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Faith in the Marketplace April 30, 2013 Evangelical Seminary Myerstown PA

Faith in the Marketplace is designed to help those in leadership integrate our faith into the marketplace and see that our vocation is far more than a profession – it’s a calling of God.  We will begin at 7:00 a.m. with breakfast and adjourn promptly at 8:30 a.m.

Evangelical’s Myerstown Campus, 121 S. College Street Myerstown PA 17067-1299

Doors open at 6:30, Breakfast 7:00, adjournment by 8:30.

Guest Speaker: Mark A. Griffin, President of In HIS Name HR  and author of How to Build a Kingdom-Minded Organization. Mark knows what works and does not work, and most importantly he sees the world through the employee’s perspective! He believes in treating everyone with dignity and respect, because after all, your employees are part of your company family.

Register online here.


How To Build “High Performance” Organizations

Good news for tumultuous times!

Give your employees hope and a bright future in this upside down world.

Now more than ever, organizational leadership needs to create a platform to help employees succeed. Come and learn how to do this by implementing processes that will lead your organization to High Performance.

Leading an organization with clarity in Mission, Vision and, most importantly, Values makes good business sense. We call organizations that do that successfully, “High Performance Organizations,” or simply HPO’s.

The HPO experience:

  • Lower absenteeism
  • Higher quality products
  • Less employee morale issues
  • Safer work environments
  • Better perceived by customers and vendors


[youtube width=”320″ height=”180″]http://youtu.be/dLlaH3qfNWs[/youtube]


Mark will inspire you with his no nonsense approach to developing High Performance Organizations.


Bring your whole Team! 

Event Brite


About The Speaker

Mark A. Griffin is the founder and chief consultant of In HIS Name HR LLC, a human resources outsourcing and career coaching firm created to help companies pilot the complex issues of managing HR.

As a human resources professional with 20-plus years of experience in both public (Quaker Oats Company, Kodak Inc., Merck Inc.) and private companies (Woolrich, Conestoga Wood Specialties, Valco Companies Inc.), Mark is passionate about building high performance workplaces through utilizing best practices while leading companies with strong values.

While serving in the United States Air Force, Mark received his Bachelor of Science degree in Human Resources Administration from Saint Leo University. He earned his MBA from Bloomsburg University while interning for Congressmen Kanjorski as a Military Liaison during the first Gulf War. Mark has completed several executive education programs at the University of Michigan and is a certified practitioner of the Myers Briggs Type Instrument MBTI®.

Mark and his wife, Gail, have two children, and recently celebrated their twenty-sixth wedding anniversary. They attend LCBC Church, where he is a career coach and volunteer leader for The Career Network, a ministry focused on assisting career explorers in the community.

A recently published author (How to Build “Kingdom-Minded” Organizations) , speaker and accomplished HR consultant, Mark A. Griffin gives Christian leaders encouragement in building values-led organizations during these difficult economic times.



Kingdom Building Mission 2012 - Zaporozhye, Ukraine

Success Update- Kingdom Building Mission 2012 – Zaporozhye Ukraine

Our Mission trip to the Ukraine was a success! Much was accomplished and the foundation for further advancement has been set. Our Mission was simple: Develop the region’s businesses so that they can prosper and support their churches. The churches will in turn grow and prosper, and be able to develop schools for the orphans who are currently lost spiritually and educationally. During our trip, we specifically focused on helping to develop businesses in support of the trade school programs offered through the New Hope Center.

As our first order of business, we conducted an outreach luncheon during which my good friend Dave Balinski (Regional Director CBMC Central Pennsylvania) spoke on the topics of “Asking Good Questions” and “Developing SMART goals.”  He closed the session by asking the most important questions that we all need to answer.


Besides the significant interest in the topics, there was also receptiveness to the invitation to consider the claims of Christ. We thank our incredible interpreter, Olga Rubel, who interpreted our English presentations into Russian and helped us deliver our message.

width="300"Dave and I visited a Christian Trade School which had just opened within the past few months prior to our visit. We were greeted by the first seven attendees of that school. Each of the students, all orphans, is fully engaged in career training and the Bible. At first, the students were very reserved, but as we shared our hearts with them, they warmed up.

width="300"The most difficult aspect for me personally was the realization that these teens never had earthly parents and will never understand that bond and security. In fact, it took me several weeks to get my arms around it. After randomly crying on the flight home, and then enduring several days of a heavy heart, I realized how hard it was on me emotionally.

