization.

Help our community of readers

Do you have HR practices that support these ideals? Do you help your employees help others? How do you find your employees’ strengths and match them to community involvement? Share your ideas and inspire fellow readers. We would love to know how you encourage your people to shine.


Mark Griffin is founder and Chief Consultant at In His Name HR LLC. He has over 20 years of HR experience.  You can learn more about his recently published book for College Students, College to Career: The Student Guide to Career and Life Navigation HERE.  Follow Mark on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn.


IHN HR High Performance Human Resources Systems

Your Work Counts Even When You Hate It

Ecclesiastes 9:10

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

We have all had assignments that were, well, quite frankly, awful! I remember early on in my career finding myself on special assignment to a plant location that I had been led to believe was a prestigious assignment. Instead, it was wrought with labor strife and involved dealing with some incredibly difficult employee relations issues.

Soon after landing there, I realized just how bad it was. Well, I could have just as easily done my time, made myself look busy and navigated through the assignment for a few months and moved on, letting everyone know that, yes, it is bad, and it is not correctable. But I took a different stance. I looked at it like Joel Osteen would: “I am a victor; I am a conqueror; I can and will do all things through Christ.” I went in head on with passion and determination to fix many of the issues. Yes, in the beginning, I hated the assignment; there’s no denying that. But I worked countless hours counseling both leaders and union members, and, at the end, we came to common ground and both sides thanked me.

I can and will do all things through Christ

So, Christian business leaders, have you got the guts to go head on with determination, taking on the hard issues at hand for your companies? If you do, and you lead with conviction and passion, you will be blessed in the building of a “Kingdom Minded” Organization.

Help our community of readers

How do you navigate though the areas of your work that you hate? How have you helped others that have been stuck? Let us know. We love to learn from others.

IHN HR High Performance Human Resources Systems

Performance Arrogance Brings Everyone Down

Ecclesiastes 5:6

Do not let your mouth lead you into sin. And do not protest to the temple messenger, “My vow was a mistake.” Why should God be angry at what you say and destroy the work of your hands?

Have you ever watched one of your best employees produce excellent results and then ruin it all with their arrogance? Have you ever witnessed a senior executive deliver a passionate speech that rocked your world but, at the end, credit themselves and not their teams? If you have, you will know how bad they look and how unfortunate it is that their hard work and dedication was just overshadowed by their arrogance and self-love.

Give credit to the Team, not yourself

The workplace can be challenging in the sense that we are to perform, and that performance is typically measured and reviewed. But that measurement and level of deliverance is between you and your superior, not between you and the entire company!

No one likes a braggart, so if you keep your performance results to performance discussions, and if you are managing your teams to do the same, you are building a “Kingdom Minded” Organization

Help our community of readers

How do you give credit to your employees? Are there some simplistic tools you have used in the past? Let us know. We love to learn new ideas.

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HR Mastery Toolkit 

DEI Biblical IHN HR

Create a Prosperous Workplace for Employees

Genesis 2:15

5The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.

From the very beginning of time we have been blessed with work! Work is an inevitable part of our lives. When we are not working, we are often thinking about work! Work seems to preoccupy all of us. Work defines us, feeds and prospers us. Work is the foundation of our society and our world. Work, my friends, is not going away. If work is inevitable, and we must take it straight on, why does it have to be terrible at most places of work? 

If work is inevitable, why allow it to be bad?

 If we are honest with ourselves, we know the reason, and it is leadership, plain and simple. Any workplace that employees feel is destructive will always point back to a lack of competent leadership. Work does not have to be a utopia; of course it has elements of discomfort because of its very nature — you’re not fishing or at the beach! Leaders make sure work is a good place for your employees. But work should be enjoyable and meaningful to those who go.

If you manage your business with leadership that creates a culture of inclusion, prosperity, and a shared vision, while fostering plain old family love and relationships, you are building a “Kingdom Minded” Company.

Help our community of readers

What do you do to make sure your workplace is palatable? If you could make further changes, what would they look like? Share with us and enhance others through your contributions.

IHN HR High Performance Human Resources Systems

Be Diligent in Your Decision Making

Leviticus 25:14

14If you sell land to any of your own people or buy land from them, do not take advantage of each other. 15You are to buy from your own people on the basis of the number of years since the Jubilee. And they are to sell to you on the basis of the number of years left for harvesting crops. 16When the years are many, you are to increase the price, and when the years are few, you are to decrease the price, because what is really being sold to you is the number of crops.

In today’s competitive world, companies are experiencing pricing pressures like never before. Being a second or third choice of customers will more than likely put you out of business. The knee-jerk reaction to cut corners, short customers, overcharge or underbid a job with the intention of up-charging later is all too real.

Be diligent in your decision-making; be faithful and so shall HE

Every day, you and your employees are faced with making choices, choices to do the right thing even when you believe it may ultimately harm your company. But that, dear reader, is faulty thinking. Organizations that have solid Mission, Visions and Core Values and lean into them during hard times will prevail. When we put our trust in Christ and do the right thing, make the right choices and stay truthful in our business lives, we will outlive the others. Build a “Kingdom Minded” Organization today, trust in Christ, and be diligent.

Help our community of readers

What have you experienced in this area that you can share? Can you witness to us an organization that has fallen on hard times, yet maintained its ethics and, in a brief time, returned to great reward? We would love to hear from you below.

IHN HR Podcast Encouragement For Work

Mark A. Griffin On Bridge FM’s Radio Show “Christian Perspective On Business”

Enjoy listening to this recorded version of Bridge FM’s weekly radio show “Christian Perspective on Business,” hosted by Glen Dalakian. The topic is “The Good News On Business”. Guest Mark A. Griffin, Chief Consultant at In HIS Name HR shared his experiences in helping shape organizations to be Christ centered and profitable!

With over 20 years of Human Resources experience at both fortune (Kodak, Quaker Oats, and Merck Pharma) as well as small and mid-sized companies, Mark has seen it all.

Tune into this Podcast and enjoy Mark’s discussion with Glen on how you might best build “Kingdom Minded” organizations in today’s “politically correct” business world. Let Mark inspire you to be bold and brave in your faith, by ensuring Christ is in your workplace.

Part One

Part Two