DEI and Biblical Alternatives

Diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI, has become a very popular topic in the last few years. Recently, I had the pleasure of spending time with Kevin McGary, a leading thought expert on diversity, equity and inclusion. Kevin has been pivotal in our quest to develop a Biblically based DEI program that celebrates human connectedness and offers recipients hope and unity by aligning all people’s strengths, and reinforces that no one person’s pain is greater than another’s. I also consider Kevin a good friend.

I was blessed to meet Kevin through the Pinnacle Forum group. Pinnacle Forum was created to help connect C-Suite-level executives into groups that allows them to support each executive in their sphere of influence as it relates to their walk with the Lord. Kevin is the chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California and brings to us an enlightened viewpoint on what is happening, societally, within the United States. Much of this I have witnessed through my HR experiences the past 30 years, as we have seen the deterioration of the family, and, in return, the deterioration of the workplace in general.

While many Caucasian and Black leaders shy away from discussing uncomfortable, difficult issues, Kevin and I want to share some of our collective experiences as, respectively, a Black man and a Caucasian man living in America to generate greater understanding of these difficult topics from our distinct perspectives.

While Kevin and I do not share the same skin color, we do share the same frustrations with the current happenings in our society. We certainly don’t want to politicize the situation, but we are finding it increasingly difficult to bring our country together. From my perspective, I wonder how Black Americans do not see the destruction that the Democratic party has created in their community, specifically in regard to NAFTA and its promotion by the Clinton administration. Taking tens of thousands of jobs out of the cities disproportionately affected the Black community and never made sense to me. I recall, in grad school, being told that we were “evolving to a more tech-centric economy.” Well, as we know, most of those tech-centric jobs ended up in third world countries, where wages are nowhere near as much as they would be in the US.

Not only did we lose jobs as a country, but those jobs went to places that don’t have the same child labor laws and green laws that we have enacted in America. I have been to India and witnessed the impact on their people and their environment. Sadly, many employees in India working for American companies do so on work campuses, sending their wages back to their respective villages to support their families. This doesn’t cause prosperity; this breaks up families and creates more pain. A much better approach could be to develop work locally and support that work with microfinancing. Much of the manufacturing that formed the backbone of our country fed tens of thousands of families and gave dignity to those who work there. Without work, where are people to gain dignity? Work is Biblical. Adam and Eve had jobs in the Garden of Eden. And, someday, we will all be using our gifts, talents and strengths in eternity with Christ.

Mark: Kevin, my question is simple. What changes have occurred that have put Black Americans at a major disadvantage in terms of prosperity here, in the US? My thinking always goes back to the deterioration of the family. The lack of the presence of two loving parents and even the lack of loving grandparents has caused so many issues with our youth. I am curious to know your opinion.

Kevin: The deterioration of the Black family is definitely a factor. But even before LBJ’s proclamations and policies specifically designed to undermine the Black family unit—remember, LBJ is recorded as having said his policies “will have the n***ers voting democrat for the next 200 years

Notably, Charles Darwin believed whites fully evolved first and were “superior” (i.e., possessing “supreme” human attributes and instincts), while Blacks were still climbing the evolutionary scale (foremost in his theories) and, therefore, he wrote, must be considered “subhuman.” He equated Blacks to apes, gorillas, and savages. In my book Woked Up! Finally putting an ax to the taproot of White Supremacy and Racism in America, I confirm that Darwin was motivated by grotesque and arcane theories of supremacy and racism. Since he was the first world-renowned scientific mind to make such assertions, I deem that Darwin’s theories are singlehandedly responsible for the disproportional abuse that has plagued and stymied Black progress for over 100 years. Having a cursory understanding of Darwin and his motivations provides context for why Blacks had to demand justice and equality, culminating in Dr. Martin Luther King’s demand that the content of character must be the overarching focus for human interactions. White people weren’t judged by their skin tone, so it wasn’t color that actually mattered: Black people’s skin color was seen as a mark of evolutionary inferiority.

Mark: And have these issues caused you to accelerate your involvement in movements against the current direction of our country?

Kevin: I am most certainly motivated to get involved in changing the socio/cultural downward trajectory of America! Unfortunately, Darwin and his protégé, Karl Marx, are still lauded and applauded globally. Their diabolical deeds to inculcate supremacy and racism have been largely ignored. Most people don’t fully comprehend the extent to which their theories have been motivated to instantiate grotesque “White Supremacy” and racism. My motivation is to make sure that people come to know the truth, so we all may be set free from these insidious mindsets.

Mark: This 1993 article from The Washington Post called out issues impacting the Black community. And this article from the Economic Policy Institute, written in 1997, cites the immediate impact that NAFTA had on American jobs, notably within just the first three years after the Agreement was enacted:

“Between 1993 and 1996, women lost 141,454 jobs to NAFTA, Blacks lost 36,890 jobs, and Hispanics lost 22,520 jobs, numbers closely reflecting these groups’ shares in manufacturing industries. Moreover, a disproportionate number of the jobs eliminated by NAFTA were manufacturing jobs, which pay relatively high wages, further contributing to NAFTA’s detrimental effect on the distribution of income and wages of working Americans.”

These are big numbers. I remember working in the garment industry during those years and the devasting plant closures that ensued. I watched one industry after another shift manufacturing overseas. I support all people in the world having the dignity of work. I have done mission work in Ukraine, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua, and I believe the only way out of poverty is through the dignity of a good, safe job. The difficulty lies in the jobs that have left, which have never been replaced with equal- or higher-paying jobs. We are seeing a deterioration of the workforce, not an increase in our capabilities. Finally, this article outlines the impact 25 years after the passing of NAFTA:

“According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Black workers have lost nearly half a million manufacturing jobs (494,000) during the NAFTA–WTO era. Black workers’ manufacturing losses were evenly spread across many subsectors that suffered significant trade-related job loss. For instance, in the automotive sector, by 2010, in just the first 15 years of NAFTA, Black workers had lost 56,524 jobs. Black workers were disproportionately represented in the primary metals manufacturing sector hit by the NAFTA–WTO era with a loss of 53,800 jobs. Black workers have also lost 22,100 jobs in the paper manufacturing industry and 18,600 jobs in the beverages and tobacco industry during the NAFTA–WTO era, two more sectors where Black workers were overrepresented relative to their general share of the workforce.”

Kevin, with these staggering statistics in mind, what suggestions do you have to reinforce that we need change to return dignity to people, but not through policy or the extension of destructive governmental programs that hinder an individual’s freedom to prosper?

Kevin: Some of the best ways to encourage the dignity of work and beget progress for any/all communities would be to reemphasize the trades! Higher education creates very high student loans and can be more burdensome (long term) than not. Skilled trades, on the other hand, continue to be in demand; most trades have proven to be “recession resistant” (resilient to economic conditions). Trades like HVAC, construction, machinery, auto mechanics, landscaping/design, etc., provide high incomes and opportunities that are mostly resistant to economic downturns. Entrepreneurship is greater for tradespeople. Also, unlike trying to “climb the corporate ladder” via “white-collar” jobs, meritocracy is more apparent in the trades arena. Therefore, people tend to achieve greater income acceleration and promotion based on skills/mastery of craft, as compared to the subjective criteria of the corporate world.

