IHN HR Podcast Encouragement For Work

Podcast: Encouragement for Work Through Adoption Assistance

As competition for great employees increases, it’s becoming abundantly clear that employers must be creative in their approach to employee benefit design. Some organizations are providing a unique and powerful benefit: adoption assistance. In this episode of Encouragement for Work, learn how you can encourage your employers by giving them the opportunity to support life by adding adoption assistance to their employee benefits.

Meet Herbie Newell, Herbie is the President and Executive Director of Lifeline Children’s Services and its ministry arms. He holds a Master’s of Business Administration in Accounting from Samford University. Before joining Lifeline as Executive Director in 2003, he spent several years working as an independent auditor for WAKM Companies, LLC, a prominent accounting firm. Under Herbie’s leadership, Lifeline has increased the international outreach to 25 countries, grown into 18 states, attained membership with ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability), begun an extensive foster care ministry, achieved accreditation Internationally under The Hague Treaty, and started its (un)adopted strategic orphan care ministries in over 10 countries.

Herbie speaks nationally at conferences and events, and regularly preaches throughout the world on Gospel-driven justice. Herbie is the author of the book “Image Bearers.” He and his wife, Ashley, live in Birmingham, Alabama and are parents to a son, Caleb, and daughters Adelynn and Emily.

Listen in as Mark meets with Herbie and learns how employers can create an adoption assistance benefit program. Since there are costs associated with adoption such as medical, agency, court, legal, foreign, and more fees, many employees need assistance to make their adoption happen for their family. This assistance could provide financial support to adoptive families through either a one-time lump-sum payment or full or partial financial reimbursement.


Concerned about the HR programs at your organization? The benefits of having a trusted partner to guide you and your team to excellence are invaluable. Contact us today. You—and your employees—will be glad you did.

Rise with us by implementing our high-performance remote human-resource programs to help find great people! E-mail us here.

Mark A. Griffin is president and founder of In HIS Name HR LLC. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter


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IHN HR Protect Your Mission Denver CO

Protect Your Mission ~ Christian Leadership C-Suite Summit

May 8th, 2024

Conference 8:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Breakfast and lunch provided

Networking Reception from 4:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Hors d’oeuvres and drinks will be served

Cherry Hills Country Club | 4125 S University Blvd, Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113

HR practices that can best help your Kingdom-Minded organization while protecting its mission in today’s hostile world.

Presenter Mark Griffin has seen it all in his more than 25 years of Human Resources experience gained by working with a wide range of organizations, from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies to Christian Colleges, Ministries and Churches.

Let Mark help you by sharing his experiences in helping a variety of organizations manage their beliefs in the reality of today’s workplace.

Mark will share why he believes Christ-centered organizations experience:

  • Lower absenteeism
  • Higher quality products
  • Fewer employee morale issues
  • Safer work environments
  • Better perceptions by customers and vendors

Let Mark help you by sharing his experiences in helping a variety of organizations manage their Christian beliefs in the reality of today’s workplace. Leading your organization with Christ-centered values makes organizational sense; learn how to develop HR practices that reflect your core values and build a high-performance organization.

You Will Learn Employment Laws To Consider:

  • Duty to Protect
  • Current Supreme Court Rulings
  • DEI From a Biblical Perspective

Our goal is to help create courageous leaders who are informed on pertinent HR issues, trends and solutions. Knowledge will inspire participants to take action.

Mark is a human resources professional with 25-plus years of experience in both public (Quaker Oats Company, Kodak Inc., Merck Inc.) and private companies (Woolrich, Conestoga Wood Specialties, Valco Companies Inc.), Mark is passionate about building high-performance workplaces by utilizing best practices while leading organizations with strong values.

About The Presenter

Mark A Griffin

Mark A. Griffin, MBA
President and Founder In HIS Name HR LLC

Speaker, accomplished HR consultant, and the author of How to Build “Kingdom-Minded” Organizations and College to Career: The Student Guide to Career and Life Navigation, Mark A. Griffin encourages leaders to build values-led organizations during these increasingly complex times.  Mark and his wife live in Lancaster PA and have two adult children.

Presented and hosted by the Christian Leadership C-Suite Summit.

To see the list of other speakers or to learn more about the event visit them here.


