Encouragement At Work Series, Are You Perceived As a Helpful Leader?

IHN HR High Performance Human Resources

God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. ~Hebrews 6:10

We have lost our way in the area of helping others. Recently, there was a news story where a woman was stabbed to death more than thirty times and an astounding number of people stood and watched and did nothing. There are YouTube videos of people being ignored after being hit by cars, buses — you name it — and yet we just keep going on with our lives and navigate around what has become nothing more than a temporary distraction. We are truly desensitized as a nation. This is caused by a variety of conditioning processes, but the bottom line is that we have become cold, unfeeling people!

We are truly desensitized as a nation!

Many leaders, as they are promoted, often become less helpful. They feel that, since they did their time as an underling, they can now rise above and not assist. I have witnessed leaders do the most unhelpful acts imaginable! Don’t fall victim to this tendency. Reflect inward and, if you have, change your behavior now!

Let’s be Christian leaders who open doors for people, help in setting up the meeting room, clean up afterwards and, instead of bossing people around, help get the job done when appropriate. You see, if you are truly helpful with your employees rather than a burden and an obstacle, you will be building up great people as you build a “Kingdom Minded” Organization.

Help our community of readers:

What have you witnessed that a leader has done to be helpful? What have you seen that made you smile and want to be like that leader? Please leave our readers your experiences and help us build a meaningful resource for Christian leaders.


Mark Griffin is founder and Chief Consultant at In His Name HR LLC. He has over 25 years of HR experience.  Want to bring High Performance HR programs to your workplace?  Contact Mark today to see how his firm may help you:   Contact 

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