Mark: The privatization of prisons and the extreme zero policy of Democratic leaders caused a disproportionate amount of Black men to be incarcerated for de minimis amounts of drugs and narcotics in their possession. We know that the sentencing guidelines for crack cocaine offenses versus powder cocaine were changed. This article from 1995 highlights those issues. Yet again, we trust our politicians to make the lives of our people better. This subject has been in my heart for many years. Privatizing a penal system and then decreasing the threshold of incarceration would seem, to me, to reek of impropriety. But what would you advise both the Black and Caucasian communities to do in this regard?

Kevin: There is a serious need for continued criminal justice reforms initiated under the Trump administration. With Joe Biden’s racist 1994 “criminal legislation,” Blacks were targeted and put behind bars for 25+ years for relatively minor offenses.

Judges were given great latitude as well, and this translated to large variations in sentencing; depending on the city, state, and court/judge, sentencing would vary from probation to 25+ years for the same crime! This must stop. Irrespective of where criminals decide to break laws, all criminals should know the minimum consequences for committing crimes!

Across the country, there should be consistency in sentencing guidelines. Too much power is given to DAs and judges (in certain cities), and this phenomenon has caused “woke” social justice warriors to champion over-correction on criminal justice reforms. To be sure, many cities have now implemented no-cash bail reforms (which provide a no-consequence revolving door for repeat offenders), and defunding of the police, which has allowed and encouraged many criminal activities to go unpunished.

Common-sense reforms that provide minimum sentencing requirements for all states will help restrict subjective rulings from radical judges, while also providing consistency.

Mark: Organizations now actively seek ways to create a more welcoming workplace that respects employee diversity and gives a voice to people who are often underrepresented. Whether you are a Christian-owned business or a religious-exempt employer, such as a Christian church, ministry, higher education institution, or camp, many foundations and organizations that provide grant dollars are mandating DEI. It is rumored that more and more local, state, and federal contractors that provide services to the federal government must certify that their employees have been trained in DEI.

Fortunately, we live in America, and there is no one authority that can dictate the contents of this mandated training. Many employers have sought an alternative to present, rather than the highly sexualized versions that consulting companies deliver. As an HR professional, it’s challenging to reconcile these mandates when much of the presented materials would violate current sexual harassment and workplace employment laws.

We believe that business owners and organizations can create the thriving work environment they aspire to by implementing our Bible-based, organization-wide DEI training program. In fact, much of its content aligns with the DEI training that was presented in corporate America in the ’90s. Some of the points, although presented from a secular worldview, mimic the Biblical worldview. For example:

All people are created equal.
So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God He created them; male and female He created them. – Genesis 1:27

There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. – Galatians 3:28

The rich and poor have this in common: the Lord made them both. – Proverbs 22:2

God sees everyone as the same.
For God does not show favoritism. – Romans 2:11

Treating all people fairly is paramount.

Yes, indeed, it is good when you obey the royal law as found in the Scriptures: Love your neighbor as yourself. But if you favor some people over others, you are committing a sin. You are guilty of breaking the law. – James 2:8–9

The second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself. No other commandment is greater than these. – Mark 12:31

God loves everyone.
“The mountains may shift, and the hills may be shaken, but my faithful love won’t shift from you, and my covenant of peace won’t be shaken,” says the Lord, the one who pities you. – Isaiah 54:10

The Good News: No matter how the world changes around us, or what trials we face, HE is always there, guiding us through it all.

In a nutshell, God loves diversity, equity, and inclusion. Jesus set the example, so we should, as well. In addition to honoring Him, organizations promoting inclusive cultures provide a happier, healthier work environment. Indeed, according to a Deloitte survey, companies with inclusive cultures are twice as likely to meet or exceed financial targets; three times more likely to be high performing; six times more likely to be innovative and agile; and eight times more likely to achieve better business outcomes.

Inclusive companies also produce more satisfied employees. This same survey revealed that employees in these environments were likely to stay with the company three times longer, be 28% more engaged, and were 51% more likely to recommend the company to others. For 80% of individuals surveyed, diversity, equity, and inclusion remain a hugely important factor when committing to a workplace.

Robert Sellers, chief diversity officer at the University of Michigan, compares diversity, equity and inclusion to a dance: “Diversity is where everyone is invited to the party. Equity means that everyone gets to contribute to the playlist. And inclusion means that everyone has the opportunity to dance.”

Kevin, with this being said, what is your perspective on aligning the Biblical view with DEI versus the world view, and where do you see the critical differences?

Kevin: In my book DEI in 3D, I affirm that “the most significant value of Diversity for any environment is the encouragement of divergent viewpoints; this helps promote harmonious flourishing when focused on solving problems or attempting to accomplish an objective. Actively welcoming criticisms and coordinated assessment of different plausible solutions increase the Diversity of ideas within organizational thinking. If all organizational contributors feel their input and perspective are encouraged, honored, and respected, it can foster a rich unifying experience for employees. When corporate unity is increased, an increase in overall corporate performance should accelerate. From an in-depth DEI in 3D view, a sincere and concerted effort encouraging equal opportunity for people with diversified skillsets, political leanings, ethnicity, sex/gender, etc., is needed to produce a ‘melting pot’ of Diversity to achieve a pipeline of opportunistic successes.” This aligns with the Biblical view of the Kingdom.

A secular view of DEI emphasizes equity. Within today’s DEI parlance, the equity focus connotes that since everyone is accepted as equal, there is demand for equal pay and promotion outcomes (regardless of skillset, background, competencies, etc.). Taken to its obvious extreme, equity demands that people be promoted and placed into senior positions based solely on skin color (or gender identity, like trans). Equity, when reflected as equal outcomes, allows incompetent people who are abject failures to be rewarded with high pay and promotion. This is quite divisive, because it enables personal retribution (if someone lacks melanin, for instance, and the DEI exec despises them for it, they can be displaced in deference to someone less competent). This obviously doesn’t allow a menagerie of flourishing in a diverse workplace. Instead, is causes distrust, division, and resentment. Workplaces should be vigilant about diversity, while also emphasizing a commitment to merit/meritocracy, not “equal outcomes!” This—equal outcomes—is fundamentally a communist notion and should be rejected by all who believe in equal opportunity, fairness, and promoting unity.

Mark: Kevin, we discussed some of my firsthand experiences witnessing prejudice. Growing up in a predominately white community, for example, I did not, early on, have the opportunity to work closely with people of color in a for-profit secular company environment—I had experienced some of this during my time in the Air Force, but not with anyone at a high level in corporate America. But then I took a job at a Fortune 500 company where my boss was a very successful Black man who had risen to the top of this company very quickly, and I was learning so much from him. One day, we were having lunch together at a steak house, and when the subject came up, I admitted I had never witnessed anyone white acting or sounding racist or bigoted. My boss said that racism still very much existed, and that if I hadn’t seen it, I wasn’t looking very hard for it. That made sense, because why would I be looking for the negative all the time, given I tend to assume the best about people when I meet them? At the end of the meal, the waiter brought me the check, assuming I was senior to my Black companion. My boss grinned. “Case in point, Mark. That is a subtle form of racism.” I learned my lesson that day, as it might otherwise never have registered.

