Posts Tagged ‘Productivity’

christian ethics in the workplace

Why You Need Faith In The Workplace

Today’s churches sit empty. More than any other time in history, your employees spend increased amounts of time commuting to and from work, working in their workplaces, and working evenings and weekends, disengaged from their families and communities. These increased hours have resulted in employees spending more waking hours at work than they spend at home with their families, with friends or volunteering in their communities. Because of this, we all have an opportunity and a mission: a mission to reach those who need saving. This is the world’s untapped  harvest, a field of opportunity. And, as God proclaims, we need more workers into his fields.

Matthew  9: 35-38 (NIV) The Workers Are Few 35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

According to Pew’s 2014 Religious Landscape Survey, those who say they go to church or another house of worship at least once a week fell from 39 percent in 2007 to 35 percent in 2014. This number is probably misleading because many people may have embellished their attendance a bit out of a sense of guilt or obligation! However, assuming it is accurate that would leave a whopping 65% of U.S. residents not attending any religious services each week. This is a concern, because it clearly proves that, statistically speaking, your employees are probably not spiritually grounded.

This is where Christian business owners and executives
must step in to help God fill the void.

As a human resources professional with 25 years of experience in both public and private companies, I can tell you from firsthand experience that the lack of faith in our workplace affects every aspect of the workplace. Employees’ lack of time to focus on their own spiritual needs will undoubtedly affect productivity, quality and safety. Harder to measure but just as important, it affects their own and their coworkers’ morale. Employees lacking in faith will bring far more problems to the workplace than those who are seeking God or are Christ followers.

You can try to run your business without God.
Or you can include Him in your plans.
I urge you to include Him.
God is the ultimate business partner!

Therefore, those of us that are hesitant to embrace Christianity in the workplace must really look at it not only from a spiritual perspective, but from a business perspective as well.  Far from being self-serving, this shows the attitude of a responsible business owner, attempting to prosper their business for the financial security and future of their employees and employees’ families.

If you are a business owner, sometimes you might feel like your the only christian in the workplace. Often times these feelings are not necessarily accurate. They are real feelings, but we find many organizations have faithful Christians working along each other, they just are not aware of it because of the fear of talking about faith at work. We are not in the business of creating “religious companies”, on the contrary we are in the business of helping to create a “Kingdom Minded” company. There is a big difference.

 Makes Financial Sense

Leading a company with Christ-centered values just makes good business sense.  I believe that Christ-centered organizations can experience:

  • Lower absenteeism
  • Higher quality products
  • Fewer employee morale issues
  • Safer work environments
  • Better perceptions by customers and vendors

 What I have found to work

You must have a Vision, Mission, and Core Values. Many business professionals stop there. I urge all of you to go further. Integrate your core values into your Human Resources practices. This will:

  • Memorialize your standards
  • Provide guiding principles in all you do
  • Make your values easily understood by  employees
  • Drive a values-based culture with your customers

Don’t just hang your Vision, Mission, and Core Values on the wall! Integrate, Integrate and then Integrate some more. Get your values into your culture and make it an intrinsic part of the way you work.

I believe that employees who work for an outwardly faith-based Christian organization are committed at a different level than those in non-faith-based organizations. Employees are more likely to go the extra mile, to trust their leadership, to deliver on their promises and be led by those who demonstrate Christ-like servant leadership, because they can!

Feel free to reach out to me and ask for my assistance in helping you develop and prosper a “Kingdom Minded” company. Contact Us

Have you worked for a company that has been outward in their faith?  What were some of the obstacles the leadership faced?  What were some of the benefits that the company enjoyed because of their desire to lead with principles?  What’s your opinion? we would like to know.

Post your comments below-

Radio Series Week 10 Managing Nonperformers

Week 10- How to get your non-performers off the bus

Radio Series Week 10- How to get your non-performers off the bus

Tune in and enjoy listening to Mark A. Griffin, Chief Consultant, inspire you as he dialogues with host Dee Kovach on, How to get your non-performers off the bus. Let Mark inspire you to be bold in your faith as you learn to navigate the complexities of faith in the workplace. Be encouraged as you learn how to develop a high performing organization through your HR practices.

“Praise HIS Name” in partnership with “In HIS Name HR LLC” announce the launch of a twelve week radio series highlighting faith in the Christian owned workplace. Tune in and enjoy listening to Mark A. Griffin, Chief Consultant, inspire you as he dialogues with host Dee Kovach, exploring twelve inspiring weeks of Christian Business topics.

Listen or download on iTunes here: Click



Respect your employees and be rewarded IHN HR

Oppressing your employees is as sinful as adultery

Malachi 3:5 (NIV) “So I will come to put you on trial. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive the foreigners among you of justice, but do not fear me,” says the LORD Almighty.

Wow! In this passage you can hear God’s disapproval of those who cheat their employees of wages, but God categorizes it at the level of sorcerers,  adulterers and perjurers! How many company executives who have cheated their people probably dismissed their act as harmless?

On the surface, one may surmise that “wages” are defined as cash for hours worked. However, wages from today’s human resources perspective takes on a far greater meaning than just cash. What about your employees’ medical benefits? Their retirement plans, and education reimbursements? What about your support of them in the communities in which they volunteer? Do you look at your employees and see the bigger wage picture? Or do you look at them in distaste and dismiss them as mere “business cost?”

Respect your employees and be rewarded

Studies and surveys have proven that, when employees know they are being treated fairly, they will go the extra mile. When employees recognize that leadership and ownership think of them first, they will think of the leaders and owners first. You see, it really is simple: people reflect their leadership. Respect your employees’ financial futures, and you can expect to be rewarded by your employees’ productivity and devotion.  If you respect your employees, if you reflect Christ by making them and their families your company’s financial priority by sharing your company’s prosperity with them, you are helping to build a “Kingdom Minded” company.

Please share with our reader community.  Please leave a few comments about a time when you worked for a leader who really valued you.  Not just valued you from a financial perspective, but valued your personality, displayed an interest in your family and showed a genuine interest in your future.   What traits did that leader demonstrate?  How did this leader demonstrate respect for you?  What do you do now as a leader to show respect for your people?  What enhancements have you taken part in to make your workplace welcoming?