IHN HR Strategic Planning Process

The Importance of Strategic Planning

If I asked you where you see yourself in five years, could you give me a good answer? Or any answer at all? 

Do you have a clear vision for your personal growth and the goals necessary to make it happen? 

If the answer is no, don’t panic. It’s not the end of the world. But you do need to take the time to rectify that mistake and embrace strategic planning if you want to be in a different place going forward. 

Many people think about personal visions and goals, but very few actually have them. Yet if you have one and focus on it often, you will ultimately steer your life toward obtaining it.

For years, I floated around with no real direction. I said I wanted to advance my career, get in shape, and be happier – but had no concrete plans to do so. That all changed, however, when I started doing intentional strategic planning for my life. Mapping out my vision, mission, and goals transformed everything for me personally. And the same can and should be true for organizations. 

Without strategic planning, it’s far too easy to drift along aimlessly. But with a clear strategic plan, your business or nonprofit can thrive like never before. In this post, I’ll show what a total game-changer it is for both personal and organizational success. 

So let’s dive in!

Let Yourself Dig Deep

Think of your vision as your compass, your GPS, or, my personal favorite metaphor, a lighthouse at the beach designed to lead you through the storms, past the rocky ocean waves toward your final destination. Regardless, it all begins with a basic but crucial question.

“What do I want?”

And don’t stop at a surface-level answer. Don’t go easy on yourself. What do you really, really, truly want for yourself? If you could have the kind of life that would make your heart sing, what would it look like?

At this point, your heart may be beating a bit faster at the very idea. And the doubts might be rising up fast. Can you really have that kind of life?

I believe you can. I’ve done it myself, and I’ve helped an ever-expanding number of clients lead passionate and fulfilling lives as well. Could you be the exception? Maybe. But you’ll never know if you don’t try. And, in my opinion, the rewards of success overwhelmingly outweigh the risks.

The Goals to Get There 

Now let’s talk goals – the steps you need to take to get where you want to go, as outlined in your vision. As an example, here are some parts of my growth vision in the past, all in a given year:

  • Start a business that will assist organizations in achieving high performance through their HR practices.
  • Finish and publish another book.
  • Grow my social media presence by 20%.
  • Manage time more effectively to end my workday by 6 p.m. in order to spend more time with my wife.
  • Spend quality time with my wife by planning two weekends away together.
  • Do a five-night backpacking trip.
  • Attend at least one in-person seminar or conference to further hone my skills or personal growth.
  • Expand my prayer life by surrounding myself with prayer experts.

Hopefully that gives you an idea of where to start. If needed –  and if nothing pops into your head right away – set aside time to dream about your ideal life. Even if you spend just five to 10 minutes a day on this project, ask yourself:

  • What is my true relationship with God? Have I put my full trust in Him?
  • If I could have more of something in my life, what would it be?
  • What could I eliminate from my life for good?
  • Which relationships do I need to nurture and/or which ones should I release?
  • What is my relationship to money?
  • What is my secret passion or dream?
  • What am I most afraid of?
  • What habits should I quit?
  • What can I do to bring more joy into my daily life?
  • What am I grateful for?

These questions are just a starting point. There are plenty of others to choose from. Take into account all major aspects of your life – your friends and family (both immediate and extended), church, charity work and, of course, fun and recreation. Also, examine your honest thoughts and assessments of your daily career, activities, spending habits, personal wellness and fitness, spirituality and, last but not least, your spouse.

Whatever goals you come to, you’ll want to like them. Really like them, in fact, since you’re going to be doing a lot of them! 

This is particularly true about work-oriented goals. According to statistics from research firm Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, the average American works 1,788 hours per year. Over 40 years, that adds up to over 71,000 hours! 

Take a moment to let that staggering number sink in. It means you probably spend more time working than sleeping, eating, or participating in your favorite recreational activities throughout your life!

As such, I have to assume you’d prefer to enjoy the company you work for, no matter how long you’re with it. Longevity for employees is now increasing, with recent statistics showing people stay at their jobs an average of 4.6 years. While that’s nothing compared to the kind of commitment workers showed 50 years ago, it’s still a sizable fraction of an adult life. 

This is why it’s so important to know exactly what you want to do before you start doing it: so you can end up in the most ideal situation possible. Beginning a career in a field you love and sticking with it can make all the difference in your future.

Let’s Talk About Your Voice 

Now, in order to enjoy a career you love, you need to have, know, and exert your voice. A voice shapes the culture of an organization and serves as a guide to employees and management. All successful companies have one, and successful workers do as well.

Organizations with a well-thought-out voice have direction, purpose, and achievement in the workplace. They know where they want to be (the big picture) and do the appropriate things (the details) to get there. And every step of the way, employees who align with that voice enthusiastically project that message to customers, vendors, and their local communities. Otherwise, it’s impossible to align their goals and objectives to create success.

A person or organization’s voice is a combination of their personal mission, vision, and values. Values, of course, are the principles or standards you believe should be most upheld. But let’s dig into the other two more closely.

An organization’s (or person’s) mission statement is a concise, meaningful sentence or two that represents its purpose: the goal it strives to embody or provide for its consumers. Mission statements are often action-based, explaining the central objective at hand. For instance:

  • LinkedIn: “to connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.”
  • Amazon’s is to be “Earth’s most customer-centric company, Earth’s best employer, and Earth’s safest place to work.”
  • Nike’s is to “bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.”

If you’re an individual, your personal mission statement would be similar in its straightforward style. It should define who you are as a person and identify your purpose, whether that’s on the job or simply in life. It’s supposed to explain where you see yourself in the future, how you plan to pursue that future, and why it matters so much to you. 

Like an organizational mission statement, a personal mission statement should be clear and concise – a soundbite or quick elevator pitch, if you will. Something, perhaps, along the lines of: “To use my writing skills to inspire and educate others around the world to make a change.”

An organizational vision, meanwhile, is an ideal or model statement. While a mission statement defines the strategy for reaching a final goal, an organizational vision is that goal. It’s the world the company envisions for the future. Tesla, for instance, uses this: “To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.”

Lastly, an organizational value statement defines what is important to a company and its employees. For instance: “We believe food has the power to change the world. We do it by being real.” Or, if a person was writing one, it would define the values most important to him or her, such as: “To be a respectable employee, friend, and member of the community, and to make a positive impact on others by being honest, fair, and reliable.”