Kevin, how do you see this from your perspective? That lunch was many years ago. Has it gotten better for the Black community? What would you recommend the Caucasian community, as well as the Black community, do to shine a light on things like this? How can this discussion become healing and unifying, rather than destructive?

Kevin: Racism exists! Preconceived notions, based on race, also exist. Preconceived notions (devoid of malice) should not be conflated with racism, which, in my opinion, always includes malicious/malicious intent.

We must give one another grace based on the fact there is much ignorance about changing norms and precedence. Given that personal biases based on preconceived notions tend to become visible, we must allow for this as a plausible explanation of insensitivities and ignorance, as opposed to immediately “knee-jerking” to race/racism. When we (everyone) can learn to do this, we can begin to build a basis for achieving some level of trust and unity.

Mark: Another topic we discussed, Kevin, is law enforcement. This has been a hot topic in the press for the many years, starting with Rodney King, and now particularly on the heels of the very controversial George Floyd riots. We have seen many instances these past several years that show mounting frustration and tension in our nation. People have widely differing perspectives, with some believing that defunding the police is the solution. But we have to agree that not funding the police is backfiring. I was recently in San Francisco on vacation and was shocked at the crime and the appearance that has taken over the city. Automobile break-ins are rampant, assaults on citizens are increasing, and several areas are overrun with drug abuse and homelessness. And it’s not just California. Parts of Baltimore, Detroit, and Philadelphia are unrecognizable now, in contrast to the prosperity they demonstrated in the past.

This article outlines where many of the problems stem from, and much of it sadly has to do with reduction in our police forces. When police pull people over, it’s important to be respectful, but we also expect the police to be respectful toward, albeit cautious of, the citizens they encounter. We have a court system that can help us in the event an officer is abusive. Most police now have body cameras, and if they are abusive, their actions will be recorded. Even comedian Chris Rock, who uses some salty language to give guidance, believes that respecting law enforcement is in one’s best interest.

Kevin, what recommendations would you give to our readers to help prevent these kinds of issues from continuing?

Kevin: Everyone should rally around the FACT that we need law enforcement. Too often, officers are needed to intervene in domestic violence incidents, rape/assault investigations, terror/terrorist actions, and countless other ways that help protect and save lives! Let’s face it, there are rogue nut jobs in every profession; the law enforcement profession is certainly not exempt. For officers who have proven to be “bad,” we need to demand dismissal. Regrettably, police unions are complicit in retaining bad officers. One answer is to reduce the power and privilege of police unions when there is a track record of officer abuses/misdeeds.

With U.S. borders currently “open” and people from all over the world streaming in (some confirmed terrorists, some confirmed human and sex traffickers, and countless drug/gun-running lords), reducing law enforcement is not an option. Only sincere efforts to increase law enforcement mechanisms will help protect all citizens (especially those in inner-city communities). We must be vigilant about encouraging more law enforcement, while being diligent about holding them accountable to standards of conduct conducive to public safety and personal well-being.

Mark: The second point to discuss is the case of an affluent Caucasian man who runs over a man, obstructs the investigation with false claims, is let out on bail, and then receives a sentence of a minimum of 363 days and a maximum of three years for an accident involving death or personal injury. Furthermore, from our understanding, he retained his employment and is out daily on work release. This just doesn’t seem right. I am curious: Had the driver been a Black man from Philadelphia driving through central Pennsylvania in a predominantly white community, what might the outcome have been? This strikes me to be what some call white privilege. In this case, access to quality legal assistance, to local officials, and certainly the privilege involved with this person’s influence in the community, all played a part in the outcome.

What has been your experience in this area? What would you like to share with both the Caucasian and Black communities as to how we can better ensure that the justice system treats all offenders similarly?

Kevin: As stated before, minimum sentencing guidelines are needed; this helps remove subjectivity from the meting out of so called blind justice. Judges would not be able to bend the rules to help friends/family or their favorite (or preferred) ethnicity.

Mark: Thank you for that answer; that would solve many of these issues for sure. Kevin, my heart breaks when I see great Americans like Condoleezza Rice, Candace Owens, Ben Carson, and Burgess Owens being vilified by the media and the left-leaning agenda. These are role models who should be lifted up, rather than torn down. What can we do collectively to help elevate them, rather than witness them become marginalized?

Kevin: On the issue of Black conservatives being marginalized and silenced in many ways, the best way to stop abuses of dissenting voices (on both the right and left) is to recognize everyone’s humanity, and in that, dignity and worth. When we can come to the point where we can respectfully disagree without name calling, we will see opportunities to unify around the things that really matter. Honestly, we will not be able to come to this point until we recognize the evil of Marx/Marxism, and commit to thoroughly rejecting him and all of this ideology. Marxism is wholly corrosive and violent, and because of its global mass appeal, people have gotten more divisive and aggressively violent against those who dissent.

Freedom-fighting Blacks standing for righteousness, truth, and justice are elevated and supported best when we reject mainstream Marxist media. If we reject the communists in the media, we can go much further in unifying real truth and justice.

Mark: I put myself through college by working full-time and going to college full-time, at night. I didn’t enjoy the privilege that some assert all white people have. In addition, and this is a hard topic, I spent many years in corporate America being told that I would never rise to the senior ranks of a corporate company on merit, because Blacks and women were being promoted within the ranks of HR to fulfill affirmative action requirements. If I wanted to rise, I was told I would need to go into Operations, where I would have a better chance; otherwise, no matter what I did, I would not reach those ranks. I‘m not angry about it—I understand it. I actually was blessed by it, because not only did it give me a greater understanding of affirmative action but also the motivation to start my own company.

Kevin, what’s your perspective on affirmative action in the United States? Has it helped? Or has it hurt the people it was supposed to help?

Kevin: When it was initiated, affirmative action was needed to help Blacks—finally—get equal opportunities to succeed. Coming out of the civil rights era, it did what it was supposed to do. But it wasn’t intended to continue in perpetuity, so there is no rationale for its continuance. We

each need to be more intentional about recognizing and honoring one another based on the content of character, and not skin color; when we unify—one human to another—we represent God’s design for humanity and are provided a glimpse of the menagerie of diversity that will be harmoniously reflected in His Kingdom.

Mark: Thanks so much for giving us your thoughts on affirmative action. We certainly appreciate your pointed and direct feedback on a discussion that has been debated for many years. I appreciate your wisdom

My final question concerns the Black Lives Matter movement. Many people were very excited about this movement and moved quickly to support it. At the end of the day, though, what is well intended does not always come to a positive fruition. What have you seen regarding this program, and what’s next for it?