Encouragement For Work Podcast IHN HR

Podcast: Be Bold

Be Bold if We Believe Jesus Is the Lord, Then We Must Be Bold at Work

Join us on this episode of Encouragement at Work. Mark Griffin meets with Peter Demos. Peter entered the family restaurant business at age 12 when he started working as a dishwasher in his dad’s Western Sizzlin’ restaurant. From there, his experience in the food industry and serving others gradually grew under the tutelage of his father, who imparted to Peter many aspects of what it takes to run a successful business.

After graduating from high school, Peter earned a B.S. in sociology from Middle Tennessee State University before studying law at the University of Missouri. He went on to earn his Doctor of Jurisprudence degree, during which he discovered that he could better fulfill his passion for helping people in the food industry.

In 1999, Peter returned to his parents’ family restaurant, Demos’ Restaurant, with the single goal of growing the organization. His experience as a restauranteur grew, and he was given the position of chairman on the Board of Directors for the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce and president of the Tennessee Hospitality Association. Currently, he is the president and CEO of Demos’ Brands and Demos Family Kitchen, owning six restaurant locations across middle Tennessee, including PDK Southern Kitchen and Pantry, and multiple other businesses.

Peter is a highly sought-after leadership source expert and speaker on business, leadership, and faith. In addition, Peter also serves as an adjunct professor at Lipscomb University, where he teaches a class on leadership and management. Today, Peter and his wife, Kristin, work closely together in both business and ministry. They are now teaching their two children to also serve God with their lives.

Author of: Afraid to Trust: One Man’s Journey into the Love of God and On the Duty of Christian Civil Disobedience. Peter brings his insight on critical organizational aspects that should be considered in any organization’s HR department to be successful in these tumultuous times. Listen in as Peter and Mark give encouragement for work.

Concerned about the HR programs at your organization? The benefits of having a trusted partner guide you and your team to excellence are invaluable. Contact us today. You—and your employees—will be glad you did.

Rise with us by implementing our high-performance remote human-resource programs to help find great people! E-mail us here.

Mark A. Griffin is president and founder of In His Name HR LLC. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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IHN HR Communications

Understanding Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)

Understanding Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are numerical or qualitative benchmarks measurements of how efficient a plan is. They give real data on not only what the goal is but what progress is being made toward that goal, showing everyone involved the impact they’re making day to day.

Their greatest value is that they turn vague goals like “improve customer satisfaction” into something you can actually measure. Doesn’t “decrease customer complaints by 50% this quarter” sound a lot more effective?

This makes KPIs central to an HR professional’s toolkit – and therefore a topic worth delving into at length.

Think about it. It only makes sense that high-performance organizations need to focus on measurable results. Without this, they lose both focus and engagement, two elements most employees crave.

Earlier in my HR career, I was blessed to be surrounded by many organizational development experts. One of the key pointers I learned from them was that if you measure a task, the majority of people will try to improve the results if given the chance.

So what do most organizations that operate within high-performance principles measure? That depends on the industry.

For instance, in manufacturing, quality, production, safety, and profitability are always shared front and center. This is true all the way from the boardroom down to the third-shift employee in a remote company facility.

Churches, meanwhile, might measure attendance, staff turnover, and volunteer participation. Or for a ministry, it could be conversions to Christ, project funding, website analytics, and country presence, to name a few.

I’ll admit I used to feel confused and overwhelmed by KPIs. It took me a while to get a meaningful understanding of them.

But that was many years ago. I now not only understand them, I appreciate how intensely useful they can be. I’ve even helped countless organizations develop meaningful KPIs.

And I’ve seen amazing results in the process.

So… What Exactly Are KPIs Again?

Simply put, a key performance indicator is a measurable value of how an organization is hitting its goals. You can think of KPIs as dashboards that give you at-a-glance views of how different parts of the organization are doing.

Revenue… Customer satisfaction… Production efficiency… Safety incident rates… These are all examples of what KPIs can track. Though really, they can monitor progress on any important metric, from sales targets to sustainability efforts.

Why Are KPIs Important?

Obviously, every organization wants to be more effective. So anything that can (ethically) make them more so is a bonus.