Some other notable value statements to inspire you include Hobby Lobby’s, which reads: “Honoring the Lord in all we do by operating in a manner consistent with Biblical principles. Offering customers exceptional selection and value. Serving our employees and their families by establishing a work environment and company policies that build character, strengthen individuals and nurture families.”

And Interstate Batteries goes like this: “LOVE. Treat others like you’d want to be treated. SERVANT’S HEART. Lead with what people need. EXCELLENCE. Do great things with the gifts you’ve been given. COURAGE. Learn, improve and boldly drive change that matters. FUN. Work hard, laugh often. TEAM. Together, we’re better. INTEGRITY. Be who you are and live up to your commitments.”

All put together, your voice – composed of your mission, vision, and values – tells the world WHO you are, WHAT you believe, and WHERE you want to go. And though I’m emphasizing certain words in that last sentence, the “you” is equally important. No two people share the exact same voice. 

Your voice is unique only to YOU. 

As an organization, you can impress future customers by fine tuning this voice. As an individual, you can impress future employers. Either way, the intent should be to let recipients see who you are and what you want. 

If this sounds intimidating to put together, fret not. You can begin by grabbing a piece of scratch paper and writing out your thoughts. Maybe start out scribbling a few adjectives that describe you best. Then think about what you value most. 

Is it integrity? Reliability? Honesty? A combination of the three or something entirely different?

Lastly, determine what it is you really want and how you plan to get there. Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years? 

Don’t worry if you don’t have it all figured out, but this exercise can get you a lot further than you otherwise would be. By perfecting your unique voice, you will set yourself apart from the rest when it comes to competitive opportunities, big or small. After all, confident people and entities who truly understand themselves have a tendency of standing out in all the best ways.

Once you come up with your full voice, start reciting it to your friends and loved ones. Say it with confidence and a smile. By the time you land an interview at your desired company or find yourself in a boardroom convincing potential clients, you’ll have it down pat! 

My Personal Strategic Planning Journey

If this all sounds like something you figured out a long time ago and therefore don’t need to do again, I hope you’ll take a moment to reconsider. Remember that you’re not the same man or woman you were 10 years ago or even 10 months ago. You’re changing, hopefully in good ways but sometimes negatively too, perhaps weighed down by past disappointments.

Therefore, reminding yourself of what you really care about can be exceptionally helpful.

Not long ago, I know I felt stuck. I wanted to make changes but didn’t know where to start. I had big dreams but no strategy to get there… until I rediscovered strategic planning. That changed everything!

Here are the steps that put me on an amazing new path:

  • I wrote down my life vision. This captured where I wanted to be in five to 10 years. It was the dream-future state I envisioned. Defining this vision gave me hope and inspiration.
  • I clarified my mission. This one-sentence personal mission statement explained my core purpose. It helped me make decisions aligned with my values. Now, my mission keeps me focused on what matters most.
  • I set SMART goals. Using the methodology on this graphic for a S.M.A.R.T. framework, I set specific, measurable goals in key areas like career, health, and relationships. Breaking the vision down into concrete objectives was crucial.


  • I documented plans and resources. For each goal, I wrote down how I’d achieve it and what resources I needed. Putting the plans on paper held me accountable.
  • I told others. Sharing my plan with family and friends generated encouragement. Their support has been invaluable.
  • I reviewed and adapted. I now make sure to revisit my strategic plan – often – to update and adjust it as needed. Regular reviews keep me on track.

In all of this, I take inspiration from Habakkuk 2:2-3 (NIV), which reads:

“Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false.”

God says to write things down on tablets. Writing goals is doing just that.

The results in my life have been nothing short of life changing. I’m healthier, happier, and feel much more fulfilled. I’m closer to my wife, advancing in my career, and making a bigger impact on the world. 

For instance, prior to setting goals, I had never been on a mission trip. Since putting it down in clear, concise writing, I’ve traveled the world over, sharing Christ’s love through business and personal trips. I’ve been blessed to have served in Honduras, Nicaragua, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, India (from top to bottom!), Nepal, and Ukraine. 

My fitness has also increased dramatically, allowing me to: 

  • Climb to the Mt. Everest Base Camp (17,598 ft)
  • Climb Mt. Baldy in California (4,193 ft)
  • Climb to the top of Mt. Bierstadt in Colorado (14,065 ft)
  • Lead a team to summit Mt. Washington in New Hampshire (6,288 ft )
  • Compete in a Sprint Triathlon.

And it doesn’t stop there. At the time of this writing, I’m planning to tackle Mt. Kilimanjaro (19,341 ft) in the spring of 2025.

Look what God has inspired me to do because I was willing to tap into who He created me to be! Moreover, in the midst of these accomplishments, I have an even bigger one to celebrate. My beautiful wife and I will be celebrating 40 years of marriage in 2026. Forty years since we said, “I do.” 

It’s been an amazing journey, to say the least. 

How did we do it? Well, I won’t go into all the details for brevity’s sake. But I can tell you the past decade has been especially momentous since we started setting goals together, and achieving them! We’ve been disciplined in maintaining that focus, making time for each other in both big and small ways for our benefit, the benefit of our children, and now our grandchildren as well. 

All in all, strategic planning gave me a blueprint to get unstuck and live with purpose. And while I knew it would be worthwhile, the results have been better than I imagined, both in personal ways and in my career.

Energizing Teams Through Vision

I’ve been on both the employee side of the business equation and the employer side. And I can attest that it’s often hard to see the other’s perspective either way due to misunderstandings, miscommunications (or lack of any communication at all), and oversights.

Imagine you’re an employee showing up to work each day. You complete tasks as told but don’t know how it’s contributing to any larger goal or vision. Before long, boredom and disengagement set in, and you feel adrift in the organizational sea.

Unfortunately, this is the reality for too many workers. And it most often happens when their leaders haven’t mapped out an inspiring vision and steps to achieve it. It’s not until organizations engage in strategic planning that amazing things start to happen…

  • Employees feel energized and motivated.
  • They understand how their role builds up to big goals.
  • They feel purpose and direction in their daily work.

“Research shows [that] organizations with a clear strategic vision have 29% higher employee engagement,” according to Business Insights, Why Is Strategic Planning Important? | HBS Online. By articulating an exciting vision of the future, leaders ignite their teams’ passion and performance. 