Kevin: BLM, as a motto, was something everyone could get behind. But BLM as an organization was a mess. It has now been deemed a fraud. Multiple mansions, very high-income family members, and appreciable contributions to Act Blue (and transgender organizations) are where they spent approximately $1 billion. Multiple states have sued BLM for fraud, and BLM has virtually ignored Black communities; no Black communities received help, support, or were aided in any way after the George Floyd riots. The BLM organization seems to have been established as a mechanism for unfettered graft and defrauding the public, not help!
The BLM founders are proud “revolutionary Marxists”—their proud proclamation—so I guess the fraud and malfeasance is to be expected….

Mark: Kevin, I want to thank you today for taking the time to help our readers get a greater glimpse of race and DEI, which is often presented in a different manner. Have I missed any areas you think we should discuss?

Kevin: To address issues with DEI and have it work in positive ways (in which it’s anticipated), the first thing I would recommend is to read my new book, DEI in 3D. It provides a healthy, cogent, and objective view of DEI and its anticipated outcomes. The second thing I recommend is to completely reject and denounce Karl Marx and Marxism. Marxism is wholly antithetical to morals and values, unity, and a proper and healthy respect for all humanity. Marx and his theory must be canceled! This is not optional; it is mandatory for those who are sincere about workplace (or small group) harmony.

Mark: Kevin, thank you for taking the time to discuss DEI and Biblical alternatives with us. The conversation took longer than we’d thought, but your perspective on the many points we’ve covered has been very valuable. Your wisdom and understanding will help many who were unaware of these potential risks in what is happening, societally.  Thanks again!

Podcast “Partner Provides Christian Friendly Alternative Job Site”

Enjoy listening to Guest Mark A. Griffin as he discusses “Job Shepherd, a Christian Friendly Alternative Job Site” with host Chuck Bryant.

Pinnacle Forum was inspired by Dr. Bill Bright, Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ International, who challenged a handful of leaders in 1995 in Phoenix, Arizona saying, “I believe the only way we can change our culture is to find a way to network our high influence leaders and inspire them to use their influence for God.”  Join Them Here! 

Chuck Bryant has served with Pinnacle Forum since 2005 and is currently serving as President & CEO. Chuck has held a few instrumental roles with Pinnacle Forum, the first as Executive Director of Pinnacle Forum Modesto in California. He then served for a few years on the National Board, as well as in the role of Board Chair.

Download And Listen On iTunes Here 

Partner Mark A. Griffin is paving the way for employment opportunities without fear of religious discrimination as the government seeks to reshape the business landscape. is currently available for free for job seekers and employers who want to ensure they are landing in healthy environments. Mark also lives out his Kingdom mission by providing an alternative biblically based DEI program for companies and organizations. Listen and glean beneficial information for your organization. You can contact Mark through his website: or find him on Twitter @inhisnamehr. Mark Griffin’s bio.

Labor Issues IHN HR

3 Labor Law Issues that Can Destroy Your Organization

Are you complying with all the proper state and federal labor laws? 

If not, it could cost you everything.

In large corporations, an entire human resources (HR) department navigates the complex minefield of federal and state labor laws. Most small organizations think of HR as an afterthought, or HR responsibilities like hiring, benefits, compliance, and payroll falls to a few people who aren’t properly trained. This can be a pricey mistake. Laws concerning overtime, unlawful termination, and equal rights are just a few areas that trip up organizations, big and small, all the time.

Labor laws fill volumes and are quite complex. Plus, labor laws vary from state to state! Even Walmart ran into trouble recently and incurred $4.83 million dollars in back wages, penalties, and fines for violating The Fair Labor Standards Act. The mistake? Managers were misclassified and not appropriately compensated for overtime work. Unlawful termination is another problem that has cost organizations like UPS, Carmike Cinemas, and Dial Corporation dearly. Yes, it’s tricky. Do you know the laws?

It gets worse—the government is ramping up efforts to check up on organizations and crack down. The Obama administration has allotted $25 million for the sole purpose of investigating those misclassified as “independent contractors,” hoping to reclaim lost tax revenue and pad the IRS’s coffers. Be smart. Remember that stiff penalties and lawyer fees can decimate your organization. Are your workers properly classified?

Stay legal and remember these 3 key points:

 Child labor, non-resident labor, and equal rights legislation are the three areas where small organizations most often fail to comply.

• Both state and federal labor information is free and available online.

• Outsourcing with an HR professional firm can save your organization a lot of time and money.

Most organizations with fewer than 100 people benefit from outsourcing labor law compliance and other human resource tasks to HR professionals. The alternative is risky: employees are often uninformed about and under-trained in labor law compliance. Look out! Federal fines could be in store for you. In addition, HR often falls outside an employee’s main job focus, so getting it wrong or spending valuable time away from primary tasks can cripple productivity in a small organization. Get the right person trained or on your team to comply with labor laws.

Regrettably, staying legal has never been more difficult or important.

Make sure to get the help you need right away.


 Mark Griffin is President and Founder at In His Name HR LLC. He has over 25 years of HR experience. Learn more about Mark’s journey in HR by watching this short video. In addition you can also follow him on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn.

Podcast “How Well Do You Know Your Hiring Rights?”

Enjoy listening to Guest Amy E. Fineman discuss “How Well Do You Know Your Hiring Rights?” with host Shannon O. Royce.

Download And Listen On iTunes Here 

The Christian Employers Alliance are Christian business owners and leaders of for-profit and nonprofit organizations, boldly standing up for biblical values – from Capitol Hill to Wall Street to Main Street. Are you ready to join them? Learn More Here

Amy E. Fineman possesses extensive recruitment and HR industry experience. Previously, Amy led talent sourcing and recruitment efforts for Fortune 500 companies such as Gap Inc., Tesla, and Microsoft. She has a wide range of industry experience including finance, marketing, communications, engineering, and technology, and has recruited for all levels of organizations.

Amy Fisher In HIS Name HR LLC

Press Release: Amy E. Fineman Joins In HIS Name HR LLC


Amy E. Fineman Joins In HIS Name HR LLC

Lancaster, PA, US – April 4, 2023 – In HIS Name HR LLC, based in Lancaster, PA, has announced that Amy E. Fineman has joined the company as Human Resources Partner.

Amy possesses extensive recruitment and HR industry experience. Previously, Amy led talent sourcing and recruitment efforts for Fortune 500 companies such as Gap Inc., Tesla, and Microsoft. She has a wide range of industry experience including finance, marketing, communications, engineering, and technology and has recruited for all levels of organizations, including executive positions.

Amy brings the ability to connect strategy to action while building strong relationships with her clients, leadership, and teams whom she works with. Amy is a trusted advisor and collaborative talent acquisition partner. With her experience, she will leverage strategy, research, and relationship to ignite long-term mutual impact between individuals and the organizations she supports.