But what saved my heart from further pain is that although they are absent an earthly father, they have one through their savior Jesus Christ.

You see, sometimes, even when you have an earthly Dad or Mom, you really don’t because they never loved you or respected you like God does.

We are plagued with kids that have parents who are incapable of loving them and helping them to develop to their potential.

So if you are in that circumstance, know that you have the greatest Father for eternity – a father who will never let you down, God our Father.

In Zaporozhye, we immersed ourselves into the culture. We ate with, shopped with, participated in Bible study with, and enjoyed companionship with a wonderful variety of people in a very short period of time. It seemed everyone around us was enamored with the U.S. and current events. And it seems the whole world continues to watch us to see how we will be leading the world into the future. Will our approach be principled? Moral? Will it reflect the foundation that the U.S. was founded on? Will God’s hand remain on us?

We had an incredible time meeting with a couple, Yura and Tanya, who recently started a Boys home to help male orphans as they leave the orphanage at the age of 15-16 to start their lives on their own. Their selfless dedication to helping these boys was breathtaking. For a young couple to do what they are doing is such a beautiful gift.


In addition to the luncheon, I presented an all-day seminar to over a dozen attendees on how to create a “Kingdom-minded business.”  The seminar was based on my recently published book. I also spoke on the idea of “Servant Leadership,” which generated interest to the point of me being asked to speak in a local church the following morning!

During our stay, our host Vova (Vladimir Kiyanenko) was gracious and extremely informative about the culture, the business climate and the orphan situation. I am very grateful for his hospitality and look forward to partnering with him in the future.



So in closing, over the next few months Dave and I will be strategizing how we can take our next visit to the Ukraine to the next level. Hopefully advanced marketing and networking will help us increase seminar class size but also help to get the message out about how these few people are making such a great impact on Children’s hearts. Want to help? Contact us, I would love to have your support and commitment moving forward.

The Mark Daniels TV Show Presents Christian Values at Work Mark A Griffin

The Mark Daniels Show Presents Christian Values at Work: Mark A. Griffin

Christian Values at Work: Mark A. Griffin

Enjoy this taped version of the recent broadcast.



The Mark Daniels Show is a Christian talk / interview program at the intersection of Faith, Culture, and Community. Hosted by Mark Daniels of Philadelphia’s Christian Talk Radio, AM 560 and WFIL.com. Airing Weekdays @ Noon & 7:30 PM on WBPH.




Kingdom Building Mission 2012 - Zaporozhye, Ukraine

Kingdom Building Mission 2012 – Zaporozhye Ukraine

Our Mission is simple, develop businesses so that they can prosper and support their churches.   The churches will grow and prosper than develop schools for the orphans that are currently lost spiritually and educationally. We are specifically focused on helping to develop businesses in the support of the trade school programs through the New Hope Center.

We can make a long term difference is this area of the world.  It will take time for change to occur, but we have witnessed the change in other parts of the world.

I am writing to share news about a fantastic opportunity coming in the fall of 2012. I will be joining David Balinski, Christian Business Men’s Committee (CBMC) Area Director, on a journey to the Ukraine. With the honor of being selected to help enrich the lives of those less fortunate and help develop local businesses, Dave and I will work with local business leaders in Zaporozhye, Ukraine to help them enrich their local community.

Despite the recent turmoil in our economy, business men and women in foreign countries look to America for insight and direction when developing their businesses. They are eager and willing to learn from business owners about their strategies, methods and practices that have brought them success.

Stewardship of TreasureWe will present seminars and training to teach the foundational Judeo-Christian ethics and values that have made America great, including honesty, integrity, pride in one’s work, and freedom. If you have ever traveled to a second or third world country, you know these concepts are not at all evident in their business world. That is the case in Zaporozhye.

Through our outreach, we hope to inspire others to do business more ethically, and we look forward to making friends from around the world.

Remember, America is great because it gives.

As we prepare for this journey, We need your help.  If you are interested in helping, please contact me directly and I will let you know how. Thank you for helping us help others.

Contact Us 


How to Build “Kingdom-Minded” Companies June 20, 2012 Ephrata PA

Build “Kingdom Minded” Companies width=

How to Build  “Kingdom-Minded” Companies

June 20, 2012 from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.