But there are a few key reasons why KPIs in particular are so useful:

  • They help everyone involved focus. With so many things going on every day, KPIs shine a light on what’s truly important so you and yours can prioritize activities that really move the needle.
  • They create accountability. Measurable targets make it easy to see where teams are underperforming early on. That way, you can take appropriate action to get things on track.
  • They provide clarity around expectations. It isn’t always easy to understand what management wants to see going forward. So metrics that can make them clear can go a long way in keeping employees focused and effective.
  • They drive motivation. When employers and employees can see concrete progress in what they’re doing, it proves their work is contributing to big-picture success. This boosts team engagement and morale.
  • They lead to better decisions. The data KPIs provide helps you understand what’s working well and what needs more attention. That way, you can make smarter choices.

Focus. Accountability. Clarity. Motivation. Insight.

What organization wouldn’t benefit from that list?

How to Use KPIs Effectively

KPIs have to be implemented thoughtfully to work. They are not a magic concept you can simply say out loud or write out on paper to make your desired results appear.

Knowing that, here are some tips to put them into practice:

  • Link KPI targets directly to organizational goals. Don’t just measure random things! You want KPIs that clearly map back to organizational objectives so you can see that progress is happening.
  • Focus on your 3-5 most critical KPIs. Tracking too few can devalue aspects and outcomes that are critical to your operations. Tracking too many can dilute their impact and makes prioritizing difficult. Therefore, identify the ones that offer the most value.
  • Set challenging but realistic targets. Impossible goals lead to frustration, but easy targets don’t push growth. Find the sweet spot that properly motivates your team.
  • Define how data will be collected upfront. Without a clear process, data quality really suffers. Make sure responsibilities and tools are set, evaluated, and maintained to capture reliable data.
  • Review KPIs frequently. Don’t just set them and forget them! Regular check-ins ensure that teams are on track or can course-correct early if needed.
  • Keep refining KPIs. As objectives evolve, so should your KPIs. Continually tweak them to link back to what matters most in the moment.

When you do, your key performance indicators can work for you in ways you have to see to believe.

KPIs in Action

To make this practical, let’s look at a few examples of common KPIs and how organizations use them…

Product Quality: KPIs can identify defects per thousand units produced. This helps organizations monitor how many units are failing quality checks that can then be improved on. When you decrease defects against a target, you drive better product consistency.

A defect goal is easily created. If the organization has 5/1000 (0.005) defects, the goal could be a defect rate of 0.0025 – which is a 50% reduction.

Naturally, product quality is important across every industry, including higher education and non-profits. But an exact organization’s defect goal can look different depending on what exactly is being measured.

Workplace Safety: The “lost-time incident rate” tells you how safe your workplace is. It compares injuries resulting in missed work time to total hours on the job. When this drops, it means you’re avoiding harm and keeping your crew productive.

One common calculation is the “days-away severity rate.” This records the average number of days injuries kept employees from work. To calculate it, you simply divide the number of lost workdays by the number of recordable safety incidents.

Admittedly, you could find that you could have a high injury rate and low severity rate this way – meaning that people are getting hurt but not severely. That’s preferable to a high injury with high severity, obviously. But most organizations should have zero accidents as their goal across the board.

Customer Satisfaction: Tracking things like customer satisfaction (CSAT) or the Net Promoter Score shows how your clients actually feel about what you provide. High marks mean they approve and will likely stick around to grow with you.

In short, make your customers happy and success will follow!

Your calculation for this KPI could simply be customer complaints per thousand sales. And similar to the product quality explanation, you can replace the input to suit your specific organization.

You probably already know what your customer satisfaction goal is, but make it as specific as possible. Say your organization is at 20/1000 (0.02) complaints. In that case, you could determine to cut that by half down to 0.01.

Production Efficiency: The Overall Equipment Effectiveness assessment rolls up how available, quick, and quality-oriented your machines are into one simple metric. Optimize OEE, and you can churn out more goods without incurring extra costs.

And, of course, efficient operations increase your revenue… bless your employees… and improve the communities in which you do operate.

Create the base line or profitability for the organization, then translate it into employee terms. So if you’re measuring your breakeven point for a production line, come up with a breakeven number per shift.

This calculation could be made by your engineering and production teams. But say they project 20,000 units per hour as your production rate goal. The KPI calculation would measure any deviation from the goal number, either above or below.

So if production is cut short by 19,000 units per hour, the calculation would be 19,000/20,000 = 95% of goal attainment. Or if they exceed the goal, the calculation could be 20,000,000/21,000 = 5% over goal attainment.