In HIS Name HR has been implementing high-performance HR programs for Christian-value-based for-profit companies and organizations, including Christian colleges, ministries, camps and churches, since 2011. In this new role as Human Resources Partner, Amy will support organizations to achieve their goals with her extensive recruitment experience. Additionally, Amy will deliver Biblically based diversity, equity and inclusion training to clients nationally.

“We are excited to have Amy join our team to help take this HR organization to the next level,” says Mark A. Griffin, president and founder of In HIS Name HR LLC. “Amy’s depth of experience, knowledge and recruitment capabilities complement our growing team of seasoned executives.”

More information about Amy Fineman is available at: In HIS Name HR 

PR Newswire Press Release Here 

In HIS Name HR is guided by Christian values and strives to reflect Christ in all areas, starting with the view that everyone should be treated with dignity and respect, and that employees are the most important part of all organizations.

Official Links:





Functional Medicine Nurse

Now more than ever people need to take charge of their health.  Come join an organization that is making a difference, a difference in so many lives. WildHeart Wellness  offers years of experience in nutritional and holistic diagnosis to recommend solutions that help you live in better health, vitality & joy!

We take into account your lifestyle, diet, environment, and even DNA to recommend a tailor-made solution for you.

Come join a Team that is making a difference in so many lives!

The Functional Medicine Nurse will need to have a strong background in holistic and functional medicine experience.  This person will also need to have Functional medicine treatment knowledge of lifestyle and nutrition changes as well as knowledge of administrative of supplement therapies.

The Functional Medicine Nurse will be responsible for review of practitioner’s action plan with client after phone meetings, zoom meetings, or in-person.

The Functional Medicine Nurse will be responsible for scheduling and maintaining the client schedule for the organization.

The Functional Medicine Nurse will be responsible for documentation of client charts (Physical and electronically); scanning and maintaining paperwork in the electronic record system.

Essential Responsibilities

  • Maintain appearance of office attire including always wearing hair up, and proper clothing for office duties.
  • Make sure clients, staff, and community members always feel comfortable, and is enjoying the interaction in a social welcoming manner.

Functional Medicine Nurse Responsibilities:

  • All in-house or remote correspondence with clients relating to their treatment/healing journey with our office.
  • Performing and monitoring the following:
    • Laser Therapy
    • Neurofeedback
    • Contour
    • Max Pulse
    • IN Body
  • Prepping patient charts including all physical charts for all clients, proper paperwork and completion of tests and records update; as well as Ann’s (owner) upcoming appointments, after appointment orders.
  • Responsible for all lab draws including:
    • Ordering
    • Communication with clients
    • Drawing blood
    • Specimen collection
    • Processing & packaging specimens
  • Responsible for all injections that are done in-house or educate clients for home injections.
  • Responsible for infusions including ordering and mixing of solutions, starting, and discontinuing of peripheral lines, monitoring infusions, and documentation.
  • Client support including routine check-ins and updates to support each client’s healing journey.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.

Administrative Responsibilities:

  • Use bookkeeping software – QuickBooks to invoice clients for tests, medical procedures, and supplement orders.
  • Use of Appointment Core
  • Use of Infusion Soft Accounts
  • Client Liaison which includes:
    • Answering/initiating phone calls and emails throughout the day
    • Responsible for all correspondence in the email used for general client intake and information, assigning, and coordinating tasks to other staff if needed.
    • Responsible for all correspondence in the email used for all tests and schedules.
  • Responsible for notes and proper documentation of all medical tests performed.
  • Responsible for all medical records including scanning paperwork continuously updating, downloading tests, labs, etc. and then uploading to corresponding medical record charts (physical charts and electronic charts).
  • Responsible for maintenance of electronic record system site including creating and monitoring assessments and trackers as well as resources that are assigned to each client.
  • Creating resource information and updates.
  • Responsible for ordering/stocking all medical tests (for both sides of the organization) and supplies. Some specific medical tests are as follows:
    • Vibrant
    • GDX – Use Genova or Doctors Data or similar
    • Dutch
    • BiomeFX
    • Evexia
    • 23 and me
  • Responsible for scheduling appointments and changes of schedule, client demographics, test, therapies, coordinating all treatments in Setmore system, email reminders, etc.
  • Responsible for creating resources pages, ads, flyers, and community outreach.
  • Responsible for Ann’s (owner) calendar including scheduling company consults for Ann to review tests, online programs, etc.
  • Responsible for creation and communication of all zoom appointments for Ann (owner).
  • Responsible for maintaining nursing licenses, certificates, etc.
  • Responsible for update and maintain bloodborne pathogen plan and educate all staff per requirements.
  • May need to cover for supplement room, when needed.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.

Responsibilities in Team Meetings:

  • Generate creative and inspiring ideas/plans to share with the team.
  • Attend weekly “huddles” (exceptions need to be approved by owner).
  • Analyze food desires and consumption.
  • Promote positive and enthusiastic communication with the team.

Required Personal Attributes:

  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Excellent interpersonal, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills.
  • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.
  • Excellent time management skills with a proven ability to meet deadlines.
  • Excellent detail with numbers, names, specific genetic and research tasks.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Ability to prioritize tasks and to delegate them when appropriate.
  • Ability to act with integrity, professionalism, and confidentiality.
  • Thorough knowledge of HIPPA-related laws and regulations.

Position Requirements:

  • Certified Nurse as an LPN or RN.
  • Functional or integrative medicine one (1) year minimum required. Willing to learn more functional medicine skills on site and via online classes.
  • Strong background in holistic & functional medicine.
  • Background in administration of infusions including IV injections and IV fluid.
  • Willing to learn new medical equipment, software systems, etc.
  • Willing to get Neurofeedback training certificate to use equipment.
  • Must have a valid driver’s license.
  • Proficient with Microsoft Office products, iPad, and Outlook (calendar, email, one-drive, etc.).
  • Complete support of and willing adherence to WildHeart Wellness’ mission, vision, and core values. Applicant must hold these standards as his/her own.

Location will be: 1135 Georgetown Road, Suite 110, Christiana, PA 17509 

Download Application Here  All qualified individuals may submit a completed application and letter of interest to: E-mail HR Team

Webinar: Finding Great People In Today’s Economy

Presented and hosted by Christian Business Partnership Ohio’s Christian Chamber of Commerce.

Restoring the American Promise. Together.

1:30PM EST Monday, April 3rd, 2023  

It’s no secret that your organization wants to succeed. It should come as no surprise that your employees also want to succeed!

Of course, there’s often a strong, positive relationship between the two—when employees succeed, so do the organizations they serve.

A key question to answer: How can organizations most effectively find, train, motivate and encourage employees’ success?

Topics We Cover

  • Marketing your organization in today’s difficult labor situation.
  • What should we have in place to be attractive?
  • Where do high-performing organizations find employees?
  • What are the three most important steps of an effective hiring process?

This presentation will also help prepare people within your organization who may want to move into an HR role. The presentation is positive, inspiring and provides the participant the opportunity to learn concepts used within high-performing organizations.

