Be Generous And Be Encouraged At Work

Romans 12:8 (NIV)   “if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. “

Over the past several weeks I have encountered a variety of circumstances where I have witnessed extreme cases of generosity.  These were situations where someone deliberately went out of their way to help a random “somebody” Not a friend or a relative but someone they did not know at all.  As Christian’s we are called to help each other, not just other Christians, for when we do so we shine the light of Christ though us.  Several years ago we had a campaign regarding “Others” at my church home.  I learned a lot through the sermon series but I also learned a lot from hearing from people who had been a recipient of someone who had  acted on their impulse to help another in need.  The impact that was made to the recipient was heart changing and ultimately affected the direction on that person’s life.

What impact have you made this week to another’s life?  What impact to the lives of your co-workers will you make this week?  If you commit to be an encouragement to your Team, if you make an impact to those you work with but not yet know you, you are helping to build a “Kingdom Minded” company.

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What experiences have you had in the workplace that made it a better day for you and your coworkers?  What have you done to be an encouragement at work?

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