Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Administration

IHN HR offers the administration of the MBTI either in Individual or Team formats. Using IHN HR as a tool, with our certification as a MBTI Administrator combined with our many years of hands on experience, can help you discover both your and your Team’s unique personalities and contributions to your organization.

What is the MBTI?

The MBTI is the world’s most popular psychological testing instrument. It has been continually developed and updated for over 50 years. Currently, over 50 million people have taken it. Each year more than three million people complete the MBTI in one of several available languages.

The instrument is based on Swiss psychologist Carl Jung’s theory of psychological type, which, very basically put, states that differences in behavior result from our natural tendency to use our minds in different ways and, as we develop patterns of behavior, we further reinforce them. Through his study of people, Jung developed three of the four psychological preferences that are used today by the MBTI. Myers and Briggs added a fourth after spending considerable time studying Jung’s work and reassessing their own observations.
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How can the MBTI help your business?

In the organizational arena, the most common uses for the MBTI are to support:

What is the benefit of using the MBTI?

The MBTI is a tool designed to develop organizational performance. It can be used for not only individuals, but also in a team, departmental, or organization-wide setting.

The MBTI tool:

What are the benefits to individuals taking the MBTI?

The MBTI can be used to enhance personal productivity and relations. It can also be used to support career counseling and coaching.

The MBTI tool:
Tablet, smile and employees talking about business on the internet, online partnership and reading an email together at work. Marketing workers with idea for creative collaboration on technology

Find out more about how IHN HR and MBTI can make a difference in you and your Team!