About The Host 

Christian Business Partnership exists not only to defend your rights in the economy, but to ensure a business environment friendly to businesses throughout Ohio. Their mission is to aggressively advocate for the religious liberty of Christian employers and for a fair and free marketplace that enables entrepreneurs to thrive and compete. Learn more or join here!

About the Speaker

Mark A. Griffin is the founder of In HIS Name HR LLC, a human resources outsourcing and career coaching firm created to help organizations pilot the complex issues of managing HR.

As a human resources professional with 30-plus years of experience in both public (Quaker Oats, Kodak, Merck) and private companies (Woolrich, Conestoga Wood Specialties, Valco), Mark is passionate about building high-performance workplaces by utilizing best practices while leading organizations with strong values.

Mark and his wife Gail have two adult children and attend LCBC Church. Mark has coached leaders on “Business as Mission” as far away as Eastern Europe, India, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic.

Speaker, accomplished HR consultant, and author of How to Build “Kingdom-Minded” Organizations and College to Career: The Student Guide to Career and Life Navigation, Mark A. Griffin encourages leaders to build values-led organizations during these increasingly complex times.

Click Here to Register! 

Contact Us In HIS Name HR LLC

Creating Relationships To Recruit Great People

Creating Relationships to Recruit Great People

Whether you are a Christian For-Profit, Ministry, Church, Camp or Higher Education Institution, recruitment can be difficult.  Even before Covid-19, employers had difficulties finding qualified candidates. Many organizations did not know where to look for candidates or could not find employees skilled to match available positions. Many organizations face the same situation, the problem is less a dearth of potential suitors than knowing where or how to search for an ideal match. I believe the best way to find qualified candidates is to focus first on establishing long-term relationships. Only then will your network proactively refer candidates to you because they know of and trust your organization.  We believe having a great strategy in place will pay dividends in the recruitment of exempt and non-exempt staff, regardless of your organizations, product, or service.

Consider your favorite brands and businesses. Maybe they include a clothing company, a coffee shop, or perhaps a particular hotel or car. Whether you realize it or not, you’ve developed a relationship with these brands. Think back to when you first discovered that brand or business. For example, you chose a random coffee shop one day. What drew you in the door? Was it the aroma of the roasting beans? The cozy ambience, the savory scones? Or the friendly employees? What made you choose to return, again and again? What made you rave about this place to your friends, family, colleagues? Subconsciously, we develop relationships with the things we care about, just like we do with the people we care about. Relationships are the key to the success of any organization.

Now more than ever organizations must break out of mediocrity.  Organizations have an obligation to their people to strive for excellence, to be world class, and to be high performing. Far too many organizations, ministries, churches, and nonprofits fall victim to a defeatist attitude, thinking no one wants to work anymore, we can never find candidates, Covid-19 has ruined our chances of growing, often giving up before they’ve hardly begun.

IN HIS NAME HR believes an organization should strive to become—and maintain—excellent; and will remain intact no matter the storm. People can become discouraged, even disillusioned, by the slow deterioration of service or quality they witness within organizations. Leaders must become focused to allow organizations to grow versus failing. We should do everything with excellence, or not do it at all.

If you, as an employer, have drifted from your organizations vision, try recalling what initially ignited your excitement and passion for that organization. How did you feel when you gained your first big client or made your first big sale? Elated, no doubt! Inspired! How did you feel when you got the keys to your first office and saw your nameplate on the door?

If you’ve lost your pizazz at your current organization, can you recall when things went awry, or your enthusiasm began to fade? How can you gain that excitement again? Simply put, if you as a leader, are not excited about your organization, chances are employees won’t be either. To attract excellent employees who will experience that same initial enthusiasm, you might have to do a bit of housecleaning first. Let’s look at what that might entail:

  • First, create an awesome workplace. Create the kind of work environment where you would want your loved ones to work. The best way to attract people is to first make the people who currently work for you and agree your organization is a best place to work! Create a process and check in regularly with your employees to make sure they are satisfied with their working environment. When employees feel encouraged, noticed, and heard, they’re much more likely to be productive and perform well. Take time to listen to them. Find out what motivates them and makes them tick. Go out of your way to make each employee feel recognized. Learn their favorite coffee flavor, their pet’s name, or their favorite hobbies. If they’re due a raise or a proper bonus, give them one. Make sure that if an employee were to run into a future employee on the street who asks about their work environment, they’d have nothing but stellar things to say about you and your company.
  • Next, develop a clear employer brand. Organizations should be marketed to candidates. Given that the competition for quality candidates is fierce, you want your organization to look its best and stand out. Create a recruitment benefits fact sheet that affirms to your potential employees why they would want to work for you. List the benefits, but also include employee testimony. See an example of a recruitment benefits fact sheet here. Create only job posts that reflect the culture of your organization—that’s critical. Build excitement. (Creativity and humor go a long way.) Do you have a cool coffee bar in the break room, annual employee barbecues, team building events, or an onsite gym? Perhaps you’ve got a great city view, offer flexible working hours, or host an annual super fun holiday party. Asking employees why they love working for you also reminds themof the reasons and renews their enthusiasm. You can see why taking the time to take this step is a real win–win.
  • Lastly, create your network. Most organizations, because of turnover among or an absence of HR professionals, do not have a formalized network through which they can broadcast vacancies. And that’s a problem. Organizations should consistently mine for talent, and the surrounding community should be aware of the organization and have a general idea of what they do and what their hiring patterns and processes are. At any given time, you should ideally have a pool of candidates to choose from. No one wants to find themselves scrambling at the last minute, searching frantically for employees the way folks did during the 2021 COVID-19 employment crisis Having a reserve of candidates to call on, and a robust network, ensures you hire only the top, sought-after candidates.

In high-performing organizations, the community knows who you are and what it is you do. If they don’t know, you have a community relations problem. To succeed, organizations must spend time marketing themselves as a great place to work. Doing so is also an effective form of marketing to potential customers. People want to buy products and services from organizations that treat their employees well. The problem is that many organizations do not create such a network list. Ask yourself: “Does every one of my friends and family know what I do?” If those closest to you are not aware of your company or could not easily tell someone else what you do or what you represent, your networking may need serious work. Network today, and it will pay dividends in years to come.

Due to developing relationships takes years, it’s imperative to start as quickly as possible. To begin, have your person that is responsible for HR set up appointments and start meeting and networking with organizations in your area, such as these listed below, to improve awareness of the opportunities you offer.

Colleges – Many have student work and career centers. Consider creating internships, which are the perfect opportunity to showcase your company and assess potential employees with little risk to you.

High Schools – Get to know the guidance counselors, as many can be very helpful. If certain schools offer career days, consider setting up a booth and speaking with students. Make sure you bring adequate marketing material to pass out.

Vocational and Trade Schools – Forging relationships with these will provide you the technical employees you need.

Refugee and Immigrant Placement Organizations – This is a wonderful opportunity to help people start a new life. Just because someone is a refugee or immigrant doesn’t mean they don’t possess desirable skills and expertise.

