Posts Tagged ‘Quality’

How to Build “Kingdom-Minded” Companies June 20, 2012 Ephrata PA

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How to Build  “Kingdom-Minded” Companies

June 20, 2012 from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.

Ephrata Community Church Banquet Hall
70 Clay School Road, Ephrata

All Business Owners and Marketplace Managers Welcome

Learn how you can best build a Kingdom-Minded organization in today’s “politically correct” business world.

Presenter Mark Griffin has seen it all in his more than 20 years of Human Resources experience gained by working with a wide range of organizations, from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies.

Let Mark inspire you by sharing his experiences in helping a variety of organizations manage their beliefs in the reality of today’s workplace.

  • Leading an organization with Christ-centered values makes business sense. Mark will share why he believes Christ-centered organizations experience:
  • Lower absenteeism
  • Higher quality products
  • Less employee morale issues
  • Safer work environments
  • Better perceptions by customers and vendors

Mark will share how he helps organizations develop HR practices that reflect their core values and still build a high performance organization.

Although this presentation is focused on Christian leaders, all are welcome to attend. There is no cost. Contact Amy Pfautz at with any questions.

Radio Series Week 10 Managing Nonperformers

Week 10- How to get your non-performers off the bus

Radio Series Week 10- How to get your non-performers off the bus

Tune in and enjoy listening to Mark A. Griffin, Chief Consultant, inspire you as he dialogues with host Dee Kovach on, How to get your non-performers off the bus. Let Mark inspire you to be bold in your faith as you learn to navigate the complexities of faith in the workplace. Be encouraged as you learn how to develop a high performing organization through your HR practices.

“Praise HIS Name” in partnership with “In HIS Name HR LLC” announce the launch of a twelve week radio series highlighting faith in the Christian owned workplace. Tune in and enjoy listening to Mark A. Griffin, Chief Consultant, inspire you as he dialogues with host Dee Kovach, exploring twelve inspiring weeks of Christian Business topics.

Listen or download on iTunes here: Click



Kingdom Minded Company In HIS Name HR LLC

What is a “Kingdom Minded” Company?

Oftentimes as I meet with people to talk about bettering their HR practices, I use the term “Kingdom Minded” company.” More often than not, they are intrigued by the terminology  I use in reference to helping them build their companies. Many Christian business people, pastors and Christian business consultants may have their own opinions or definitions of what a “Kingdom Minded” company is.

I have developed what I believe to be a fairly clear, actionable and measurable way to articulate what a “Kingdom Minded” company is, thus exciting business owners to invest their time, dollars and energy into making their company prosperous and reflective of Christ. So, let me begin by outlining what comprises the framework when building a “Kingdom Minded” company.

Over the next few weeks, I will walk us through a more in-depth look at each piece of the framework. I will ask you to look internally at what you believeyour “Kingdom Minded Purpose” is for your company. In building a “Kingdom Minded” company, the model I have developed contains the following ingredients, listed in order of importance.

These same principles that apply to marketplace businesses do apply to non profit organizations as well.

A “Kingdom Minded” company:

  • Puts Christ First
  • Has a Clear Mission
  • Has a Clear Vision
  • Has Core Values

Has agreed upon Goals and Objectives, especially in:

  • Safety
  • Production
  • Quality
  • Customer Service

And finally,  Strives for Prosperity jointly for the good of its owners, employees and company’s  community.

If you want to enjoy prosperity, you must look inward and address these critical aspects of running your organization.

Having spent over 20 years in HR I can tell you companies that have a well developed and bought-in Mission, Vision and Values will far exceed those who do not. Take a look inside your own organization. Do you have a Mission? A Vision? Core Values? How are you with setting or receiving expectations through organization goals and objectives? Do you collectively work together as a Team for success and prosperity?