Thank you for your kind recommendation. Here is an example to help guide your creativity.


I recently had the opportunity to work with IHN HR as I navigated a new direction in my career. I want to say thank you for all the help your staff has given. Their advice and professionalism helped me navigate my career with confidence. Thank you for all the help in providing an influential mentor over the past couple months, I am forever grateful.

Mark A. Swingler, Senior Project Architect at Wight & Company

Biblical DEI Support

In His Name HR has provided our staff with exceptional diversity, equity, and inclusion training that aligns with our Christian worldview and values.  Using Biblical text as a foundation provides a greater understanding of the value of diversity, seeing others as equals, and not excluding anyone because they may look or sound different. I would recommend In His Name HR’s DEI training for all faith-based organizations.

Rod Redcay Executive Director of REAL Life Community Services