Other Local Nonprofits and Organizations – Seek out ones that match your organizational values. Check LinkedIn and other social media platforms and/or make a list of friends you know who are involved in or have started a nonprofit organization.

Agencies on Aging – Many organizations help our seniors find meaningful work.

Churches – This is a logical place to connect with people. Start with five churches in your area and grow this network over time. Some churches host career or networking events; consider setting up a booth there. Many churches also offer mothers groups, like MOPS (Mothers of Pre-schoolers). As stay-at-home moms transition back to the workplace, they will be looking for an ideal environment. Consider speaking at one of these groups free of charge to put your name out there.

Radio Stations – Many (Like WJTL) have job posting programs to help the community.

Local Veterans Groups – A great way to connect with men and women who have served our country.  Many will have extensive training and education.  Nationally, the Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation has an extensive list of resources that organizations could support and develop relationships with.

As you tap into all your networking communities, create a checklist with the contact information of each organization’s contact person and be consistent in sharing vacancies/opportunities when they come available. You can easily create an e-mail blast to let people know when vacancies are posted. Also, in the checklist, include all the regular places you post the ads or send the vacancy info.

At the end of the day, you want your workplace to be excellent and a great place to work for all employees. By ensuring you are creating an ideal work environment, and make your branding known to your community, you’ve already taken the first important steps. Networking may take some initial effort, but in the end, it will be more than worth it. Relationships are priceless. Start creating them today!

If the pandemic, has you stressed out, let our 10 years of serving clients nationwide benefit you. We are the leaders in human resource consulting and outsourcing services from a Christian perspective. Let our experts assist you in in developing a plan for you to help in these hard times and save yourself unnecessary pain and stress!

In His Name HR helps organizations build high-performance human resource programs. E-mail us here.

Mark A. Griffin is president and founder of In His Name HR LLC. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter


Recruiting in Today’s Economy

Webinar: Recruiting in Today’s Economy

Presented and hosted by The Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE)

12:30PM EST Wednesday, December 7th  

Now, more than ever, recruiting employees has become increasingly difficult. Some organizations (those who lead with high-performance HR programs) never seem to run out of qualified leads. What are they doing that makes recruiting employees easier? Learn valuable tools to attract mission fit candidates in today’s tight labor market.

Click Here to Register!

These and other issues will be addressed in this important 1-hour webinar by a keen partner and consistent High-Performance Human Resources blogger with ABHE, Mark Griffin.

If you’re dealing with recruitment challenges during this employment crisis, we hope you’ll listen for his invaluable counsel.  ABHE is comprised of approximately 200 postsecondary institutions specializing in biblical ministry formation and professional leadership education.

Does your organization need HR help,  If so, don’t panic. We are here. We can help.

If you’re struggling with the current employment crisis, what it means for your organization and your employees, and need someone to listen to your concerns who can help, contact us today.


 Contact Us In HIS Name HR LLC

Board Governance In HIS Name HR LLC

The Five Common Board Governance Models: Which One Is Right for You?

Governance can be defined as: The combination of policies, systems, structures and strategic framework which a governing body puts into place to ensure that the leadership of an organization makes appropriate decisions.

Or, in less fancy, layman’s terms: Overseeing the control and direction of an organization. Governance models refer to how the authority chain and framework interconnect. These models ensure decision-making remains effective and that correct accountability is assigned to board members and/or managers of an organization.

With more competition than ever in the workplace, both nonprofit and for-profit organizations consistently find themselves faced with challenges as they seek to maintain success and stay on course. Deciding on a particular governance model can be a challenge in itself, as each organization is unique. There is no right or wrong governance model; at some point, every organization must decide which one fits them best. Many organizations adopt a combination of various board governance models that often evolves with time. When organizations face a new life cycle or phase, when operations become unstructured, when roles become ambiguous and board members dissatisfied with their roles, or when a CEO, a college president, a church’s senior pastor, or several board members leave, it may be time to reevaluate one’s governance model.

Adopting a new board governance model might seem daunting. But it needn’t be. Changing models is a bit like changing one’s lifestyle. Let’s say that someone has spent the past few years eating cheeseburgers and Fritos and watching Seinfeld reruns from the comfort of their couch every night. One day, they wake up and realize they’d like to change their life, get healthy, swap the burgers for green smoothies and the reruns for time at the gym, working on their fitness. They might feel eager, but understandably a bit overwhelmed. Where to begin? Which way to go first? This is a bit like that. Changing governance models entails abandoning well-established ideas and replacing them with new ideas and roles. This change takes time, energy, resources and resolve. It may feel confusing at first. But over time, clarity and greater ease does come. With the right model in place, any organization can succeed.

Let’s take a look at the five most common board governance models for nonprofit organizations.

Advisory Board Governance Model

Many nonprofit organizations choose to use the Advisory Board Governance Model. An advisory board is the platform that an organization’s president or CEO consults for assistance or advice. The president or CEO may carefully choose a team of trusted individuals as part of this board. Each board member possesses a set of professional skills and unique talents that will be useful to the nonprofit, and in most cases, they provide these valued skills at no charge. A quality advisory board can boost the reputation and credibility of a nonprofit. This is an excellent model for nonprofits concerned with achieving high fundraising and public relations goals. The advisory board may serve as the main governing board of a nonprofit, or the organization could utilize additional models that offer special expertise, such as a young professional advisory board. This model is often appealing to board members, because these younger members bring valuable contributions to the table, and meetings tend to be informal and task-oriented. While this model can initially be effective, challenges arise when board members face liability issues because accountability mechanisms become ambiguous. This model is not limited to nonprofit organizations. The Advisory Board Governance Model can be the first step in governance for small but growing for-profit organizations. It is an effective way to introduce new ideas from leading experts in variety of career fields.

Patron Governance Model

The Patron Governance Model looks very similar to the Advisory Board Model. However, it includes a few distinguishing factors. With the Patron Governance Model, boards comprise individuals who either possess a great deal of personal wealth or wield significant influence in the nonprofit’s field. The primary duty of this board is fundraising. Board members may contribute their own funds to the organization, or they might reach out to members of their network to contribute as well. Generally, under the Patron Governance Model, board members in this model have less influence over the president or CEO than with the Advisory Board Model, other than running the risk of losing funding. This model can be very helpful, but the board cannot be relied upon for governance tasks, like vision development and organizational planning.

Cooperative Governance Model

Many nonprofit organizations do not have an official president or CEO. In this case, the Cooperative Governance Model works well. Under this model, the board makes decisions for the nonprofit as a group of equals. This is a highly democratic model, as no board member has a higher standing or more power than another. This model is often used when the law requires a nonprofit to have a board of directors; it works best when each board member is able to show an equal amount of commitment to the organization. Challenges may arise, however, when personal morale declines. Under this model, there is no effective way to ensure accountability for individual actions.