KPIs for Nonprofits

There are plenty of other ways KPIs can work for you depending on the type of organization you run, and the different types of goals and objectives you have. Here are three for non-profits specifically…

Member-Engagement KPI

This one tracks what percentage of your members are really engaged: how many are talking the talk and walking the walk.

Are they showing up for programs, volunteering, giving back financially, and otherwise helping to really make your organization grow? Maybe only 30% of your base is actively involved right now.

Maybe lower still.

Set a goal to bump that engagement up to 40% over the next year. You can get more members off the sidelines and in the game by doubling down on the programs that are already working. Likewise, rethink ones that aren’t connecting.

If more people are invested, your whole community will feel that love.

New Members Added KPI

Growth matters, so tracking new members is huge. Set a target to add 50 new members to your non-profit every month.

If you see you aren’t hitting that target, get introspective about your outreach.

How can you connect better with more folks in the community? Get creative! New ideas should be welcome (though properly vetted, of course).

When more people join your mission, it builds serious momentum. So get out there and share the word!

Donation Revenue KPI

Money matters, even for non-profits. That’s why we advise looking at total monthly donations and aiming for 10% growth year-over-year.

Consistent giving means your programs stay solid. If you spot any dips in donations, tackle that ASAP. And try asking members directly how your non-profit entity can earn their support.

Keep the faith that donations will rise, and act accordingly!

KPIs for a Variety of Industries and Organizations

If you run neither a non-profit nor traditional moneymaking business, don’t worry. There are almost certainly KPIs for your organization too.

We’ve included three particularly useful ones below, though there are plenty of others out there to research and review.

Lead Conversion Rate KPI

Isn’t it high time to turn those leads you have into actual deals? Ask yourself: What percentage of leads become customers for your business right now?

Ideally, you want to set your sights on 25% conversion.

This is not an impossible goal. To get there, follow-up faster with leads, nurture them along, and coach your team on closing skills.

Every lead is precious. Treat them that way, and you’ll see more of them stick around.

Higher conversions will pump up your revenue big time, making the effort more than worth your while.

Asset Utilization KPI

You’ve got trucks, planes, and/or other heavy equipment just sitting there collecting dust. What a waste!

An idle asset isn’t earning your organization any revenue. But a fully utilized one drives your organization forward.

So use what you’ve got to the maximum!

Let’s get that utilization percentage up by scheduling everything tighter and routing them smarter. An 85% utilization rate would be a great target to shoot for.

Customer Retention KPI 

Look at what percentage of customers stay loyal to you each year.

Is it 80%? Awesome! That’s a solid start.

But there’s no reason not to aim even higher still…

Reduce your customer churn by improving satisfaction through better services and products. Make them feel the love!

Keep your people happy, and they will keep you happy by returning to your organization in ways that keep the revenue and relevance flowing.

Final Thoughts

Here’s the bottom line about KPIs…

They make goals clear and provide valuable insights to help teams work smarter. When used right, they drive better decisions, accountability, and results!

Unlike what I used to think – and you might currently think – KPIs are not meant to complicate your life. Implemented effectively, they give you the information you need to guide your team forward into bigger, better, and more effective phases for your organization.


For further actionable insights, reach out to In HIS Name HR right here. We help organizations build high-performance human resource programs designed to build your workplace into the engaging, effective, integrity-filled space you want it to be.

Contact us today! You and your employees will be grateful you did.

IHN HR Podcast Encouragement For Work

Podcast: Create and Retain High-Performing Sales Team’s Culture without Creating Competition

Introducing Arturo Del Rio Jr., a seasoned leader renowned for revolutionizing sales dynamics and cultivating thriving team cultures. Unlike the conventional belief that internal competition drives sales excellence, Arturo champions a different approach—one that nurtures collaboration over cutthroat competition.

With a remarkable track record steering sales teams at industry giants like Mass360 and Sungard Availability Services, Arturo’s expertise transcends traditional boundaries. His entrepreneurial ventures, including successful exits from application development and AI tech firms, underscore his innate knack for fostering innovation and driving tangible results.

In a recent triumph, Arturo helped launch Set-Aside Queen, catapulting it to a staggering $700k ARR within a mere six months. Now, as Partner and Chief Mission Outreach Officer at Pro-Life Payments, he continues his legacy of transformative leadership.

Tune in as Arturo shares his visionary insights with host Mark Griffin, unraveling the secrets to instilling motivation and unity within sales programming. Moreover, delve into the world of Pro-Life Payments—a trailblazing enterprise offering cutting-edge merchant services with a humanitarian twist.