Ephrata Community Church Banquet Hall
70 Clay School Road, Ephrata

All Business Owners and Marketplace Managers Welcome

Learn how you can best build a Kingdom-Minded organization in today’s “politically correct” business world.

Presenter Mark Griffin has seen it all in his more than 20 years of Human Resources experience gained by working with a wide range of organizations, from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies.

Let Mark inspire you by sharing his experiences in helping a variety of organizations manage their beliefs in the reality of today’s workplace.

  • Leading an organization with Christ-centered values makes business sense. Mark will share why he believes Christ-centered organizations experience:
  • Lower absenteeism
  • Higher quality products
  • Less employee morale issues
  • Safer work environments
  • Better perceptions by customers and vendors

Mark will share how he helps organizations develop HR practices that reflect their core values and still build a high performance organization.

Although this presentation is focused on Christian leaders, all are welcome to attend. There is no cost. Contact Amy Pfautz at harvestnetinc@dejazzd.com with any questions.

New Book Provides Christian Inspiration for Business Leaders and Professionals

Kingdom-Minded Organizations

New Book Provides Christian Inspiration for Business Leaders and Professionals

Contact: Mark A. Griffin, In HIS Name HR LLC, 717-572-2183, MGriffin@InHISNameHR.com

LANCASTER, Penn., May 7, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ — HR consultant and career coach Mark A. Griffin has worked for more than 20 years in a corporate world where the bottom line is king and often anything goes in the pursuit of profit.

Mark believes, however, that there is another, better way to do business and in his latest book, How To Build “Kingdom-Minded” Organizations, he provides inspiration for Christian business leaders who want to create a values-led organization that brings Christ into the workplace.

In the last decade, the global corporate world has endured some of the toughest economic times since the Great Depression with business leaders and employees alike enduring increasing pressure s

imply to survive. Too often the workplace has become somewhere devoid of hope and of genuine purpose and yet the workplace is still where many of us spend the majority of our time.

Mark’s human resources career over two decades in the marketplace has encompassed both Fortune 500 companies, such as Kodak, Quaker Oats and Merck, and small and mid-sized companies and his knowledge and expertise of the corporate world is unrivaled.

It’s his experience of a business world that has lost its way and is out of touch with its responsibilities to both workforce and clientele that has led Mark in a different direction, one informed and inspired by his own strong Christian faith.

Mark’s remarkable book will empower business leaders to be bold and brave in bringing their own faith into their workplace. He understands that it takes great courage to step away from the normal business practices that continue to dominate America’s corporate world but his book provides simple and effective tools that will integrate the teachings of Christ into an organization.

Through his own organization, In HIS Name HR LLC, Mark is on a mission to provide world-class business consulting that allows clients to be prosperous but also to be “Kingdom-Minded” by instilling a Christian ethos and establishing goals that reflect that ethos.

How To Build “Kingdom-Minded” Organizations provides the starting point for those who want to create, build and develop their own values-led business that is profitable and is also a stable, positive environment in which employee wellbeing is enhanced, thus improving quality and increasing productivity.

Radical, inspirational and affirmative — Mark A. Griffin’s template for “Kingdom-Minded” businesses is an idea whose time has come.

How To Build “Kingdom-Minded” Organizations is now available at Amazon.com. Purchase at www.kingdommindedorganizations.com

Learn more about Mark A. Griffin and his quest to help the Christian owned company live their faith by visiting him at www.InHISNameHR.com, or contact him on www.Twitter.com/InHISNameHR.

Good News for Tumultuous Business Times- Radio Series Launched to Inspire Christian Business Owners

Good News for Tumultuous Business Times- Radio Series Launched to Inspire Christian Business Owners

Good News for Tumultuous Business Times- Radio Series Launched to Inspire Christian Business Owners  

Contact: Keith Wilson, Praise His Name, 740.264.4604; Mark A.Griffin, In HIS Name HR LLC, 717.572.2183.

Wintersville, OH – FEB 14,2012 /Christian Newswire/ “Praise HIS Name” in partnership with “In HIS Name HR LLC” announce the launch of a twelve week radio series highlighting faith in the Christian owned workplace. Tune in and enjoy listening to Mark A. Griffin, Chief Consultant, inspire you as he dialogues with host Dee Kovach, exploring twelve inspiring weeks of Christian Business topics.

