
Mark A. Griffin On Bridge FM’s Radio Show “Christian Perspective On Business”

Enjoy listening to this recorded version of Bridge FM’s weekly radio show “Christian Perspective on Business,” hosted by Glen Dalakian. The topic is “The Good News On Business”. Guest Mark A. Griffin, Chief Consultant at In HIS Name HR shared his experiences in helping shape organizations to be Christ centered and profitable!

With over 20 years of Human Resources experience at both fortune (Kodak, Quaker Oats, and Merck Pharma) as well as small and mid-sized companies, Mark has seen it all.

Tune into this Podcast and enjoy Mark’s discussion with Glen on how you might best build “Kingdom Minded” organizations in today’s “politically correct” business world. Let Mark inspire you to be bold and brave in your faith, by ensuring Christ is in your workplace.

Part One

Part Two


PodCast In HIS Name HR LLC 1

Interview RevFM

Mark had the honor of being interviewed by RevFM State College PA on May 7, 2011 during the weekly Centre topic show. With over 20 years of Human Resources experience at both fortune (Kodak, Quaker Oats, and Merck Pharma) as well as small and mid sized companies, Mark has seen it all. Please take the time and enjoy Mark’s Podcast interview on how you might best build “Kingdom Minded” organizations in today’s “politically correct” business world. Let Mark inspire you to be bold and brave in your faith, by ensuring Christ is in your workplace.
RevFM Broadcasts on the following frequencies:
  • 89.1 FM – State College/Altoona/Huntingdon/Philipsburg
  • 99.9 FM – Clearfield/DuBois
  • 102.7 FM – Altoona/Hollidaysburg


Interview WPEL- WBGM- WPGM

Mark had the honor of being interviewed by Larry Souders of WPEL AM – FM, Montrose.  The broadcast was aired additionally on WPGM in Danville and WBGM in New Berlin. The basis of this interview was to spread the word that Mark is interested in developing “Business Roundtable” discussions in rural Pennsylvania towns.  Mark is continually drawn to focusing on rural Pennsylvania.  Having grown up in a rural community, he understands that many rural areas are lacking the Christian business resources that are readily available in the Metro.

Interview – Part One     

Interview – Part Two    

He is exploring starting a roundtable group in several areas of rural Pennsylvania.  The features of this roundtable group would be to assist businesses in accomplishing the following:

  • Build “kingdom minded” organizations
  • Integrate their Christian faith into their daily operations and practices
  • Develop “cutting edge” ways to succeed in today’s marketplace
  • Achieve personal-spiritual-business “life integration”
  • Experience a safe & confidential place to share their issues and challenges

Interest has been gaining since the airing of this broadcast and alternatives to large roundtable groups are being explored.

Enjoy this two part presentation, which includes background on Mark and his ideas for helping to put Christ in the workplace.

PodCast-In-HIS-Name-HR- WGRC

Interview WGRC

Mark had the pleasure of being interviewed by Larry Weidman at WGRC FM, Lewisburg Pennsylvania during his live weekly broadcast” The Matter At Hand”. The basis of this interview was to spread the word that he is interested in developing “Business Roundtable” discussions in rural Pennsylvania towns. Mark is continually drawn to focusing on rural Pennsylvania. Having grown up in a rural community, he understands that many rural areas are lacking the Christian business resources that are readily available in the Metro areas.


He is exploring starting a roundtable group in several areas of rural Pennsylvania. The features of this roundtable group would be to assist businesses in accomplishing the following:

  • Build “kingdom minded” organizations
  • Integrate their Christian faith into their daily operations and practices
  • Develop “cutting edge” ways to succeed in today’s marketplace
  • Achieve personal-spiritual-business “life integration”
  • Experience a safe & confidential place to share their issues and challenges

Interest has been gaining since the airing of this broadcast and alternatives to large roundtable groups are being explored.

Enjoy this presentation, which includes background on Mark and his ideas for helping to put Christ in the workplace in rural central Pennsylvania