Human Resource Leaders Launch Christian HR Community Support Forums

DEI Biblical IHN HR

Press Release

LANCASTER COUNTY, Pa.May 18, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — In HIS Name HR has joined with Christian HR experts and leaders to initiate a dynamic new community designed to nurture and support Christian HR professionals via monthly forums.

These forums  in a private, non-judgmental environment, and encourage members to apply Christian practices in their dealings with customers, employees, customers and vendors.

The primary goal of this initiative is to enable Christian HR professionals to achieve a successful and satisfying life, offering an opportunity to regroup at its monthly forums and learn how to identify and balance their organizational, career, personal and spiritual goals.

Each session is held in a confidential setting, facilitated by a seasoned Christian HR professional. The forums are run with a Biblical approach, and include prayer devotions and fellowship over lunch before each session.

President and founder of In HIS Name HR LLC Mark A. Griffin spoke of how the forums encourage growth in the Christian HR professional community.

“The forums are supported by Christian human resources leaders who have experienced feeling isolated, and have overcome the types of personal and professional challenges those who attend the forums face,” Mr. Griffin said.

Topics range from how to successfully develop high-performance recruitment systems, implement high-performance employee review programs, employee relations and development, and how to tackle these and other issues as a Christian leader, and are covered in depth through training-based open discussions.

To find out more and join the forums, visit.

For further information contact:

Mark Griffin


Founded by HR expert Mark A. Griffin, in 2011, In HIS Name HR is guided by Christian values and strives to reflect Christ in all areas, starting with the view that everyone should be treated with dignity and respect, and that your employees are part of your organization’s family.

In HIS Name HR provides progressive HR programs to increase productivity and profitability, eliminate non-value-added practices and enhance employee wellbeing. The company provides round-the-clock support and representation in all HR situations.

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