Strategic planning also allows you to infuse the organization’s values into the planning process itself. This ensures alignment between actions and principles, and fosters a flourishing culture.  

Long-term success of your organization depends on how engaged your employees are. A highly engaged staff can boost profitability by 21%, claims research firm Gallup. Or, as Kate Gibson writes in her Harvard Business Review article, The Role Core Values Play In Strategy Execution, “Core values are vital to strategy execution because they guide your organization and employees’ behavior.”  

Essentially, people love being part of something bigger than a paycheck. And strategic planning provides greater meaning through an energizing vision and values-driven goals. When executed thoughtfully, it catalyzes your people’s purpose and potential, bringing them together.

By this, I mean that leaders can incorporate their teams into the strategic planning process instead of dictating plans in isolation. When a broad group participates, they take ownership of the plan together, giving them a shared enthusiasm and devotion to the collective mission. 

Everyone emotionally buys in because they co-created the plan. It’s theirs to support instead of something foisted on them from the top.

Setting Your Eyes on Achievable Goals

Once you have all of this established, your next step should be to set goals. RASM goals, to be precise, where you make them:

  • Realistic – Acknowledge constraints in areas like resources and capacity
  • Achievable – Make sure you have the capability and commitment necessary.
  • Strategic – The goal in question should always ladder up to your core strategy and mission.
  • Measurable – Make sure you track progress quantitatively or qualitatively against the goal.

I often add a T to this acronym for Timebound. By assigning a specific timeline to each goal, you can prevent them from dragging on indefinitely. But even without that extra consideration, research confirms that organizations with strategic RASM planning are far more successful. The discipline to focus on concrete, achievable goals pays dividends.

So set aside fantasies of instant 10x growth or dominating the universe. Effective strategic planning grounds you in reality, which then helps you get to the next level you really want to reach.

Driving Efficiency through Prioritization

Speaking of fantasies, the unfortunate truth is that there are always more great opportunities than bandwidth and resources to pursue them. That’s why one of the most powerful benefits of strategic planning is the prioritization of what matters most.

Leaders must make tough choices about what not to pursue. Saying no to less critical initiatives and collectively agreeing on 3-5 goals that will have maximum impact frees up resources to achieve strategic goals. It:

  • Directs funding, talent, and technology to enable those priorities
  • Aligns the whole organization around the priorities
  • Executes relentlessly on the strategic goals.

In Strategic Planning, S. Ghosal writes, “Research shows organizations that take this focused approach improve efficiency. Doing less but better is my point. By keeping the team focused and avoiding the “rabbit trail” projects that tend to pop up at every organization, you’re sure to accomplish so much more in the end.”

Of course, leaders must still consider other opportunities and challenges that inevitably emerge. But a clear strategic plan provides the filter to determine what deserves resources and what can wait.

The result is an empowering sense of focus and a rapid boost in productivity.

Enabling Clear Communication

All of this inspiration, productivity, and team spirit can only endure, however, if communication remains strong after planning concludes. Fortunately, strategic planning, done right, is supposed to handle this aspect as well, serving as a living document that drives ongoing alignment. 

By clearly capturing goals, roles and responsibilities, assumptions, and progress, it reduces ambiguity and enables crisp communication and transparency around what matters most. It provides a single source of truth that keeps everyone aligned. And even as plans evolve, updated documentation maintains that unity of purpose and action.

Effective communication throughout the strategic planning lifecycle boosts organizational performance by 20%.  Assuming communication occurs without documentation is a recipe for misalignment. So invest in it throughout and even after the strategic planning process. Keep the plan top of mind through constant reinforcement. 

This pays enormous dividends – both in the moment and further down your organizational road. It’s not just the current project that gets impacted. Strategic planning is supposed to have lasting effects on everyone and every part of a business or non-profit. It helps align leadership and team members around the same priorities and resources, allowing them to act more quickly, rationally, and efficiently when conditions shift.

Moreover, it allows everyone involved to better anticipate future needs and help organizations get ahead of the curve with early hiring, budgeting, and capacity expansions.

Harvard Business Review writer Roger L. Martin, a former dean of the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto and strategy adviser to CEOs, advises that developing strategy means going outside of an organization’s comfort zone while still:

  • Keeping the strategy statement simple
  • Recognizing that strategy isn’t about perfection
  • Making the logic explicit.

You will run into problems eventually. Those are inevitable. But you can make yourself stronger and smarter at handling those when you have your strategic plan properly thought out and in place.

Give It Time – and Commitment – to Make It Work

Whether you’re a corporation or individual, strategic planning can bring purpose and gravity back into your life. But you only reap those rewards if you approach the process with complete commitment. 

The results are long-lasting but can also take a long time, a lot of effort, and even significant money to accomplish, especially in the beginning. We’ve examined why strategic planning is such an effective means of getting organizations where they want to go. But it’s also important to acknowledge that designing and implementing a strategic plan can seem like a daunting task, especially if you’ve never been through the exercise before.

Fortunately, if you work step by step, you can develop a robust strategic planning process that will last for years. Even decades! So let’s move on now to those all-important first steps for structuring your strategic planning journey. 

I’ll show you how to make the process incredibly doable. In our next post we will be navigating bringing the strategic planning process to your organization, and the steps you will need to take to achieve high performance at your organization.

Want To Know Your Capabilities As A Leader? 

For further actionable insights, reach out to In HIS Name HR right here. We help organizations build high-performance human resource programs designed to build your workplace into the engaging, effective, integrity-filled space you want it to be.

Contact us today! You and your employees will be grateful you did.

IHN HR Recruiting Services Christian Organizations

Now Recruiting: Senior Accountant Ephrata PA

Sauder & Stoltzfus is an entrepreneur’s CPA firm that values trustworthiness, excellence, community, and teamwork. We advise our clients with entrepreneurial CPA services “the way we would want to be advised.” That means with honesty, thoughtful guidance, and business advice that helps to develop and expand upon our clients’ successes. We endeavor to be trusted advisors who always look out for our clients’ best interests.

We are growing and looking for an ambitious, intelligent, client-focused Senior Accountant to join our team. This position has the opportunity for advancement.

Education and Experience

  • 3 – 5+ years of experience in public accounting (forms 1065, 1120-S, 1040);

  • Understand core accounting and bookkeeping concepts with understanding of journal entries, balance sheet, profit and loss, and month end closing procedures;

  • A strong grasp of the federal income tax laws and the ability to prepare tax returns and do tax research;

  • Bachelor’s Degree or comparable experience;

  • CPA certification or interest in becoming CPA is a plus;

  • QuickBooks experience is a plus.


  • Prepare income tax filings;

  • Assist with compilations;

  • Assist clients with their bookkeeping and accounting questions;

  • Prepare or oversee preparation of sales tax and payroll tax filings;

  • Research tax situations and advise taxpayers.


  • Be trustworthy and responsible;

  • Work well with others and contribute to a positive team culture;

  • Develop professionally and assume new and additional responsibilities;

  • Organize schedule, responsibilities, and multiple projects simultaneously;

  • Possess excellent written and oral communication skills;

  • Be willing to work overtime (55-60 hours per week) during tax season.

  • Complete support of and willing adherence to the mission, vision and core values. Applicants must hold these standards as his/her own.

  • Strong technology skills and comfortable with a paperless process.


  • Commensurate with experience

Benefits Overview

  • ​​Competitive pay

  • Flexible schedule

  • Generous paid time off (PTO)

  • 9 paid holidays with 4 additional days near year end

  • Educational assistance


This Is Not A Remote Position 

Office Location:

Sauder and Stoltzfus
1028 Sharp Ave
Ephrata, PA 17522

Sauder and Stoltzfus is an equal opportunity employer

All qualified individuals may submit a resume and letter of interest to:

Email HR Team

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Employment Laws and Regulations Every Professional Should Know

HR professionals are supposed to strategically manage staff members in accordance with a list of intricate and constantly evolving legal rights for both employers and employees. It’s a tough task with potentially severe penalties for any failures – real or perceived.

Legal action… financial losses… a damaged reputation.

It literally and figuratively pays to know your HR rules and regulations.

Beyond the Bill Of Rights

The creators of the United States Constitution memorialized citizen rights in a series of 10 amendments, collectively known as The Bill of Rights. This was a revolutionary document, made more impactful still since our founders had the foresight to make the list adaptable for a changing future.

The power to expand, create, and enact legislation was granted to the dual (and sometimes dueling) houses of Congress. And our representatives have definitely acted on that power ever since, impacting citizen rights in so many ways.

All of them put together, for better or worse, make an organization’s human resources agenda a lot more challenging. The topic is multilayered, but here are the biggest pieces of federal law your HR team needs to know about.

1964 Civil Rights Act

The U.S. Declaration of Independence stated that the new nation was being formed on “self-evident” truths “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,” and “that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Yet it took until the 1964 Civil Rights Act to legislatively prohibit employment discrimination  based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in hiring, promoting, and firing.

As a legal benchmark of modern civil rights, it has since been used as precedent for women’s and LGBTQ+ rights as well.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act

The OSH Act of 1970 created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Under OSHA, businesses are mandated to provide safe working conditions that are devoid of recognized hazards. Its objective is to regulate, inspect, and prevent unhealthy and unsafe working conditions.

This includes guaranteeing that workers are properly trained in their jobs and provided proper personal protective equipment (PPE) to minimize worker exposure to hazardous environments and tasks. As a regulatory agency, OSHA seeks to prevent employment-related illness, disabilities, and death.

The National Labor Relations Act

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) of 1935, also known as the Wagner Act, protects workers’ rights in the private sector. It gives them the right to free association in forming trade unions and to seek collective bargaining for fair wages and better working conditions. This includes protections against unfair labor practices and reprisals against labor organizations and their representatives.

There have been three significant amendments to the NLRA over the decades. In 1947, the Labor Management Relations Act – nicknamed the Tafy-Harley Act – removed some labor union privileges and gave the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) authority over determining unfair union practices.

Next, the 1959 Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act banned unions from expanding strikes to companies not directly involved in a labor dispute. And finally, technical amendments were passed in 1974 to cover healthcare workers in the private sector sphere.

The NLRA is the subject of two current (2024) Supreme Court cases. Since both challenge perceived NLRB overreaches, we could see further changes still.

Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990

The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) forbids discrimination on the basis of disability.

Expanding on and clarifying the Civil Rights Act, the ADA added persons with disabilities as a recognized and protected class of citizen. It states that reasonable accommodations for equal and non-discriminatory access must be provided – regardless of whether a company is private or public. This applies to educational and transportation capabilities, as well as healthcare, housing, and employment.

Since its enactment, numerous court challenges have risen up to determine what constitutes “reasonable” accommodation. More recently, some of these challenges have asked whether mental disabilities are covered.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 prohibits discrimination in the workplace against individuals who are at least 40 years old. As with ADA, it expands on the Civil Rights Act – which inherently should cover age discrimination but does not specifically name it.

ADEA mandates advancement and training based on age, as well as hiring and job interview equality. It continues to be amended as younger and older workers alike become affected by changing demographics and technological advancements.

Living Rights

As initially stated, the Constitution was crafted to be a living document addressing living rights.

The Bill of Rights alone could not address every issue concerning citizen rights, local and state government responsibilities, and private sector fairness and balance. So acts of Congress seek to address the needs of a changing citizenry.

Employment laws were developed to give structure, standards, and safeguards for both employers and employees. This is an important task, to be sure, since the very foundation of the U.S. economic system is our labor force.

However, this does mean that HR professionals work hard to stay current with laws at every level of government: municipal, state, and federal alike. Breaking these regulations can have disastrous repercussions, so always strive to stay compliant in how you handle your organization – inside and out.


Concerned about the HR programs at your organization? The benefits of having a trusted partner guide you and your team to excellence are invaluable. Contact us today. You – and your employees – will be glad you did.

Rise with us by implementing our high-performance remote human-resource programs to help find great people! E-mail us here.

Mark A. Griffin is president and founder of IHN HR. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

IHN HR Communications

10 Competencies of Leadership

Let’s face it: We all know being a leader is tough.

That’s why it’s so crucial for leaders to understand their capabilities in relation to leadership competencies. There’s a lot going on in those areas, from directing teams to energizing them and accomplishing your goals – each of which can be a challenge.

I’ve found that breaking down leadership into a series of competencies can help extensively. That way, you can think of each skill as its own separate task, making developing each one easier.

Here’s a look at the 10 key competencies of outstanding leaders… along with tips for you to excel in them no matter your field!


This first competency might seem like an obvious and even all-encompassing aspect of being a leader, but hear me out. Developing all the other competencies we cover requires authentic leadership. Team members won’t believe in your vision until they conclude that you’re worth following.

That begins with proper communication. The best communicators explain their ideas with power and conviction. They speak to overarching organizational objectives and primary strategic priorities. And they articulate how each person’s work cascades up to higher-level goals.

When priorities are clear, teams can really buy in.

Great leaders also bolster morale through hard work, modeling how they want their teams to behave. They roll up their sleeves to show what they want the rest to do, raising everyone else’s energy levels by personally demonstrating diligence, focus, and persistence.

Or, to use the definition we use at IHN HR, leaders show everyone else how to “deliver on the mission, achieve the vision, and reflect the organization’s values.”


From there, you should understand the importance of delegation to leadership success. Don’t try to do it all yourself; instead, assign tasks to the people best-suited to handle them.

Effective delegation begins with putting people in jobs they can do, so carefully consider each team members’ capabilities. Do they have what it takes to get a particular task done?

For those who can handle more, give them stretch assignments: projects or accounts with a bit more complexity. The employees who can do these without problems or mistakes should be developed further and rewarded appropriately since their chances of success are high.

This isn’t playing favorites; it’s playing to people’s strengths.

In thinking about who can complete a task, think about treating people like people. They’re individuals capable of handling appropriately assigned tasks, so be careful not to overwhelm them while also seeking to avoid automatically limiting them. Learning can and should happen at any time for any one person, irrespective of their experience.

Good delegation allows employees to thrive and often includes using tools to discover their strengths. When you do that and act accordingly, everyone wins.

Finally, go in with a clear intent; people respect leaders who avoid ambiguity. Set goals for when you expect someone to do something. Fully contextualize the work by stating what you’re trying to achieve and what the desired outcome will be. Be specific about the requirements for the task, at what point it’s considered complete, and how you’ll evaluate successful performance.

As we say at IHN HR, delegation means assigning “tasks and responsibilities to the appropriate team members”… and with the clearest instructions possible.

Professional Maturity

Professional composure might not be the easiest state to achieve, but it is a hallmark of mature leaders. The best of the best learn to keep cool with the chaos. They think calmly and clearly before reacting, refusing to take things personally even when that’s the natural human reaction.

Keeping cool in the face of fire helps to keep teams steady.

Great leaders are also active about checking their biases. They use appropriate language, base their decisions on data, and actively seek out diverse viewpoints.

At our firm, we define professional maturity as “interacting with people in a manner that reflects the values of the organization and cultural norms.”


Leaders should “systematize” additional activities. For example, if employees have to perform the same task repeatedly, managers should help develop protocols and workflows for it.

Documenting routines helps minimize employee error and confusion, especially when employees change and workers have to pick up where others have left off. Yet the majority of organizations don’t implement this strategy. And without basic working instructions or standard operating procedures, they run the risk of never improving.

Since the best leaders are always looking for ways to improve, they provide central access to templates, manuals, databases, and shared drives so workers can easily find what they need to do their jobs. Organized systems don’t waste time by forcing employees or underlings to find what they need.

This includes by way of available advancements. Leaders should always look to leverage technology to speed up manual processes, such as scheduling apps, task-trackers, file-sharing programs, and so on. A well-chosen tool can minimize waste in your work process.

At IHN HR we define administration as “having effective systems in place to manage workflow and projects.”


Investment in employee training is also part of the leader’s role. The best leaders invest their valuable time in helping their team develop important skills by getting them ready for their tasks as early in the project process as possible.

Admittedly, not everyone enjoys these activities. So to make learning engaging for everyone involved, vary your approach. Use presentations, manuals, videos, and coaching. Provide materials that cater to different learning styles. Allow people to preview your expectations for them, and make it as hands-on an experience as you can.

And remember: Good-quality programs give context. Let trainees practice or simulate what they’re expected to do to prime their skills and build their confidence.

At IHN HR, we define training as “providing direct instruction or appropriate resources to impart information.”


Besides formal training, strong leaders seek to mentor emerging talent by offering one-on-one development support. High-performing organizations invest heavily in mentorship programs; consider doing the same for your employees.

Regardless, you can accelerate high-potential team members’ development by leveraging your own experiences and encouraging authenticity. Find out their strengths, interests, and opportunities for growth. What are their preferred learning styles? Where do they want to see themselves in five years?

Even better, put a system in place for mentor and mentee check-ins. Consistency provides continuity, and processes offer the flexibility to respond to changing needs. But also let your mentee know you’re available for in-the-moment questions.

At IHN HR, we define mentorship as “developing people by sharing their expertise, experience, and influence for the purpose of learning and growth.”


Leadership is about communication. And in order to be heard, you have to know your audience, use the right medium, and constantly seek feedback.

We advise first considering the communication styles (e.g., formality, preferences for email or phone) and terminology (e.g., vocabulary, level of detail, and depth) that are appropriate in various departments and functions. You need to understand your audience and tailor your message to fit specific recipients.

Also, keep in mind the timing of your messages. And be purposeful in your choice of communication channel. You can make broad announcements via email, but avoid sending other kinds of messages that contain sensitive material.

Try to match the medium to the meaning. Texts may attract more attention, but use them sparingly. The urgency diminishes with use.

At IHN HR, we define effective communication as “written and verbal communication that’s timely and effective with an appropriate tone.

Team Environment

Leaders shape the team’s culture by facilitating interaction between members, allowing them to bring out the best in each other. The deeper the team members’ camaraderie and engagement, the higher their satisfaction and performance.

Begin with bonding. Off-site team building and leadership development programs can do wonders. Getting people away from their desks and participating in fun activities can go far in creating stronger relationships. And if you can incorporate activities that address differences in personalities and strengths, that’s even better.

Trust improves with personal connections.

Collectively develop rules for openness, debate, and conflict resolution. And encourage respect for each other even during disagreements.

At IHN HR, we define the ideal team environment as “a culture that unifies a high-performance team to effectively deliver on their goals.”


Leaders should also be approachable, encouraging their followers to seek them out with questions and concerns. Maintaining an open-door policy in the office, setting aside regular office hours for impromptu visits, and/or keeping instant messaging open for remote teams demonstrates your presence and accessibility to your followers.

