Your Work Counts Even When You Hate It

IHN HR High Performance Human Resources Systems

Ecclesiastes 9:10

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

We have all had assignments that were, well, quite frankly, awful! I remember early on in my career finding myself on special assignment to a plant location that I had been led to believe was a prestigious assignment. Instead, it was wrought with labor strife and involved dealing with some incredibly difficult employee relations issues.

Soon after landing there, I realized just how bad it was. Well, I could have just as easily done my time, made myself look busy and navigated through the assignment for a few months and moved on, letting everyone know that, yes, it is bad, and it is not correctable. But I took a different stance. I looked at it like Joel Osteen would: “I am a victor; I am a conqueror; I can and will do all things through Christ.” I went in head on with passion and determination to fix many of the issues. Yes, in the beginning, I hated the assignment; there’s no denying that. But I worked countless hours counseling both leaders and union members, and, at the end, we came to common ground and both sides thanked me.

I can and will do all things through Christ

So, Christian business leaders, have you got the guts to go head on with determination, taking on the hard issues at hand for your companies? If you do, and you lead with conviction and passion, you will be blessed in the building of a “Kingdom Minded” Organization.

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