Pro-Life Payments isn’t just about transactional excellence; it’s a beacon of purpose-driven commerce. From seamless payment processing to revolutionary Dual Discounting features, they empower merchants while championing life-saving initiatives. Their commitment to donating 15% of revenue to Preborn.org is a testament to their unwavering dedication to making a meaningful difference.

Join us in embracing a new era of business—one where profitability harmonizes with philanthropy. Experience the power of commerce to bless lives and transform communities. Learn More Here about Pro-Life Payments and embark on a journey where every transaction fuels hope and saves lives.


Concerned about the HR programs at your organization? The benefits of having a trusted partner to guide you and your team to excellence are invaluable. Contact us today. You—and your employees—will be glad you did.

Rise with us by implementing our high-performance remote human-resource programs to help find great people! E-mail us here.

Mark A. Griffin is president and founder of In HIS Name HR LLC. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter

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Leveraging Generative AI for Enhanced HR Processes

Leveraging Generative AI for Enhanced HR Processes

Just a couple of decades ago, the term “Generative AI” may have sounded like a Star Wars concept or character. Today though, you’d be hard-pressed to find any large (or small) organization that doesn’t have its finger on the pulse of artificial intelligence innovation.

As Matt White wrote in his 2023 Medium article, “A Brief History of Generative AI”:

“ Generative AI will be the most disruptive technological innovation since the advent of the personal computer and the inception of the internet, with the potential to create tens of millions of new jobs, permanently alter the way we work, fuel the creator economy, and displace or augment hundreds of millions of workers in roles from computer programmers to computer graphics artists, photographers, video editors, digital marketers, and yes, even journalists. Even with all the hype around generative AI this year, its true power has not yet been seen or felt.”

And there has been plenty of hype. Yet, believe it or not, generative AI is not a brand-new concept.

It’s been researched and even primitively implemented since the 1960s, when Joseph Weizenbaum developed the first chatbot named ELIZA. A natural language processing (NLP) program, it was designed to simulate conversations with a human user by generating responses based on the text it received.

This technology and research only increased over the next few decades. In 2012, for instance, Geoffrey Hinton and his team used convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in the field of speech recognition. And then in 2022, a variety of diffusion-based image services were released – including OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

A recent Salesforce survey showed that 45% of the U.S. population is now using generative AI. It also found that:

  • 65% of these users are Millennials or Gen Z.
  • 75% are looking to automate tasks at work, particularly for communications.
  • 68% say it will help them better serve their customers.

The full group of people exploring this technology include college students, independent contractors, and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. And as generative AI stands now, it appears there’s no going back.

This might sound intimidating, but think about it this way… With 65% of employees experiencing burnout in 2023, this may just be the innovative solution we’ve been looking for.

One of the many organizational operations that’s seeing a major shift via generative AI-based question-answering capability is HR service delivery. And as deployments bring productivity and fresh insights to the staff function, this engagement will likely rise.

The Role of Generative AI in 3 Key HR Processes

Executive teams already expect HR to be an insightful partner across their organizations, and GenAI brings this future to life. Moreover, this technological partnership can act as a model for other departments on using this vital, still-evolving technology in innovative ways.

Knowing that, let’s look at the role of generative AI in HR development and how it can affect the future of the workplace.

“Strive to use this evolving technology to drive the entire organization forward through your HR processes while keeping people productive, satisfied, and engaged.”
                                                               – Mark A. Griffin

Efficient and Targeted Recruitment

Recruiting requires assessing applications, shortlisting prospects, and arranging interviews – all of which take time. Often lots of it.

But AI algorithms can quickly review applications, determine relevant skills and expertise, and present comprehensive lists of qualified individuals. So HR managers can use them to save valuable energy, time, and resources.

One such platform already implementing this is Eightfold’s Talent Intelligence Platform. The company states on its website:

“Our deep-learning AI Talent Intelligence Platform uses the world’s largest talent data set to provide unmatched clarity into internal and external talent so you can make confident decisions and drive real change across your organization.”

With technology rapidly increasing each year, more platforms like Talent Intelligence are bound to appear.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Generative AI can also assist HR managers in making decisions by evaluating tremendous amounts of employee data. From there, it can take that information and generate useful insights.

By exploring historical behaviors and trends, for instance, AI algorithms can identify elements that impact staff satisfaction, current skill gaps, and future workforce needs. This data-driven strategy enables HR departments to:

  • Align their objectives with organizational mission, vision and values
  • Helping leaders and employees set goals aligned to organizational KPI’s
  • Make enlightened workforce planning decisions
  • Come up with effective talent management plans.

It’s hard to overstate the value capability here. Just think how much more productive an organization would be with those areas properly assessed and sorted out!

Retention, Wellbeing, and Engagement Analysis

Finally, AI-powered insights can have a significant, positive impact on staff engagement, retention, and satisfaction.

Organizations dealing with staff exhaustion and motivation issues could utilize this tool to analyze data more efficiently and reach viable conclusions more quickly. To say nothing about how they can uncover hidden threads and patterns that traditional surveys might otherwise overlook.

Overworked and/or understaffed HR departments will somehow, someway fall short of properly addressing their companies’ goals. It’s inevitable. But AI can step in to lower their burdens, giving them the capability to act on information in much more productive ways.

There’s Plenty More Where Generative AI Came From

In summary, AI is transforming HR processes in sectors such as:

  • Talent management
  • Employee experience
  • Training
  • Career growth
  • Performance management
  • Retention

And who knows how many more areas it can positively affect from here!

By integrating AI technologies, HR managers can streamline operations, improve customization, and make data-driven decisions that benefit everyone – their larger organizations, individual employees, and customers alike. This “new” universe we’re experiencing might seem intimidating at first glance.

But it doesn’t have to be.

You just have to know how to put it to good use. Once you do, you might be surprised at how much more you and your organization can accomplish.


Concerned about the HR programs at your organization? The benefits of having a trusted partner to guide you and your team are invaluable.

That’s what In HIS Name HR is here for – to guide you and your employees to the bigger and better places you envision.

When you contact us, make sure to ask about our high-performance remote human-resource programs to help find great people! Email us here today.

Mark A. Griffin is president and founder of In HIS Name HR LLC. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Putting the Ego on Simmer

Podcast: Putting the Ego on Simmer

Meet Denise Lawrence. In a recent mastermind session she facilitated, she focused on leadership development and had a candid discussion about Big Egos and what this form of leadership character can do for teams.

The reality is that, no matter how smart or skilled we are as leaders, we cannot know everything. When the ego is so profound that it prevents employees from using their own places of strength—intellect, skillsets, and workplace gifting—then the entire organization is in jeopardy of failure.

Join Mark and Denise as they discuss how to tone down the ego or turn a hot and heavy ego on simmer for the benefit of those we lead.

Denise has been a business owner since 1987 and has experienced failure many times while building great teams. Denise finally checked her ego and learned to lead from a position of service, which is the best biblical instruction for leadership that can be applied. Denise has served over 300 mastermind groups across the country, and through focus groups, she has learned what needs to change to make these truly effective for the leaders who participate and the employees and teams who benefit from their participation.

Today, Denise is a serial business owner with a mission to establish programs and services that close the wealth equity gap for faith-based businesses in America. She calls herself the business disrupter because she believes the whole small business industry needs a transformational shift toward serving others, lifting others up, and erasing a hierarchy where only the top thrive.

When the goal is for everyone in the business to succeed, be happy, and build wealth, they all rise together. Denise is a former journalist turned entrepreneur, pastor, wife, mother, grandmother, and Ph.D. candidate at Liberty University.

Concerned about the HR programs at your organization? The benefits of having a trusted partner guide you and your team to excellence are invaluable. Contact us today. You—and your employees—will be glad you did.

Rise with us by implementing our high-performance remote human-resource programs to help find great people! E-mailus here.

Mark A. Griffin is president and founder of In HIS Name HR LLC. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter

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Culture’s Idea of Retirement Is Not Biblical, but Solid Kingdom-Based Planning Is Banner

Podcast: Culture’s Idea of Retirement Is Not Biblical, but Solid Kingdom-Based Planning Is

We spend a quarter of our lives in retirement, yet plan very little for this important and, potentially, most impactful season of our lives. This is especially true for employees of churches, Christian schools, and other para-church ministries. Why not plan for how God will use us as our physical abilities diminish, yet our spirits are at the highest level of maturity. Their is much to give to the Kingdom of our time and resources in our retirement years. Why not plan for it?

