Archive for March 6, 2013

Most Employees Are Not Lazy, Just Not Led IHN HR

Most Employees Are Not Lazy, Just Not Led

Nehemiah 6:9

9They were all trying to frighten us, thinking, “Their hands will get too weak for the work, and it will not be completed.”

Have you heard leaders exclaim that the workers of today are just plain lazy; that they are not motivated and have no idea how to put in a day’s work? It is a common complaint heard over and over; some training firms even offer seminars on the topic! We must disagree that all workers are this way. We live in a society that is devoid of leadership, that is incapable and oftentimes unwilling to lead employees to excellence. Rather than turning the work culture to the negative, we should ask ourselves: are we developing a high performing organization?

In high-performing organizations, in Christ-honoring organizations, leaders lead and dream big. They have a Vision, Mission, and Values in place for the company. When you have these in place and properly integrated, you:

  • memorialize your standards
  • provide guiding principles in all you do
  • make your values easily understood by employees
  • drive a values-based culture with your customers

Ask yourself whether you have a shared Vision with your people. Are you communicating that Vision of what your company wants to become? Are you creating a culture of inclusion, of truly being a Team? Or are you a company of workers and higher-ups? If you are following these principles to create a shared Vision, Mission and Values, you are building a “Kingdom Minded” Organization.

Help our community of readers

How have you made your Vision, Mission and Values an integral part of doing business? How have you included your employees in the development of these important guiding lights? Do you know of a company who has excelled in this area whose story you can share?