Management Team Governance Model

The Management Team Model is one of the most commonly used governance models. With this model, the nonprofit acts similarly to a for-profit corporation. Instead of hiring people or teams to handle human resources, financing, fundraising and public relations, the board forms itself into committees to do these things itself. This model, which rose in popularity in the 1970s and has continued to gain momentum, is often used by volunteer organizations such as home school associations, Girl and Boy Scouts and other hobby groups. Challenges under this model arise when board members refuse to delegate authority and become micro-managers instead, resulting in inconsistent decision making and resentment and discontent among staff.

Policy Board Governance Model

The fifth common board governance model is the Policy Board Model, also referred to as the John Carver Policy Governance model. This model was developed by John Carver, author of Boards That Make a Difference. Carver, an esteemed psychologist who has co-authored five books and worked as a business officer in small manufacturing, understands both the business and psychology ends of organizations. He trademarked the Policy Governance model and has consulted with businesses in nearly 20 countries. Under his model, the board delegates much of their trust and confidence in operating the group to the CEO or president, and the CEO holds regular meetings with the board to update them on the nonprofit’s activities. With the John Carver model, there are very few, if any, standing committees on the board. Typically, the board is secondary to the CEO in overall power. The CEO is responsible for the staff, and the board typically does not interact with staff. However, the board and CEO work together as a team, meshing their skills and ideas. Members are often recruited because they have demonstrated commitment to the values and mission of the organization. Many nonprofits use this model, often combining it with other models to create a more specialized advisory team.

As with nonprofit organizations, for-profit (corporate) organizations use five common board governance models. The Traditional (Structural) Model is the oldest of the models, its use dating back to as early as the 1700s, when corporate structuring began. Many government organizations still use this model, as do many law firms. This model is built upon the concept that the board is the legal ownership entity and speaks as a board, while members of the board speak on behalf of the board but do not have an individual voice outside of the organization. The Board Chair is usually structured to be the official “voice” of the board, but only speaks in a way authorized by the board as a whole. Under this model, the board usually delegates responsibilities to the CEO or the board committee.

While the Traditional Model can be effective, it is no longer as widely used and presents some unique challenges. When the board delegates its powers, accountability and expectations sometimes become muddled. Another challenge arises when the CEO creates management operating committees that overlap with board committees which hold similar responsibilities. This can lead to confusion among staff about their roles, as board members cross boundaries between governance and operational management. Organizations still using this model have recently reduced the size of the board and sought board members capable of governing as a whole, versus merely representing constituents.

The Carver Board Governance Model, common among nonprofit organizations, is also popular among corporate organizations. In the words of John Carver, who, again, popularized the model over the past 20 years, this model is a “rigorous academic approach to a practice area that has had very little research over the years.” The Carver Model addresses two fundamental concerns: the board defining the organization’s goals, and creating policies by which the board and management team must abide. The board’s prominent role is to create policy to guide management and also guide the board in its governance work. John Carver suggests that, under this model, a competent board chair member should have the freedom to take action in the area of governance.

Challenges in this governance model arise when the board focuses its time on building policy rather than actually attending to other pressing responsibilities. While creating policy (such as how many meetings to implement a year) is helpful to create structure, and can potentially protect the board and organization, this model doesn’t always help to establish clear expectations or ways to measure success. This model works best when an organization looks beyond policy and creates a comprehensive strategic business plan and budget.

Every great organization creates and implements a strategic plan that aligns with their Board of Directors’ vision for the future. Learn more about IHN HR’s Strategic Planning Processes here:

For-Profit Organizations

Higher Education and Nonprofit Organizations


Less Common Board Governance Models

The Cortex Board Governance Model

Under the Cortex Board Governance Model, developed by John Por of Toronto, the board focuses on clients, community, legislation and best practices of similar organizations, so they can define the standards they wish to adhere to in their own organization. The board’s main role under this model is to clarify and set outcomes, so they can measure success. The board may set up an accountability framework, identifying which roles the board, CEO, staff or other members should assume. This model helps ensure transparency and accountability, as it helps organizations establish clear outcomes and measurements of success. Challenges with this model arise, however, when board members don’t fully understand the business and must rely on the management team to do much of the research. This model can also be tricky when organizations do not implement mechanisms or report structures to measure performance against new outcomes. However, these things can be developed over time. Focusing on what is important, versus what is convenient, is key for organizations that use this model.

Consensus Model

The Consensus Model, alternatively known as the Process Model, stems from the idea that all board members are equal, with an equal vote, responsibility accountability and liability for decision making. This model recognizes, however, that board members offer different areas of expertise, knowledge and wisdom. Under this model, board members must decide how issues will be discussed, how differences of opinion will be handled, and how members will reach a consensus on timeliness and agenda management. Many small, family-owned businesses or corporations with no shareholders use this governance model. Challenges arise when roles remain undefined, necessitating that issues must be sorted out among the CEO and board members. When disagreements arise under this model, board members often turn to Robert’s Rules of Order or the Parliamentary Rules of Order for guidance.

Competency Board Governance Model

The Competency Board Governance Model, sometimes referred to as the Skills/Practices Model, is also used in organizations. This model focuses on development, and ensures that all board members possess appropriate knowledge and skills. Relationships remain a key factor under this model, with special focus on communications and trust. Board members are often assessed to ensure their behavior matches the expectations of the organization, and that they work well together, as a team. While this model is very appealing for many organizations because of its relationship-driven quality, it can run into challenges when clear policy is not implemented. Having an experienced board member mentor newer board members can be an effective strategy.

If this information is new to you, or feels overwhelming, please don’t let it be! Choosing the best board governance model for your nonprofit or for-profit organization doesn’t have to be like pulling teeth. Your organization is unique and one of a kind. Therefore, your model will be as well.

Here are some questions to consider when reevaluating your governance model or establishing one for the first time:

  1. Do we have a clear understanding of the purpose of our organization?
  2. What are our organization’s basic values?
  3. How do we measure our organization’s success?
  4. What are our financial resources, and will these resources be reliable for the next several years?
  5. Do we believe our organization should be run as a cooperative, or a collective? In other words, should staff participate with board members in the governing?
  6. How much time is each board member wiling to devote to the organization?
  7. What is our expectation for board member meeting attendance and commitment?
  8. How will we hold board members accountable?
  9. How useful is each committee we have? Could we eliminate any?
  10. How will we handle disagreement?
  11. How much trust does the board place in the CEO or president?
  12. How satisfied are our current members with board performance?
  13. As board members, to whom do we wish to be accountable?

In the words of John Carver, “A carefully crafted, conceptually rigorous purpose of governance … forms the heart of board effectiveness.”

What is the heartbeat of your organization? What really makes you tick? Remember, it need not be a one size fits all. Your organization is unique, complete with a distinct purpose, vision, skillset and team. Take some time today to ponder which one of these board governance models might work best for you.


Concerned about the Board Governance Model at your organization? The benefits of having a trusted partner to guide you and your team to excellence is invaluable. Contact us today. You—and your employees—will be glad you did.

Rise with us by implementing our high-performance human-resource programs.  E-mail us here.

Mark A. Griffin is president and founder of In HIS Name HR LLC. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter