Genesis 2:15
5The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
From the very beginning of time we have been blessed with work! Work is an inevitable part of our lives. When we are not working, we are often thinking about work! Work seems to preoccupy all of us. Work defines us, feeds and prospers us. Work is the foundation of our society and our world. Work, my friends, is not going away. If work is inevitable, and we must take it straight on, why does it have to be terrible at most places of work?
If work is inevitable, why allow it to be bad?
If we are honest with ourselves, we know the reason, and it is leadership, plain and simple. Any workplace that employees feel is destructive will always point back to a lack of competent leadership. Work does not have to be a utopia; of course it has elements of discomfort because of its very nature — you’re not fishing or at the beach! Leaders make sure work is a good place for your employees. But work should be enjoyable and meaningful to those who go.
If you manage your business with leadership that creates a culture of inclusion, prosperity, and a shared vision, while fostering plain old family love and relationships, you are building a “Kingdom Minded” Company.
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What do you do to make sure your workplace is palatable? If you could make further changes, what would they look like? Share with us and enhance others through your contributions.