Meet Jim O’Bold. As a former banker who has worked with those with means and without, Jim has experienced the impact of proper financial planning (and the lack thereof) on life trajectories. After a call to FT ministry in 2009, Jim decided to apply his experience to God’s design for finances in the life of servants of the church. Jim briefly served as an Executive Pastor before landing as Dir. of Financial Planning at Servant Solutions, where their mission is Improving Financial Security for Servants of the Church.

Jim has now been with Servant Solutions for thirteen years, spending the last four as President. Although the organization is primarily a church retirement plan provider, it believes it is impossible to do proper retirement planning in a vacuum. Therefore, it leans heavily on providing free financial planning for its members as a wholistic approach to meet the goals and dreams God has placed on their hearts and ministries. This is Jim’s heart as an ordained minister, to Serve Those Who Serve.

Concerned about the HR programs at your organization? The benefits of having a trusted partner to guide you and your team to excellence are invaluable. Contact us today. You—and your employees—will be glad you did.

Rise with us by implementing our high-performance remote human-resource programs to help find great people! E-mail us here.

Mark A. Griffin is president and founder of In HIS Name HR LLC. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter

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Artificial Intelligence Unveiled: Navigating AI From a Kingdom Perspective Small

Podcast: Artificial Intelligence Unveiled: Navigating AI From a Kingdom Perspective

Artificial Intelligence Unveiled:
Navigating AI From a Kingdom Perspective

AI tools have exploded since ChatGPT’s launch in November of 2022. And lots of people and organizations are still trying to wrap their heads around Generative AI’s potential, for better or worse. AI tools are here to stay and they offer an incredible opportunity to leverage your resources.  In this episode, we delve into the intersection of AI technology and the Kingdom. Join us as Bart Caylor helps unravel the mysteries of algorithms and machine learning, while considering the ethical and moral dimensions through the lens of a Kingdom framework. 

With over 35 years of experience in design and marketing, Bart has worked with top global brands and nonprofits like Motorola, RCA, Iams Pet Food, Lumina Foundation, Western Governors University, and the American Bible Society. Bart is the founder of Caylor Solutions and The Higher Ed Marketer. His writings and podcasts on AI have formed a broad perspective on AI applications use in Christian higher education. Most recently, Bart hosted a virtual conference on using artificial intelligence in higher education. Caylor, a first generation college-student, is passionate about education due to his own transformative experiences. This passion drives him to stay ahead of the curve for the future of marketing to consult and deliver solutions in both print and digital for his clients.

Concerned about the HR programs at your organization? The benefits of having a trusted partner to guide you and your team to excellence are invaluable. Contact us today. You—and your employees—will be glad you did.

Rise with us by implementing our high-performance remote human-resource programs to help find great people! E-mail us here.

Mark A. Griffin is president and founder of In HIS Name HR LLC. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter

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Making Ethical Business Decisions

Podcast: Making Ethical Business Decisions

If you’re like most leaders, you are constantly weighing the business needs of a decision (layoffs, cuts in pay, increases in pay for certain key performers, but not everybody) and the ethical needs of treating people well, as well as kindly, as you make these decisions.

For many Christians, this leads us to wonder if we need to be different people on Tuesday afternoon than we are on Sunday mornings.

Meet Chris Grainger. Chris started a ministry to help Christian leaders step into the call they have to lead, no matter the environment. It is time to bridge the gap and lean into our faith, as we are all on mission, no matter the role or company we find ourselves in.

Chris strives to be obedient to what the Holy Spirit has called him to do. Part of that was launching the Lion Within Us two years ago and last year beginning the Summit Leadership Development solution.

The journey of creating The Lion Within Us has been fueled by Chris’s desire to help others and glorify God.  Chris is blessed to have served in several leadership positions in a professional and spiritual capacity. First and foremost, Chris is a devoted husband to a loving wife, a true “Proverbs 31” woman, and the strongest person he knows. Together, they lead a family of three beautiful girls and one amazing son. Chris is currently a deacon at his church and a certified financial coach. Professionally, he works as an engineering and services manager in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Concerned about the HR programs at your organization? The benefits of having a trusted partner to guide you and your team to excellence are invaluable. Contact us today. You—and your employees—will be glad you did.

Rise with us by implementing our high-performance remote human-resource programs to help find great people! E-mail us here.

Mark A. Griffin is president and founder of In HIS Name HR LLC. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter

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