Freedom. The thought sends different scenarios through our minds. Chains, bondage, prison, incarceration, riding a bike on a country lane, speeding a Harley through the black hills, sneaking out of work early heading to the Beach! You get it; you understand where I am going with this. But think about this for one moment. My wife, Gail, has instilled in our children a few words of wisdom that has naturally influenced my life: “Never let anyone steal your joy.”
I oftentimes equate freedom with joy. When one is truly free, they are joyful. I agree with Gail, we should never allow someone to take our joy by allowing us to give it to them. So do not worry about others taking your joy; we can only give them our joy and in essence give them our freedom. You control your joyfulness, no one can take it from you- you must give it to them! Don’t give it away leaving you damaged; you will lose your freedom.
So what really is freedom? We all have our definitions, but I am aligned with Pastor Alfredo Ramos on this one- “Being free is the ability to live for yourself” – Freedom.” But, Freedom must include the “Right Rules”.
Enjoy this powerful video, snaps you back to the reality that you can accomplish anything you decide, but you must be true to your limits and capabilities and you must submit to God and follow HIS rules along the way.
Enjoy your day.