College to Career Coaching Package

Give your students the upper hand with this kick-start career development package. Designed for incoming freshmen, regardless of college major selection.

Why College-to-Career Coaching?

This year, more than 1.6 million students will graduate college with a bachelor’s degree. And, after spending tens of thousands of dollars on their education, many will find themselves absorbed into the workforce in a career field in no way related to their college major.

These once-hopeful students will, more often than not, become discouraged and uncertain about their future. Some may spend years—many years—feeling unfulfilled in a career where their passions and purpose are unmet.

There is a better way. Tools are available to help students avoid this all too common predicament.
Seminar conference IHN HR

College to Career Book

Based on his recently published book College to Career: The Student Guide to Career and Life Navigation, accomplished human resources professional, author, and HR consultant Mark A. Griffin

This book helps students to:

College-to-Career Coaching Package

Price: $399.99
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