Benefits and Human Resource Seminar ~ September 5, 2018 Lancaster PA

IHN HR High Performance Human Resources

2019 Trends and Analysis ~ How To fix Healthcare in America?

Healthcare Is Broken.  Costs continue to rise.
But have you ever taken time to understand why?   The deck is stacked against Employers and Employees.

Come learn more about identifying the problems, and steps you can take to stack the deck in your favor.

Limited Seating Register Below 

About Patrick Moran

Patrick T. Moran II, CLU – President and founder of INGROUP Associates, (now an Alera Group company) and has been in the insurance business since 1985.   Pat specializes with working with business owners in the areas of Employee Benefits, Estate Planning, and Business succession planning.

Pat is also one of the founding members of the Alera Group, which is a nationally recognized Employee Benefit consulting firm.   Alera Group is a collection of Industry thought leaders, providing National Scope of services, combined with Local Service.   Today, Alera is one of the fastest growing Employee Benefit consulting companies in the country.

Pat is a graduate of Bloomsburg University, and received his CLU from the American College.   He also serves on several boards, and enjoys family time, Tennis, and Biking.

Sexual Harassment and Your Responsibilities Under the Law 

You can’t open a news website without seeing another #MeToo circumstance being reported. As a result, many organizations have a “zero tolerance” policy for sexual harassment in the workplace, but what does that really mean to you, as a leader? Or you, as an employee? What is sexual harassment?

In this interactive presentation, you’ll learn:

  • What sexual harassment is—including the verbal, visual, and physical conduct that could be considered or perceived as harassment
  • What your rights and obligations are under the law
  • What you can do as an employee to support a harassment-free work environment
  • What you should do as a leader to help provide a harassment-free workplace
  • What to do if you feel you may have been the subject of sexual harassment
  • Steps your organization can take to better your work environment

Sexual harassment is unacceptable in any workplace. It simply should never be tolerated. Come learn how you can help free your workplace of harassment and make it one where all employees will grow and prosper.  Mark is not an attorney.  This presentation is to provide practical and HR related experiences and should not be considered legal advice.

About The Presenter

Mark A. Griffin is the founder and chief consultant of In HIS Name HR LLC, a human resources outsourcing and career coaching firm created to help companies pilot the complex issues of managing HR.

As a human resources professional with 20-plus years of experience in both public (Quaker Oats Company, Kodak Inc., Merck Inc.) and private companies (Woolrich, Conestoga Wood Specialties, Valco Companies Inc.), Mark is passionate about building high performance workplaces through utilizing best practices while leading companies with strong values.

While serving in the United States Air Force, Mark received his Bachelor of Science degree in Human Resources Administration from Saint Leo University. He earned his MBA from Bloomsburg University while interning for Congressmen Kanjorski as a Military Liaison during the first Gulf War. Mark has completed several executive education programs at the University of Michigan and is a certified practitioner of the Myers Briggs Type Instrument MBTI®.

Date And Time 

September 5, 2018, 8AM-10AM

7:30-8:00AM             Registration and light breakfast

8:00 – 8:15AM          Opening Comments Julie Garrett

8:15 – 9:00 AM         How To fix Healthcare in America? Pat Moran

9:00 – 9:45 AM         Sexual Harassment and Your Responsibilities
Under the Law Mark A. Griffin

9:45 AM                     Closing Comments and Adjourn Julie Garrett


The Farm and Home Center
1383 Arcadia Road
Lancaster PA 17601

Limited seating for this event. To register for this free event with a light breakfast included contact:

Barbi Cottingham
INGROUP Associates

E-Mail Barbi



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