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2021 ABHE Annual Meeting ~ Rosen Plaza Hotel, Orlando, Florida

The Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) Annual Meeting

February 17–19, 2021 | Rosen Plaza Hotel, Orlando, Florida

Oversight of Institutional Payroll and Employee Benefits 

Overview: Regardless of the exigencies of the pandemic or other crises, all employees expect payroll and other vital employee benefits to happen on schedule and without mistakes. This makes oversight of payroll and employee benefits a top priority of smart CFO’s. How do distinguished CFO’s effectively manage both payroll and employee benefits? What are systems and best practices to consider? What are reasonable benefits to provide? Walk through the labyrinth of related issues with an expert in HR policies and practices, including:

  • Knowing best practices for cost effective and efficient payroll services
  • Reviewing the pros and cons of various employee benefit packages
  • Managing an effective employee benefits system

Basic Principles of Conflict Resolution & HR Effectiveness 

Overview: Perhaps it’s inevitable. Where there are people, there will be differences of opinion that can lead to conflict. Blessed are the peacemakers! The CAO carries a unique weight for HR effectiveness as typically the leader of the largest group of institutional staff. Explore key principles for effective HR leadership and conflict resolution that are vital when conflicts arise, including:

  • Unpacking the nature of personnel conflicts and administrative response
  • Understanding the principles of conflict resolution
  • Initiating exemplary practices for HR effectiveness and conflict prevention

Prudent Response to a Title IX Investigation 

Overview: A growing list of institutions are reporting their hazardous journey through a US federal Title IX investigation. What are we learning about this audit and investigation process? How do smart institutions prepare for this most unfortunate circumstance? Consider the wise counsel from an ABHE partner and HR expert to give you as president much better insight into both the nature of this investigation and practical steps to prepare, including:

  • News from the emerging stories of Title IX investigation – the good, bad and ugly
  • Understanding the focus and the likely outcomes of an investigation
  • Prudent counsel for practical preparations that can make a big difference

In HIS Name HR, in conjunction with ABHE, is excited to announce the 2021 Annual Meeting presentation topics.

Learn More Here 

Visit us- Booth 322 – ABHE Annual Meeting!

About The Speaker

Mark is an accomplished HR expert with a fresh perspective. He believes in challenging people to think differently when presented with obstacles in any situation. His passions are inspiring, motivating, and helping others. Peers describe Mark as creative, proactive, determined, and eager to learn. Just a few of Mark’s professional skills include organizing, presenting, and problem solving.

Mark received his Bachelor of Science degree in Human Resources Administration from Saint Leo University. He earned his MBA from Bloomsburg University while interning for Congressmen Kanjorski as a military liaison during the first Gulf War. Mark has completed several executive education programs at the University of Michigan.

Prior to leading In HIS Name HR, Mark worked for Quaker Oats Company, Kodak Inc., and Merck Inc., and private companies Woolrich, Conestoga Wood Specialties, and Valco Companies Inc.

In addition to helping people professionally, Mark also believes in helping people personally through volunteer work. Mark has coached leaders on “Business as a Mission,” traveling to Eastern Europe, India, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic.


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