IHN HR High Performance Human Resources

Mission DR- 2016

Be a difference maker in 2016! Do this by creating an impact serving the people of the Dominican Republic (DR).

In HIS Name HR LLC in conjunction with  Crossover Ministries International and Cups of Cold Water Ministry is leading trips that will open your eyes and fill your heart.

May 31- June 5, 2016

Contact Us Today For A Trip Fact Sheet


Christian Purpose

This trip is focused on service, evangelism and personal Christian development.

It is expected that this trip will provide you with the opportunity to express God’s love by helping others.  This trip is life changing for anyone in any stage in his or her walk with Christ.

This is a working trip!  Be prepared to roll up your sleeves and make an impact!  




Our Mission

We will have several main focus areas during the trip.

1.  Serve food and water to people in extreme poverty. (Dump Feeding)

2. Deliver kid ministry and enrichment to Dominican and Haitian disadvantaged Children. (Vacation Bible School)

3.   Service Projects, which may include painting, cleaning and building homes.  (Zion Village Support)

4. Village evangelism, allows us to present the gospel in a meaningful way to children and adults alike. (Movie Nights)

Pictures from previous trips:  Group Trip 2015  Group Trip 2014 Couple Trip Mark and Gail Griffin 2014

Contact us to learn more and and receive an information fact sheet with trip particulars. Please place in the subject line  “DR2016”.



We came to love them- But they loved us back more.
We Came to love them- But did not expect their love in return.
Making some noise!
Glad you came now let’s rock!


I had no shoes, today I do!
I had no shoes, today I do!
Your Were Thirsty , I Gave You A Drink
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.


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