Are You Generous with Your Employees?

IHN HR High Performance Human Resources

Proverbs 22:9

9The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.

How many companies give thousands away but their employees can’t afford to buy their medical coverage? This happens more than you might realize.

Having worked at a variety of companies, both secular and Christian-owned, has given me the opportunity to witness a similar thread of generosity absurdity. Oftentimes our tendency to be generous involves looking outward to our communities, our nation or other continents. However, we should, as Christian Leaders, look first inward before looking outward.

Take care of your employees and they will take care of their communities

Let me explain in simple terms — help your employees first so they may be prosperous and go forth to help build the Kingdom. Not paying your employees correctly for the sake of having more dollars to give to a foundation, a foreign mission, or local charity is self-defeating. Ultimately, your employees will grow bitter and their fruit will never ripen.

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