Week 1-Why do you need to build a “Kingdom Minded” company?

Week 2-What is a “Kingdom Minded” company?

Week 3- What is an Organizational Mission?

Week 4- What is an Organizational Vision?

Week 5- What are Organizational Core Values?

Week 6- HR Practices, what are they?

Week 7-How to integrate Your Mission, Vision and Core Values into your HR Practices

Week 8-How to hire the best candidates for your company

Week 9- How to manage employees to their potential within your company

Week 10- How to get your non-performers off the bus

Week 11- Ways to effectively introduce Christ into your workplace

Week 12- How best to develop and manage your Company Culture

In HIS Name HR LLC specializes in Christian business consulting for Christian owned companies who want to integrate Christ into their workplaces through the implementation of High Performance Organization HR practices.

In HIS Name HR LLC’s mission is to provide world class business consulting by assisting our clients in their quest to be prosperous and “Kingdom Minded.” We provide progressive Human Resources programs that will increase profitability, eliminate non-value added practices, increase productivity, improve quality and, most importantly, enhance employee well being.

“Praise His Name” is the place where listeners can tune in and hear interviews, music from today’s best Christian artists, inspirational messages, sermons from area pastors, talk shows with a Christian-based theme and yes, even comedy. Praise his Name is an Internet based radio station that allows on demand listening to what you want to hear, when you want to hear it. Best of all, the station is available 24-hours a day.

Praise His Name’sMission is to be the Voice calling out on the Internet!  An oasis of Peace, Truth, Grace and Love in a world looking for real answers.

Learn more about Mark A. Griffin and his quest to help the Christian owned company live their faith by visiting him at www.InHISNameHR.com, or call him 717.572.2183 or contact him on www.Twitter.com/InHISNameHR.

PodCast In HIS Name HR LLC 1

Join Glenn Mertz and Mark A. Griffin on Living the Word WHKW-AM

Join us this Monday July 25th at 10:30 AM EST on WHKW-AM Cleveland Ohio

Mark will discuss how Christian business owners can prosper their businesses using sound HR Practices while being outward in their faith. For those listeners unable to make this time, a podcast will be available through iTunes.

A  Little bit about Glenn:

Glenn Mertz hosts Living the Word, a program with a purpose.  Glenn talks with people both nationally and locally who are Living the Word. Be encouraged and challenged as you discover how others are living out their  Christian faith.

Glenn Mertz guides you through an incredible line-up of Bible teachers each weekday morning on WHKW. Glenn started in radio at Baldwin Wallace College and has worked at stations including WMJI, WWWE and WEOL. He’s now at Salem Communications at AM 1220 ‘The Word’ (WHKW), and hosts the daily Christian talk show ‘Living the Word’ (weekdays 10:30am). Glenn lives in Elyria with his wife, Jackie and his children Rachel and Evan.

A Little bit about Mark:

Mark has a Bachelors degree in Human Resources from Saint Leo College and an MBA from BloomsburgUniversity.  Mark Lives in Manheim Township Pennsylvania with his wife, Gail, and daughter, Emily. Mark attends LCBC Church and also leads a Career Ministry in which he helped start 6 years ago.

Mark is really passionate about the workplace, and  especially Christian business owners’ opportunity to reach their  employees.   He believes employees and  companies should work closely together to prosper the company for mutual purposes.

Mark is Chief Consultant, In HIS Name HR LLC,  a Christian Business Consulting firm that he created to help Christian business owners prosper their business and engage their employees.

Christian Perspective on Business

The Bridge FM “Christian Perspective on Business”, hosted by Glen Dalakian

Please join us at 11AM June 18th  2011, on Bridge FM’s weekly radio show “Christian Perspective on Business,” hosted by Glen Dalakian.This week’s topic will be “The Good News On Business”.

Guest Mark A. Griffin,  Chief Consultant at In HIS Name HR will share his experiences in helping shape organizations to be Christ centered and profitable!

With over 20 years of Human Resources experience at both fortune  (Kodak, Quaker Oats, and Merck Pharma) as well as small and mid-sized companies, Mark has seen it all.  Tune in and enjoy Mark’s discussion with Glen on how you might best build “Kingdom Minded” organizations in today’s “politically correct” business world.  Let Mark inspire you to be bold and brave in your faith, by ensuring Christ is in your workplace.


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The Tamden Christian On Line Radio