In addition, make clear the best persons or groups to contact about any given issue and how best to reach them – whether email, chat, phone, etc. Be clear about expected response times, and consistently state your routine response process so that employees know they can rely on you.

Finally, pay attention when speaking to others. Listen carefully, and let the other person finish before you speak. Maintain eye contact, keep an open body posture, and minimize any signals that suggest you’re not interested.

  1. Set specific S.M.A.R.T. goals: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound.
  2. Plan thoroughly. Delineate all the steps, actors, resources, and contingencies. No surprises.
  3. Agree on the measures. Agree on what will be measured and how the measures will be reported, ensuring they’re as quantitative as possible.
  4. Break down long-term goals. Divide larger goals into smaller ones. Maintain motivation with checkpoints.
  5. Be flexible; change timetables or plans if called for, but if you stay on track, that’s discipline enough. Gravity and grace balance each other.
  6. Treasure your wins. Celebrate each victory as you head toward your goal. Count the wins.

We believe that S.M.A.R.T. goals not only improve the lives of employees but also contribute to the success and longevity of the organization they’re designed for.

At IHN HR, we define approachability as “being available for questions, instructions, and input (i.e., open-door policy).”


Of course, all of this leads to execution. At the end of the day, the key to leadership is getting things done efficiently and effectively.

Here are some tips for effective leadership execution:

Lead With Confidence

If that seems like a very long and even daunting list, don’t feel overwhelmed. Rather, focus on just one or two competencies per quarter and work to enhance those areas. Then make sure to regularly review your progress.

Over time, these capabilities compound to make you the inspirational leader your team needs.


Want To Know Your Capabilities As A Leader? 


For further actionable insights, reach out to In HIS Name HR right here. We help organizations build high-performance human resource programs designed to build your workplace into the engaging, effective, integrity-filled space you want it to be.

Contact us today! You and your employees will be grateful you did.

The Executor of Duties – Understanding the ISTJ Personality

In the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator framework, personality types represent various approaches to life. Each one is a fascinating study with its own unique strengths and weaknesses. And people have succeeded immensely by understanding them better.

Most people take the MBTI in order to understand themselves. Understandably so. However, this tool is just as useful in understanding others, especially for managers and HR personnel.

There are 16 different MBTI personality types, which might seem like a daunting list to familiarize yourself with. Yet the benefits can be intense.

When we really know who we’re working with, we’re in a much better position to maximize their potential.

The ISTJ, for instance, is also known as Logistician or Executor of Duties. This is one of the more common personality types, amounting to almost 16% of the population. And that’s not a bad thing considering how they operate. This persona is very logic-driven, looking for facts and figures over feelings, which makes them ideal for many important roles in society.

Want to know more about the ISTJ mindset? Keep reading on…

An ISTJ’s Daily Life

ISTJs typically respect rules and customs, and anticipate the same behavior from others. Disobeying the law or regulations makes them uncomfortable, as it goes against their very nature. So it should come as no surprise that they tend to believe in following plans and procedures at most cost.

The ISTJ will only deviate from the norm if he or she can discern a compelling basis for doing so. There are no spur-of-the-moment course changes (or at least very few of them). They need concrete, tangible evidence to support such moves.

ISTJs store a vast amount of information in their memories. This means they often have good reason to hold fast to their modus operandi. It also means, however, that they can find it challenging when a theory or concept differs from their own.

The easiest way for them to change their minds is if someone they respect or care about speaks to them on the subject in question. If that person or persons can demonstrate the importance or relevance of the notion, the ISTJ will absorb and support it as truth. Moreover, once that “truth” is accepted, this personality type will go to great lengths to fulfill any attached obligations to support it.

Despite this seeming rigidity, ISTJs typically appreciate art thanks to their keen sense of space and purpose. In fact, they have a particularly pronounced sense of smell and prefer environments that satisfy their cravings for beauty, order, and structure.

ISTJ Strengths

When it comes to keeping their word, ISTJs are known for their dependability. They’re willing to spend long hours and exert a great deal of energy on any task they believe is necessary to achieve a goal. And while they do enjoy working alone, they can perform effectively in groups when the need arises.

ISTJs are very good at defining, organizing, planning, and carrying out tasks all the way through to completion.

ISTJs often find it difficult to show others affection and emotion. However, their strong sense of duty and ability to recognize necessary actions typically enable them to overcome their innate reluctance. As a result, they’re typically kind and supportive of the people they care about.

In short, they want to satisfy the emotional needs of those close to them.

The ISTJ is a very devoted and faithful person. Traditional and family-oriented, they work hard to ensure their households are well-run and tend to have attractively equipped and well-maintained residences. And they can make conscientious parents, though they’re more likely to show their affection for family members with deeds rather than words.

Challenges Faced by ISTJs

When ISTJs are under stress, they can easily go into “catastrophe mode,” where they fixate on actual or potential problems. They become unable to view situations rationally and start to self-blame for perceived missteps.

This downward spiral of pessimism can slide them straight into depression.

Truth be told, ISTJs don’t give themselves enough credit for their accomplishments in general though. They see finished work as expected accomplishments; that’s all.

The ISTJ is not emotionally sensitive by nature, either to their own feelings or those of others. So they may struggle to identify emotional demands immediately upon expression. And they tend to take other people’s efforts for granted just as they do with themselves.

This mindset can produce hard feelings unless properly addressed by whoever is on the receiving end of it.

Coaching and Development for ISTJs

The ISTJ has a great deal of promise overall.

Keep in mind, however, that managers should first explain the importance of whatever task they’re asked to do. Taking that bit of extra time out at the beginning will motivate an ISTJ in ways that should more than pay off in the end. Just make sure to avoid too much theory or abstract thought when you do, favoring clear, practical language instead.

Those who find themselves in charge of this personality type should also be aware that it’s an easy one to take advantage of. Due to their strong sense of duty, the ISTJ may struggle to decline assignments.

The manager needs to be particularly diligent in watching out for this possibility instead. Otherwise, that previously mentioned “catastrophe mode” kicks in.

Also keep in mind that some ISTJs may desire to control over others and accountability for their own actions. But they should be encouraged to give individuals a pat on the back – just as it probably wouldn’t hurt to do the same to them.

ISTJs in the Workplace

As alluded to earlier, the world needs capable, rational, effective people in order to survive, much less advance. So there is plenty of room for ISTJs in the workplace.

Their strong desire to promote safety and tranquility in life can lead to extremely worthwhile accomplishments.

Since they’re very interested in finding out and adhering to facts, they’re well-suited to investigative tasks. And since they’re so goal-oriented, positions of authority can be ideal as well.

Potential ISTJ job options include:

  • Managers, administrators, and business executives
  • Financial officers and accountants
  • Investigators
  • Policemen or women
  • Judges
  • Attorneys
  • Physicians and dentists
  • Computer specialists, systems analysts, and programmers
  • Military leaders

The Persuader – Understanding the ENFJ Personality Type

In the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator framework, personality types represent various approaches to life. Each one is a fascinating study with its own unique strengths and weaknesses. And people have succeeded immensely by understanding them better.

Most people take the MBTI in order to understand themselves. Understandably so. However, this tool is just as useful in understanding others, especially for managers and HR personnel.

There are 16 different MBTI personality types, which might seem like a daunting list to familiarize yourself with. Yet the benefits can be intense.

When we really know who we’re working with, we’re in a much better position to maximize their potential.

The ENFJ, for instance, is often called “The Protagonist” or “The Persuader.” One of the rarer categories, accounting for just 2%-5% of the population by some estimates, it’s known for charisma and influence. This persona takes on significant responsibility for others based on its natural inclinations toward being caring and empathetic.

Want to know what makes an ENFJ tick? Keep reading on…

An ENFJ’s Daily Life

ENFJs live primarily in an external world, constantly observing and responding to it. Their dominant function is extraverted feeling, which causes them to focus on other people’s emotions and needs. This outward orientation allows them to easily understand social dynamics.

On any given day and at any time, an ENFJ may participate in various people-oriented activities that involve such things as giving:

  • Support
  • Guidance
  • Encouragement

That’s because they gain a sense of fulfillment in interactions with other human beings, whether one-on-one or collectively. It’s important to stress, however, that these individuals assume leadership positions not because they want power but rather due to their genuine concern for others’ welfare.

ENFJs are social butterflies and the glue that holds many friendships together. They often host gatherings or check in on friends to ensure everyone is okay. These people are great listeners. And because of their empathy and understanding, they can make wonderful and encouraging advisors.

ENFJ Strengths

One powerful ability that distinguishes ENFJs is their tendency – even drive – to positively influence and flat-out inspire others around them. They’re driven by the purpose of making people’s lives better, and that gives them an automatic appeal.

In addition, they have naturally excellent speaking abilities and are more capable of expressing their thoughts convincingly. It should be no surprise then that many people look up to ENFJs as role models.

ENFJs build meaningful personal relationships characterized by immense compassion toward everyone involved, including those in the professional sphere. This, coupled with organizational capability, allows them to be very effective planners.

Challenges Faced by ENFJs

If that sounds like a golden life to live, don’t get jealous; ENFJs are not without their challenges. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, after all.

For one thing, they have a bad tendency to ignore their own needs and preferences, especially when around others. And this can result in burnout and stress if left unchecked.

Additionally, ENFJs may have difficulty dealing with conflict. In fact, they can be completely conflict-adverse, which can lead to issues worsening further through resentment.

Coaching and Development for ENFJS

When properly coached, some ENFJs can develop certain less visible cognitive functions, such as introverted intuition or extraverted thinking.

Whenever possible, we should strengthen these functions to help them achieve a better balance between personal and professional lives.

For instance, setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care can help prevent burnout for ENFJs. They should be encouraged to explore interests outside of work-related contexts and pursue hobbies that bring them joy. This will recharge their energy levels, ensuring their motivation remains high when they are on the job.

Overall, this approach guarantees motivated, energized, and happy ENFJs everywhere!

Learning how to face conflicts is also an important area of growth for this personality type. And they should strive toward achieving better overall self-awareness through lifelong learning experiences that can promote personal/professional development.

ENFJs in the Workplace

Because of their strong tendency to help others – not to mention their great communication skills – coaching and development opportunities can best benefit ENFJs. More often than not, they’re shoe-ins for such roles.

Coaching, in particular, can sharpen their leadership skills by enhancing their strengths, perfecting their boundary management techniques, and helping them develop stress-coping mechanisms. It may also provide tools they can use to better handle conflict and criticism.

Overall though, ENFJs should and do look for careers where they can make a positive impact. They want to do meaningful work and enjoy positions that allow them to see the results of their labor.

A career is not just a job for them; it’s their mission to improve human life.

Potential ENFJ job options include:

  • School principal
  • Public relations manager
  • College administrator
  • Training or development manager
  • Sales manager
  • HR manager
  • Health educator

Podcast: How HR Can Help Employees Save Their Marriages and Your Organization’s Productivity

Employers lose a lot of productivity from employees who are struggling in their marriages or going through a divorce. The Marriage Hub can help you support your employees who are struggling with their marriages. This is a benefit to them, their children, and to you as the leader of your organization.

Meet Dr. Bruce R. McCracken. Bruce has been leading the Marriage Hub for over 17 years. Bruce has been focused on doing marriage intensives for over 10 years, helping couples save their marriages from the devastation of divorce. The Marriage Hub has an 85% success rate. Meaning that their couples are still married a year after their intensive.

Podcast IHN HR Encouragement For Work

Podcast: Compassionate Reduction in Force and Layoffs – They Can Be Done

Downsizing can be daunting, to say the least. Many of us have been let go ourselves over the course of our working lives. But even if we haven’t, we understand the obvious that it’s not a desirable experience.

When the economy turns though, almost every industry gets hurt. In which case, these trying times have had an impact on a wide range of organizations – and will no doubt continue to do so from here. So, sometimes, letting workers go is a necessity.

Yet, believe it or not, there are Bible-based ways to handle such situations, designed to make it easier for everyone involved. Meet Karmae Fahr, who says she’s seen it all… including downsizing done incorrectly. As she tells Mark, however, employers can learn how to:

  1. Plan for notification day
  2. Have a strategy in place for employee engagement afterward
  3. Compile services for exiting employees to utilize.

Karmae is an executive search and recruitment expert, business consultant, entrepreneur, executive coach, trainer, and mentor with 30+ years’ experience. As principal executive of The Fahr Group (TFG) since founding it in 2007, she brings depth and breadth to organizations by successfully selecting candidates for positions from vice president through the C-suite.

Early in her career, Karmae helped build family businesses before transitioning into a recruitment position in the ‘80s. Today, she and her Fahr Group team serve clients nationwide and across industries in their quest to find top-notch management members. They currently boast a 100% fill rate for all searches – an unbeatable track record they proudly uphold and protect!


Concerned about your organization’s as-is HR programs? The benefits of having a trusted partner guide you and your team to excellence are invaluable.

Contact us today. You and your employees will be glad you did. Rise with us by implementing our high-performance remote human-resource programs to help find great people! E-mail us here.

Mark A. Griffin is president and founder of In HIS Name HR LLC. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.


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Encouragement For Work Podcast IHN HR

Podcast: Building Cultures of Wellness – at Work and Home

What does the word “healthy” mean to you?

We all have our own opinions of health and wellness based on our own unique experiences. Yet it’s essential to have a unified understanding in any workplace that creates a specific culture of wellness.

This isn’t supposed to be a token effort or Band-Aid treatment. Christ-centered wellness – living fully the way God intended – must become our new employment and employer norm: one that is so effective, it follows workers from the office to the home.

And yes, that is possible.

Meet Dr. April Jones, a healthcare leader with over 20 years of experience in optimizing and creating innovative processes. As CEO and founder of Storehouse Wellness, she champions a holistic, faith-based approach to health.

Dr. Jones spent years in traditional healthcare, where she helped people find the right medications to manage their disease symptoms, created pathways for easier and safer medical journeys, and helped to remove barriers to accessing necessary medication and proper education about these drugs. That’s how she came to realize the stark truth that providers don’t focus nearly enough on…

How to be well without medical intervention.

She now leads a premier, integrated, Christ-centered comprehensive wellness solution that removes fragmentation from well-being efforts. Dr. Jones’ program has four pillars at its core: nourishment, physical fitness, mental wellness/stress management, and financial health. It seeks to transform mindsets and strengthen internal motivation through a biblical perspective and focus on spiritual relationship.

Dr. Jones’ firm offers wellness navigation for accountability support and resource coordination, as well as 24/7 chaplaincy.

An accomplished consultant, board member, mentor, and coach, she blends hands-on healthcare experience with strategic business acumen. Dr. Jones also authored “No Mess, No Message,” a Christian motivational book on overcoming adversity; founded The Drifted Drum Co., a faith-based publishing and events company; and is a sought-after speaker. She holds degrees from Union University, University of Tennessee, University of Memphis, and Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry.


Concerned about the HR programs at your organization? The benefits of having a trusted partner to guide you and your team to excellence are invaluable. Contact us today. You – and your employees – will be glad you did.

Rise with us by implementing our high-performance human-resource programs to help find great people! E-mail us here.

Mark A. Griffin is president and founder of In HIS Name HR LLC. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.


Subscribe to the Podcast!

IHN HR Recruitment

Now Recruiting: Controller Lancaster PA

Position Closed 

Lapp Electric is entering its sixth decade of serving residential and commercial customers in Lancaster County, PA and continues to thrive and grow. Lapp remains a highly-respected family owned and operated business with a laser focus on superior service to our team members, customers, and community. We are…Powered By People.


We are seeking a controller to oversee all the accounting functions, accounting team and provide financial reporting to the Lapp Leadership Team. The ideal candidate will have experience as an accountant, controller or financial manager in the construction or electrical services industry, preferably in a senior role. They will also provide financial direction and support to operational divisions to aid in our continued growth.

The controller will lead in alignment with Lapp’s Mission-Vision-Values statements and facilitate an atmosphere where the talents and abilities of our employees are put to the best use and support the industry-leading service we’re known for.

Essential Duties

  • Lead and coach the accounting team to ensure adherence to GAAP, strong internal controls, and adherence to company policies and procedures.
  • Direct the accounting team with leadership that creates an environment of trust and productivity. Provide continuous coaching with regard to best practices, systems and technical skills.
  • Collaborate with Project Managers for commercial and residential business on labor, materials and equipment. 
  • Deliver monthly Work-In-Progress (WIP) analysis and report to the Leadership Team; review cash flow and cash position reports.
  • Actively participate in influencing business growth, direction, strategic planning, and financial forecasting. Ensure that financial plans align with organizational goals; analyze and make recommendations on acquisition opportunities.
  • Create and maintain the annual company-wide budget and forecasting. 
  • Initiate and execute all month-end processes, reconciliation and updates. Record all monthly Work-In-Progress entries. Deliver monthly balance sheet and income statement. 
  • Responsible for the monthly update to the Management Team and Owners on the budget, backlog analysis, key financial indicators and ratios.
  • Build and maintain a relationship with our CPA firm throughout the year to prepare for the year-end audit and taxes.
  • Maintain banking and insurance relationships; oversee physical assets 
  • Work with legal partners to manage legal risks.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.

Required skills and qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Finance or Accounting (or equivalent in related field).
  • Five (5) or more years of experience in public and/or corporate accounting as a senior-level accounting or finance manager.
  • At least two (2) years experience leading/coaching a team as a direct manager.
  • Prior leadership experience providing data, insights, and guiding strategic decisions.
  • Complete support of and willing adherence to Lapp’s Mission, Vision and the Qualities of a L.A.P.P.E.R: Leadership, Accessible, Positive Attitude, Perseverance, Encourager, Reliable. Applicants must hold these standards as his/her own.
  • Strong technology skills and the ability to evaluate and recommend technology tools.
  • Strong analytical and organizational skills
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills

Preferred skills and qualifications

  • Accounting experience at a construction company or experience serving construction clients is highly preferred.
  • Experience with GAAP-based financial reporting.

Benefits Overview

  • ​​Competitive pay and benefits
  • Medical Insurance (PPO or HSA)
  • Ancillary coverage available (ex. Dental, Vision, Long-term & Short-term Disability, etc.)
  • 401(k) with match after 90-days employment
  • Profit sharing and bonus plan
  • Paid time off (PTO)
  • 7 paid holidays
  • Educational assistance
  • Uniforms or logo’ed apparel depending on role

This Is Not A Remote Position 

Office Location:

Lapp Electric
2420 Gehman Lane
Lancaster, PA 17602

Lapp Electric , Inc. is an equal opportunity employer

All qualified individuals may submit a resume and letter of interest to:

Email HR Team

E.O.E. m/f/h/v